Hi all, I'm trying to perform a lossless mp4 BD rip utilising the passthrough profile. The only thing I change is 'File Name' and 'Title' on the Information tab in Advanced settings. When I use mkv.passthrough all is well however when I use mp4.passthrough it fails. Can anyone shed any light on what this may be? Below is the internal log showing a happy mkv.passthrough and then afterwards the failed mp4.passthrough. Please let me know if any other information is required.
Thanks in advance
----- 8< ------
DVDFab (2013/01/27 20:13:44)
0m 00.01s: Start preload dll...
0m 00.05s: Load dll successful.
0m 00.05s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 00.10s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 00.10s: Windows os type is: 14.
0m 00.10s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.16s: GPUAccelerate: 851973
0m 00.16s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 00.16s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 00.16s: Graphics info: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 : :
0m 00.17s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.19s: Start get sys number.
0m 00.20s: Serial number is: 80-ee-73-1b-6c-6c
0m 00.20s: Reg URL link is:
0m 00.20s: Version is: 9023
0m 00.20s: Product is: 2
0m 00.20s: Connect type is: 0
0m 01.09s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: 21:8260762964
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: 22:8260762964
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: OV:9022
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: BV:9018
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: S:10c0abd0ff8cff59e6139ff7506caa70
0m 01.19s: End check info.
0m 01.20s: Load config successful.
0m 01.29s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 01.29s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
0m 01.30s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
0m 01.30s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
0m 01.30s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
0m 04.61s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 04.62s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
0m 04.74s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 04.95s: opening drive Z
0m 04.95s: opened i/o
0m 04.96s: got media type 15
0m 05.37s: got max lba 23914463
0m 06.45s: got disc type 20
0m 06.46s: type Blu-ray BDMV
0m 06.46s: volume label REVENGE_OF_THE_SITH
0m 06.49s: internal path Z:/BDMV/
0m 06.57s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
0m 07.56s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 12.20s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
0m 12.31s: got discinfo
0m 12.43s: got bdmv
0m 12.44s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
0m 12.44s: Product: BD-RE BH10LS38
0m 12.44s: Revision: 1.01
0m 12.44s: Vendor specific:
0m 12.45s: AACS version: 1
0m 12.45s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
0m 12.45s: Supports bus encryption: YES
0m 12.45s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
0m 12.45s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
0m 12.45s: got agid 0
0m 12.47s: sent host cert chal
0m 12.47s: got drive cert chal
0m 12.47s: BEC 1
0m 12.47s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
0m 12.49s: got drive key
0m 12.50s: got host key signature
0m 12.50s: verified drive signature
0m 12.50s: verified host signature
0m 12.52s: sent host signature and key point
0m 12.52s: got bus key
0m 12.54s: got agid 0
0m 12.55s: sent host cert chal
0m 12.55s: got drive cert chal
0m 12.56s: BEC 1
0m 12.56s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
0m 12.58s: got drive key
0m 12.58s: got host key signature
0m 12.58s: verified drive signature
0m 12.58s: verified host signature
0m 12.60s: sent host signature and key point
0m 12.61s: got bus key
0m 12.61s: got volume id
0m 12.61s: got volume id mac
0m 12.61s: volume id is correct
0m 12.62s: got vid
0m 12.72s: blu-ray 835FBB1B42FA1959AB4FE809BCB50D1B1121D9F1
0m 13.20s: cert BEE=0x00 same
0m 14.91s: D C2A5F2A8
0m 47.51s: got vuk
0m 47.51s: got fut
0m 47.84s: got agid 0
0m 47.85s: sent host cert chal
0m 47.86s: got drive cert chal
0m 47.86s: BEC 1
0m 47.86s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
0m 47.88s: got drive key
0m 47.88s: got host key signature
0m 47.88s: verified drive signature
0m 47.89s: verified host signature
0m 47.91s: sent host signature and key point
0m 47.91s: got bus key
0m 47.91s: got data key
0m 48.00s: got unit key 7
1m 14.19s: got extended bdinfo
1m 14.19s: opened blu-ray
3m 39.14s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper register status.
3m 39.15s: End check Blu-ray Ripper register status: Enable
3m 39.15s: OPList at BD Ripper : (4113.1),(4352.1),(4353.1),(4358.1),(4359.1),(4608 .16),(4617.16),(4618.16),(4635.16),(4636.16)
3m 39.15s: Blu-ray ripper check watermark flag: 0
3m 39.15s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
3m 39.16s: info: create config(bluray2video)
3m 39.16s: info: use profile(mkv.passthrough)
3m 39.16s: info: bluray playlist(800),angle(1),chapter(1->51),BDAV(no)
3m 39.16s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
3m 39.18s: info: [Video]stream(4113) codec(h264) opcode(copy)
3m 39.18s: info: [Audio]stream(4352) codec(dca) opcode(copy)
3m 39.19s: info: [Audio]stream(4353) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
3m 39.19s: info: [Audio]stream(4358) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
3m 39.19s: info: [Audio]stream(4359) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
3m 39.19s: info: SubMode(Extract) -- Display only forced subpicture(false)
3m 39.19s: info: [Sub]stream(4608) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.20s: info: [Sub]stream(4617) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.20s: info: [Sub]stream(4618) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.20s: info: [Sub]stream(4635) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.20s: info: [Sub]stream(4636) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.21s: info: processing source(00300.m2ts)
3m 44.21s: Analyze >> Find Forced Subtitle Stream! >> PID( 4608 ) - Language( English ) - First Time At( timestamp: 00:00:11:303 )
4m 29.53s: info: processing source(00301.m2ts)
49m 40.80s: ------------------ convert work finished ------------------
50m 46.90s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper register status.
