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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) compression speed/ frame rate

    After installing and selecting m2ts audiocopy profile and compressing the bd output file to something smaller I found the frame rate drop to 1fps in rapid time . This was replicated for a mkv .

    Straight m2ts passthrough was normal ie around an hour for my amd 2.3ghz dual core running windows 7/64 with 2gb ram . Had no problem compressing bd's with but for some reason cant revert back this time as I have done previously ;'program must close' comes up and have tried administrator settings .

    Have also tried dvxa acceleration on/off and software settings [all my graphics card handles] and the same thing happens ; shoots up to 12/14fps and rapidly goes back to zilch after a minute or so .Have tried beta and still nowhere near the 6/7 fps I managed before ; the estimated timer times out at 0 00 0 and median info cant register anything Have tried quite a few bd's so its not badly authored discs or anything . Hope this is fixed as rapidly as a dd truehd problem I had

    Please post logs

    Please post your logs the default location is:

    For Win7 C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log
    For Vista C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab\Log
    For XP C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log
    Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.


      Sorry I couldnt edit this better as I was doing straight m2ts conversions and trying to revert to an earlier revision . This example was terminated by me as seemed little point in waiting at 1fps '
      ''Task 1 has been cancelled.: 15:36:26''is all the process log says

      DVDFab (2011/09/02 17:41:13)

      0m 00.85s: Qt Translator file load success

      DVDFab (2011/09/02 17:41:22)

      0m 00.88s: Qt Translator file load success
      0m 01.21s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 0 bluray2bluray 0 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 0 filemover 0
      3m 14.26s: detected blu-ray
      3m 14.28s: drive F
      3m 14.28s: blu-ray type 1
      3m 14.28s: volume label THE DARK KNIGHT
      3m 15.40s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
      3m 17.38s: got discinfo
      3m 18.74s: got bdmv
      3m 18.76s: Vendor: PLEXTOR
      3m 18.76s: Product: BD-ROM PX-B120U
      3m 18.76s: Revision: 1.07
      3m 18.76s: Vendor specific: 2010/08/24 13:36
      3m 18.76s: AACS version: 1
      3m 18.76s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 3
      3m 18.76s: Supports bus encryption: NO
      3m 18.76s: Supports binding nonce generation: NO
      3m 18.76s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
      3m 18.76s: got agid 0
      3m 19.80s: sent host cert chal
      3m 19.82s: got drive cert chal
      3m 19.83s: BEC 0
      3m 19.83s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0128
      3m 21.44s: got drive key
      3m 21.66s: got host key signature
      3m 21.74s: verified drive signature
      3m 21.74s: verified host signature
      3m 23.50s: sent host signature and key point
      3m 23.50s: got bus key
      3m 25.37s: got agid 0
      3m 26.42s: sent host cert chal
      3m 26.49s: got drive cert chal
      3m 26.51s: BEC 0
      3m 26.51s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0128
      3m 28.15s: got drive key
      3m 28.16s: got host key signature
      3m 28.16s: verified drive signature
      3m 28.16s: verified host signature
      3m 29.94s: sent host signature and key point
      3m 29.94s: got bus key
      3m 29.96s: got volume id
      3m 29.97s: got volume id mac
      3m 29.99s: volume id is correct
      3m 29.99s: got vid
      3m 30.18s: blu-ray 2637E7A1C88E2DA3C35C6D4E3B0EE065DFB2F6D0
      3m 31.05s: cert BEE=0x00 same
      3m 32.31s: D 71FBE764
      3m 32.31s: got vuk

      DVDFab (2011/09/02 17:48:58)

      0m 00.85s: Qt Translator file load success
      0m 00.90s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
      0m 55.86s: detected blu-ray
      0m 55.86s: drive F
      0m 55.94s: blu-ray type 1
      0m 55.94s: volume label THE DARK KNIGHT
      0m 57.09s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
      1m 04.92s: got discinfo
      1m 06.26s: got bdmv
      1m 06.34s: Vendor: PLEXTOR
      1m 06.34s: Product: BD-ROM PX-B120U
      1m 06.36s: Revision: 1.07
      1m 06.36s: Vendor specific: 2010/08/24 13:36
      1m 06.37s: AACS version: 1
      1m 06.37s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 3
      1m 06.37s: Supports bus encryption: NO
      1m 06.37s: Supports binding nonce generation: NO
      1m 06.37s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
      1m 06.39s: got agid 0
      1m 07.43s: sent host cert chal
      1m 07.43s: got drive cert chal
      1m 07.43s: BEC 0
      1m 07.43s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0128
      1m 09.09s: got drive key
      1m 09.31s: got host key signature
      1m 09.37s: verified drive signature
      1m 09.38s: verified host signature
      1m 11.16s: sent host signature and key point
      1m 11.16s: got bus key
      1m 13.03s: got agid 0
      1m 14.08s: sent host cert chal
      1m 14.10s: got drive cert chal
      1m 14.10s: BEC 0
      1m 14.14s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0128
      1m 15.76s: got drive key
      1m 15.89s: got host key signature
      1m 15.92s: verified drive signature
      1m 15.92s: verified host signature
      1m 17.68s: sent host signature and key point
      1m 17.68s: got bus key
      1m 17.70s: got volume id
      1m 17.70s: got volume id mac
      1m 17.86s: volume id is correct
      1m 17.87s: got vid
      1m 18.06s: blu-ray 2637E7A1C88E2DA3C35C6D4E3B0EE065DFB2F6D0
      1m 18.93s: cert BEE=0x00 same
      1m 20.15s: D 71FBE764
      1m 20.15s: got vuk
      1m 20.59s: got unit key 1
      1m 28.17s: got extended bdinfo
      1m 28.17s: opened blu-ray
      4m 37.44s:

