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mkv.remux blocks with 2 audio tracks

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    DVD Ripper mkv.remux blocks with 2 audio tracks


    I'm trying to rip a DVD to mkv (no compression, only mkv remux).
    When I select only one audio track, the mux operation works well.
    When I select two audio tracks (this is possible in while it was not in, the mux operatoin blocks at the very beginning and nothing happens.

    Here is the internal log contents when it fails :

    0m 20.21s: info: create config(0)
    0m 20.21s: info: convert profile(mkv.remux)
    0m 20.21s: info: dvd playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->12),3D(0)
    0m 20.21s: info: streams((480.1)(129.1)(130.1))
    0m 20.24s: info: create stream(1-0), unit_size(327680), unit_count(150), memory_size(46.875)MB
    0m 21.27s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(10485760), unit_count(500), memory_size(904)MB
    0m 23.30s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(3840), unit_count(125), memory_size(0.460938)MB
    0m 23.30s: info: create stream(2-2), unit_size(10485760), unit_count(500), memory_size(904)MB

    After a freeze like this, it seems that DVDFab is in some kind of corrupted state since it is not even able to mux with single audio track... need to restart the application to clean the situation.

    Thanks for you help !


    Hi mspeder,
    We have found this issue and will fix it asap.
    Thanks for your support.


      Two other issues with mkv.remux in

      Hi Terry,

      That's great news indeed !
      May I ask if after the fix I will still be able to select two audio tracks ? It would be such a great feature !
      If there a version somewhere with the fix I will be very happy to try it of course...

      During my testing I just found a bunch of other issues :

      First, another strange behavior but this time with subpictures.

      If I go thru DVD Ripper "to MKV", profile mkv.remux :
      - GUI shows "checkboxes" and not "radio buttons" for subtitles but I can still only select one subtitle [Issue 1]
      - When I go to "edit", in the subpicture menu I only have "Extract to idx"

      If I go thru DVD Ripper "Generic", profile mkv.remux :
      - GUI still shows checkboxes but this time I can select two or more subpictures
      - When I go to "edit", in the subpicture menu, I now have "Extract to idx" and "Remux into file"
      - If I choose "Extract to idx", I end up with one idx file containaing the two languages
      - If I choose "Remux into file" I end up with the same thing : idx file but no remux subpictures into the mkv file [Issue 2]

      Here are the logs for the "remux into file" with 2 subpictures, just in case :

      5m 50.40s: info: create config(0)
      5m 50.40s: info: convert profile(mkv.remux)
      5m 50.40s: info: dvd playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->35),3D(0)
      5m 50.40s: info: streams((480.1)(128.1)(32.1)(33.1))
      5m 50.42s: info: subpicture preset(2), mode(2)
      5m 50.42s: info: subpicture preset(2), mode(2)
      5m 50.42s: info: create stream(1-0), unit_size(327680), unit_count(150), memory_size(46.875)MB
      5m 51.45s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(10485760), unit_count(500), memory_size(904)MB
      5m 53.48s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(3840), unit_count(125), memory_size(0.460938)MB
      5m 53.48s: subpicture(32) mode(2)
      5m 53.48s: info: create stream(5-2), unit_size(8388608), unit_count(1), memory_size(8)MB

      I've also found a DVD which always fails.

      I managed to reduce the iso to contain only the part which fails.
      Conversion is made thru "DVD Ripper to MKV".
      Profile mkv.remux.
      Select title 5(1), Audio French, no Subpicture
      I got an 500.01 error. [Issue 3]

      Error log says :
      22m 51.04s: info: create config(0)
      22m 51.04s: info: convert profile(mkv.remux)
      22m 51.04s: info: dvd playlist(5),angle(1),chapter(1->55),3D(0)
      22m 51.04s: info: streams((480.1)(192.1))
      22m 51.06s: ------ mobile work failed(500.01 2 mkv) ------

      If I choose to reencode the file (for example with profile generic.mkv.h264.mp3) I have no error but the encoding is stuck after 6.53%. [Issue 4]

      Here are the logs :
      40m 12.41s: info: create config(0)
      40m 12.41s: info: convert profile(generic.mkv.h264.mp3)
      40m 12.41s: info: dvd playlist(5),angle(1),chapter(1->55),3D(0)
      40m 12.41s: info: streams((480.2)(192.2))
      40m 12.43s: info: set output video frame_rate(25/1)
      40m 12.44s: info: create stream(1-0), unit_size(327680), unit_count(100), memory_size(31.25)MB
      40m 12.44s: info: create stream(1-0), unit_size(304128), unit_count(210), memory_size(60.9102)MB
      40m 12.44s: info: create stream(1-0), unit_size(304128), unit_count(210), memory_size(60.9102)MB
      40m 12.44s: info: create stream(1-0), unit_size(583200), unit_count(90), memory_size(50.0586)MB
      40m 12.44s: CUDA GPU acceleration for video encoding enabled
      40m 12.44s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(1) level(30) bitrate(1458)
      40m 12.71s: info: create stream(1-0), unit_size(14580), unit_count(100), memory_size(10)MB
      40m 12.71s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(10485760), unit_count(1), memory_size(10)MB
      40m 12.71s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(192000), unit_count(100), memory_size(18.3125)MB
      40m 12.71s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(192000), unit_count(100), memory_size(18.3125)MB
      40m 12.71s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(192000), unit_count(100), memory_size(18.3125)MB
      40m 12.72s: info: create stream(2-1), unit_size(192000), unit_count(50), memory_size(9.15625)MB
      41m 29.79s: sync_filter: not get stream(0) offset, then eos

      I uploaded the failing iso here :

      The download password is : dvd

      Thanks for you help !