50m 46.91s: End check Blu-ray Ripper register status: Enable
50m 46.95s: OPList at BD Ripper : (4113.1),(4352.1),(4353.1),(4358.1),(4359.1),(4608 .32),(4617.32),(4618.32),(4635.32),(4636.32)
50m 46.95s: Blu-ray ripper check watermark flag: 0
50m 46.95s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
50m 46.95s: info: create config(bluray2video)
50m 46.95s: info: use profile(mp4.passthrough)
50m 46.96s: info: bluray playlist(800),angle(1),chapter(1->51),BDAV(no)
50m 46.96s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
50m 46.96s: info: [Video]stream(4113) codec(h264) opcode(copy)
50m 46.96s: info: [Audio]stream(4352) codec(dca) opcode(copy)
50m 46.96s: info: [Audio]stream(4353) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
50m 46.97s: info: [Audio]stream(4358) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
50m 46.97s: info: [Audio]stream(4359) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
50m 46.97s: info: SubMode(Mux) -- Display only forced subpicture(false)
50m 46.97s: info: [Sub]stream(4608) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.97s: info: [Sub]stream(4617) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.97s: info: [Sub]stream(4618) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.98s: info: [Sub]stream(4635) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.98s: info: [Sub]stream(4636) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.99s: info: processing source(00300.m2ts)
50m 52.00s: Analyze >> Find Forced Subtitle Stream! >> PID( 4608 ) - Language( English ) - First Time At( timestamp: 00:00:11:303 )
51m 37.26s: info: processing source(00301.m2ts)
52m 18.55s: error: filter name(native_mux), type(128), id(12), get module_error(module_mux_mp4 error_write_audio_sample)
52m 21.18s: error: convert work failed(%)
----- 8< ------
There are 10 types of people.
Those who understand binary and those who don't
Thanks in advance

----- 8< ------
DVDFab (2013/01/27 20:13:44)
0m 00.01s: Start preload dll...
0m 00.05s: Load dll successful.
0m 00.05s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 00.10s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 00.10s: Windows os type is: 14.
0m 00.10s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.16s: GPUAccelerate: 851973
0m 00.16s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 00.16s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 00.16s: Graphics info: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 : :
0m 00.17s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.19s: Start get sys number.
0m 00.20s: Serial number is: 80-ee-73-1b-6c-6c
0m 00.20s: Reg URL link is:
0m 00.20s: Version is: 9023
0m 00.20s: Product is: 2
0m 00.20s: Connect type is: 0
0m 01.09s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: 21:8260762964
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: 22:8260762964
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: OV:9022
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: BV:9018
0m 01.10s: Parse string is: S:10c0abd0ff8cff59e6139ff7506caa70
0m 01.19s: End check info.
0m 01.20s: Load config successful.
0m 01.29s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 01.29s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
0m 01.30s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
0m 01.30s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
0m 01.30s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
0m 04.61s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 04.62s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
0m 04.74s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 04.95s: opening drive Z
0m 04.95s: opened i/o
0m 04.96s: got media type 15
0m 05.37s: got max lba 23914463
0m 06.45s: got disc type 20
0m 06.46s: type Blu-ray BDMV
0m 06.46s: volume label REVENGE_OF_THE_SITH
0m 06.49s: internal path Z:/BDMV/
0m 06.57s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
0m 07.56s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 12.20s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
0m 12.31s: got discinfo
0m 12.43s: got bdmv
0m 12.44s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
0m 12.44s: Product: BD-RE BH10LS38
0m 12.44s: Revision: 1.01
0m 12.44s: Vendor specific:
0m 12.45s: AACS version: 1
0m 12.45s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
0m 12.45s: Supports bus encryption: YES
0m 12.45s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
0m 12.45s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
0m 12.45s: got agid 0
0m 12.47s: sent host cert chal
0m 12.47s: got drive cert chal
0m 12.47s: BEC 1
0m 12.47s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
0m 12.49s: got drive key
0m 12.50s: got host key signature
0m 12.50s: verified drive signature
0m 12.50s: verified host signature
0m 12.52s: sent host signature and key point
0m 12.52s: got bus key
0m 12.54s: got agid 0
0m 12.55s: sent host cert chal
0m 12.55s: got drive cert chal
0m 12.56s: BEC 1
0m 12.56s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
0m 12.58s: got drive key
0m 12.58s: got host key signature
0m 12.58s: verified drive signature
0m 12.58s: verified host signature
0m 12.60s: sent host signature and key point
0m 12.61s: got bus key
0m 12.61s: got volume id
0m 12.61s: got volume id mac
0m 12.61s: volume id is correct
0m 12.62s: got vid
0m 12.72s: blu-ray 835FBB1B42FA1959AB4FE809BCB50D1B1121D9F1
0m 13.20s: cert BEE=0x00 same
0m 14.91s: D C2A5F2A8
0m 47.51s: got vuk
0m 47.51s: got fut
0m 47.84s: got agid 0
0m 47.85s: sent host cert chal
0m 47.86s: got drive cert chal
0m 47.86s: BEC 1
0m 47.86s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
0m 47.88s: got drive key
0m 47.88s: got host key signature
0m 47.88s: verified drive signature
0m 47.89s: verified host signature
0m 47.91s: sent host signature and key point
0m 47.91s: got bus key
0m 47.91s: got data key
0m 48.00s: got unit key 7
1m 14.19s: got extended bdinfo
1m 14.19s: opened blu-ray
3m 39.14s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper register status.
