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Issue with movies being truncated

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    Apple TV shares an issue common to all mp4 profiles that use AAC audio. The default audio bit rate is set at 448 kbps which prevents the encode from completion. From the edit screen click the audio channel (lower left) select stereo it will change back to Dolby ProLogic II then select 160 kbps and give that a try.
    See this post, different mp4 profile but uses AAC audio so it applies:
    How to post the internal log

    Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
    Albert Einstein


      It works!

      Thank you for the tip. I successfully ripped one of the movies on my list and will work my way through the rest of them.

      I'm a novice at this and don't understand the import of many of the options.

      Thanks again.


        You bet! I think that will clear up the problem for you.
        How to post the internal log

        Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
        Albert Einstein


          That resolution that you gave to the other person may have worked for me also as I did not try to change anything from default.

          Unfortunately I can't try it because my trial has expired.

          Is there any way to get a license extension?



            Short of formatting your hard drive and reinstalling Windows I know of no way.
            How to post the internal log

            Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
            Albert Einstein


              Well with the trial expired I suppose I'll have to look at something else as I can't test any type of resolution.



                I have had the same problem. I didn't see this thread. Here is my post

                In short when I read avi as specified in that thread with VNC I get an AVI is broken message and asks me if I want to fix it. I say yes and it works and I can watch it. But it does not save the fix.

                This problem just crept into the software since the version. I have had other problems with that version but not the broken index.

                My fix is I rip everything in the last version 7 I have. I never get rid of it.

                Everything is working fine there.

