How do I turn off B frame encoding for H264?
When I encode using the dvd_generic.mkv.h264.audiocopy profile I get screen stutter and frame breakup when I encode using H264. Software mode is fine. If I step through the frames using avidemux I can see where a frame is badly composed or appears to be out of sync. In attached zip file frame 455 is out of sync with frame 454 and appears to be a copy of frame 454, (the brown vehicle appears to take a step back then continues).
This only appears to happen on a from of type b, so how do I turn them off?
When I encode using the dvd_generic.mkv.h264.audiocopy profile I get screen stutter and frame breakup when I encode using H264. Software mode is fine. If I step through the frames using avidemux I can see where a frame is badly composed or appears to be out of sync. In attached zip file frame 455 is out of sync with frame 454 and appears to be a copy of frame 454, (the brown vehicle appears to take a step back then continues).
This only appears to happen on a from of type b, so how do I turn them off?