      ------ begin mobile work(1/1) ------

      4m 37.44s: info: create config(5)
      4m 37.46s: info: convert profile(m2ts.audiocopy.high_quality)
      4m 37.46s: info: bluray playlist(100),angle(0),chapter(1->40),3D(0)
      4m 37.47s: info: streams((4113.2)(4353.1)(4609.1))
      4m 37.47s: info: set output video frame_rate(24000/1001)
      4m 37.47s: info: subpicture preset(4), mode(1)
      4m 37.49s: try to use gpu acceleration(2) for video decoding
      4m 37.49s: DXVA GPU acceleration for video decoding enabled
      4m 38.69s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(22876)
      4m 49.89s: info: processing source(00007.m2ts)
      13m 48.72s: ------ cancel all mobile work -------
      14m 54.18s: detected blu-ray
      14m 54.21s: drive F
      14m 54.24s: blu-ray type 1
      14m 54.24s: volume label THE DARK KNIGHT
      14m 55.30s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
      15m 02.46s: got discinfo
      15m 03.82s: got bdmv
      15m 03.83s: Vendor: PLEXTOR
      15m 03.85s: Product: BD-ROM PX-B120U
      15m 03.86s: Revision: 1.07
      15m 03.86s: Vendor specific: 2010/08/24 13:36
      15m 03.86s: AACS version: 1
      15m 03.86s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 3
      15m 03.86s: Supports bus encryption: NO
      15m 03.86s: Supports binding nonce generation: NO
      15m 03.86s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
      15m 03.88s: got agid 0
      15m 04.91s: sent host cert chal
      15m 04.93s: got drive cert chal
      15m 04.94s: BEC 0
      15m 04.94s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0128
      15m 06.61s: got drive key
      15m 06.63s: got host key signature
      15m 06.63s: verified drive signature
      15m 06.63s: verified host signature
      15m 08.50s: sent host signature and key point
      15m 08.50s: got bus key
      15m 10.37s: got agid 0
      15m 11.42s: sent host cert chal
      15m 11.43s: got drive cert chal
      15m 11.43s: BEC 0
      15m 11.43s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0128
      15m 13.13s: got drive key
      15m 13.15s: got host key signature
      15m 13.15s: verified drive signature
      15m 13.15s: verified host signature
      15m 15.00s: sent host signature and key point
      15m 15.02s: got bus key
      15m 15.02s: got volume id
      15m 15.02s: got volume id mac
      15m 15.02s: volume id is correct
      15m 15.05s: got vid
      15m 15.21s: blu-ray 2637E7A1C88E2DA3C35C6D4E3B0EE065DFB2F6D0
      15m 16.05s: cert BEE=0x00 same
      15m 17.13s: D 71FBE764
      15m 17.13s: got vuk
      15m 17.52s: got unit key 1
      15m 25.02s: got extended bdinfo
      15m 25.05s: opened blu-ray
      16m 20.38s:

      ------ begin mobile work(1/1) ------

      16m 20.43s: info: create config(5)
      16m 20.45s: info: convert profile(m2ts.passthrough)
      16m 20.46s: info: bluray playlist(100),angle(0),chapter(1->40),3D(0)
      16m 20.46s: info: streams((4113.1)(4353.1)(4609.1))
      16m 20.49s: info: subpicture preset(4), mode(1)
      16m 20.51s: info: processing source(00007.m2ts)
      74m 02.11s:

      ------ finish mobile work ------


        Decided to try a 2 pass[ 1st instance of this finishing] with m2ts audiocopy; beta and perversely managed around 3fps so I let it run and after 40 hours or so '2012' was converted.. Its a workaround of sorts until the 1 pass is revitalised

        3m 24.48s: info: create config(5)
        3m 24.48s: info: convert profile(m2ts.audiocopy.high_quality)
        3m 24.48s: info: bluray playlist(632),angle(0),chapter(1->39),3D(0)
        3m 24.50s: info: streams((4113.2)(4352.1)(4621.1))
        3m 24.56s: info: set output video frame_rate(24000/1001)
        3m 24.56s: info: subpicture preset(4), mode(1)
        3m 24.56s: try to use gpu acceleration(2) for video decoding
        3m 24.56s: DXVA GPU acceleration for video decoding enabled
        3m 25.64s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(17517)
        3m 29.69s: info: processing source(00740.m2ts)
        1146m 47.47s: try to use gpu acceleration(2) for video decoding
        1146m 47.54s: DXVA GPU acceleration for video decoding enabled
        1146m 47.70s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(17517)
        1147m 19.26s: info: processing source(00740.m2ts)
        2740m 58.01s:

        ------ finish mobile work ------