3m 39.15s: End check Blu-ray Ripper register status: Enable
3m 39.15s: OPList at BD Ripper : (4113.1),(4352.1),(4353.1),(4358.1),(4359.1),(4608 .16),(4617.16),(4618.16),(4635.16),(4636.16)
3m 39.15s: Blu-ray ripper check watermark flag: 0
3m 39.15s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
3m 39.16s: info: create config(bluray2video)
3m 39.16s: info: use profile(mkv.passthrough)
3m 39.16s: info: bluray playlist(800),angle(1),chapter(1->51),BDAV(no)
3m 39.16s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
3m 39.18s: info: [Video]stream(4113) codec(h264) opcode(copy)
3m 39.18s: info: [Audio]stream(4352) codec(dca) opcode(copy)
3m 39.19s: info: [Audio]stream(4353) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
3m 39.19s: info: [Audio]stream(4358) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
3m 39.19s: info: [Audio]stream(4359) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
3m 39.19s: info: SubMode(Extract) -- Display only forced subpicture(false)
3m 39.19s: info: [Sub]stream(4608) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.20s: info: [Sub]stream(4617) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.20s: info: [Sub]stream(4618) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.20s: info: [Sub]stream(4635) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.20s: info: [Sub]stream(4636) codec(pgssub) opcode(extract) language(English)
3m 39.21s: info: processing source(00300.m2ts)
3m 44.21s: Analyze >> Find Forced Subtitle Stream! >> PID( 4608 ) - Language( English ) - First Time At( timestamp: 00:00:11:303 )
4m 29.53s: info: processing source(00301.m2ts)
49m 40.80s: ------------------ convert work finished ------------------
50m 46.90s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper register status.
50m 46.91s: End check Blu-ray Ripper register status: Enable
50m 46.95s: OPList at BD Ripper : (4113.1),(4352.1),(4353.1),(4358.1),(4359.1),(4608 .32),(4617.32),(4618.32),(4635.32),(4636.32)
50m 46.95s: Blu-ray ripper check watermark flag: 0
50m 46.95s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
50m 46.95s: info: create config(bluray2video)
50m 46.95s: info: use profile(mp4.passthrough)
50m 46.96s: info: bluray playlist(800),angle(1),chapter(1->51),BDAV(no)
50m 46.96s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
50m 46.96s: info: [Video]stream(4113) codec(h264) opcode(copy)
50m 46.96s: info: [Audio]stream(4352) codec(dca) opcode(copy)
50m 46.96s: info: [Audio]stream(4353) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
50m 46.97s: info: [Audio]stream(4358) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
50m 46.97s: info: [Audio]stream(4359) codec(ac3) opcode(copy)
50m 46.97s: info: SubMode(Mux) -- Display only forced subpicture(false)
50m 46.97s: info: [Sub]stream(4608) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.97s: info: [Sub]stream(4617) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.97s: info: [Sub]stream(4618) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.98s: info: [Sub]stream(4635) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.98s: info: [Sub]stream(4636) codec(pgssub) opcode(remux) language(English)
50m 46.99s: info: processing source(00300.m2ts)
50m 52.00s: Analyze >> Find Forced Subtitle Stream! >> PID( 4608 ) - Language( English ) - First Time At( timestamp: 00:00:11:303 )
51m 37.26s: info: processing source(00301.m2ts)
52m 18.55s: error: filter name(native_mux), type(128), id(12), get module_error(module_mux_mp4 error_write_audio_sample)
52m 21.18s: error: convert work failed(%)
----- 8< ------
There are 10 types of people.
Those who understand binary and those who don't
