Using dvdfab and making a perfect clone of all my bd`s, but i would like to convert them to mkv to save space. Keeping the movie and audio untouched, and mkv remux is the way to go i presume. Here is no compression that`s the whole point.
Using this i get a mkv file, there is a lot of softwears that do this. Someone said don`t use dvdfab. But i did and the end resault is perfect, i tried other ones two but can`t see a differance. With this option i get a perfect working mkv not any less quality then others i would think. The file works great, but when i mux in the subs and used other softwear the file works but when changing chapter or moving the marker the file responds slow. But at first ripp the file is mint.
Using dvdfab and making a perfect clone of all my bd`s, but i would like to convert them to mkv to save space. Keeping the movie and audio untouched, and mkv remux is the way to go i presume. Here is no compression that`s the whole point.
Using this i get a mkv file, there is a lot of softwears that do this. Someone said don`t use dvdfab. But i did and the end resault is perfect, i tried other ones two but can`t see a differance. With this option i get a perfect working mkv not any less quality then others i would think. The file works great, but when i mux in the subs and used other softwear the file works but when changing chapter or moving the marker the file responds slow. But at first ripp the file is mint.