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First Audio track selected after Edit

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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) First Audio track selected after Edit

    I'm experiencing an issue in DVDFab that is driving me mad...

    When I load a disc into Blu-Ray ripper, it will obligingly automatically select the first English track in the list of available audio, if English happens to not be the first. But if I select the title for EDIT, e.g. to change the file name, when you come out of edit DVDFab has changed the selection to the first on the list. It doesn't matter whether DVDFab originally selected something other than the first track, or I manually selected one myself, it always goes back to track one after Edit. Similar things happen with DVD ripping.

    I don't know how many discs I've ripped into German or Japanese recently due to this (and consequently reripped), it's driving me nuts.

    I don't know when it first started, I don't think it used to do this, I think it was probably around the first QT release, but it definitely does it with and

    Hi steamhead,
    Go to Common Settings-> Streams-> Audio, select what you want in preselect languages list.
    Enjoy yourself.


      Hmm. Well it WAS already pre-selecting English, it was only when I went into Edit and came out that it swapped to the first on the list (in the case I'm trying at the moment German).

      Now, having made the setting to choose English, and restarted DVDFab like it says it now appears to choose the first on the list regardless of whether it's English or not. But at least now when I change it to English, it stays put after I've been into Edit.

      So I got back into the streams settings and look again, no language shows on the right. So I set it again, restart and this time it works. Both preselecting English AND staying put on that language after edit.

      Wondering if I'd imagined the bad behaviour after EDIT I went back into settings and reset to DEFAULT (PS that's a dangerous/annoying design as it sets ALL the options to default, not just the tab you're on and gives you no option to confirm or indication it's about to wipe the lot). When I restarted DVDFab the bad behaviour was back, preselecting English even if it wasn't first on the list, but resetting to the first on the list after I've been into edit.

      Then I went back in to add English to the preselected stream and this time it stayed put, preselecting English after the restart.

      So though thanks to Terry5 I have a fix for my annoyance (thanks very much), there's still a couple of screwy things going on that could do with attention -
      1. Default behaviour resets to the first audio track after edit regardless of what was selected, whether preselected or manually selected (easily reproduceable).
      2. The very first time you select a stream in the settings if fixes the reset after edit problem, but always preselects the first (this I can't reproduce again without a virgin machine).

      Oh and reset to defaults could do with a warning and confirm.


        So much for thinking the problem has gone away. One restart of DVDFab later, despite having English as the preselected language the software is back to preselecting the right language, but reverting to the first one on the list after edit.

        Definitely something that needs fixing here.


          I've finally figured out what's going off here and why sometimes it appears to be working correctly, and sometimes not.

          It all depends on where the highlighted row is in the audio stream pane before you click edit. So the second row can be "selected", but if the first row is where the "highlight" is, when you click Edit the highlighted row is then selected on exit from Edit. As most of the time the first row is highlighted when you select a title, regardless of which audio stream is actually selected, the EDIT process is causing a shift to select the first row most of the time.

          So I'm guessing there's something in the UI code that is sending a click event into the audio stream pane when you exit edit. It's easy enough to prove by moving the highlight to any row in the audio stream pane and watching what happens after you click on EDIT and then OK.

          Most of the time this isn't a problem, but when the first stream on the list isn't your native language it's really annoying, especially on a Blu-ray rip to find out hours later that you need to do it again.


            In common settings/audio make sure this box did not get checked some how:
            Attached Files
            How to post the internal log

            Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
            Albert Einstein


              Yes it's definitely NOT that, I've checked that it isn't checked. But it's NOT preselection that is the issue here. The right audio track always gets preselected, it's what happens after preselection, when you then go into edit and come back out that is the problem.

              What is happening is that regardless of what audio track is selected after pressing EDIT and then OK to come back out of edit, wherever the audio track highlight was before you went into EDIT then gets selected. So you could have selected the second on the list, move the highlight cursor to the 5th on the list (but not select). press EDIT then OK and hey presto the 5th audio stream is now selected. It only seems like it might be connected to the option to automatically pre-select the 1st audio stream because most of the time the highlight cursor sits on the first audio stream, even if the correct audio stream (which wasn't the first) has been preselected.


                I've checked back with version and it behaves properly at that release, so I suspect the problem was introduced with QT.

                Any estimate on when it will be fixed?


                  Just downloaded and check with and the same problem is exhibited in that release as well.

