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3d different types of ripping help

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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) 3d different types of ripping help

    I have been looking at doing my bluray rips SBS
    I know there is SBS, OU,
    I would like to know if there's another option in dvdfab
    I tried prometheus 3D and had a 43gb file that had and looked great
    I then ripped the bluray disc SBS and it looked worse
    the depth wasnt there and the type on the screen didnt stand out like the file I had
    Also the file ripped at 100% was 31gb
    I have other files that are great 3D but dont know how they were ripped

    I am ripping to iso SBS
    I like the 3D effect of titles I have seen that have a double image and my tv picks them up automatically where SBS doesnt

    Is there away to rip 3d movies in the double image format or is that the way they are originally made

    A newbie here
    thanks for any help

    You want to make a full 3d movie you can reduce it to fit on a 25 gig disk and still have full 3d here's how.

    How to make a 3d disk.

    First make sure Fab burning engine is selected in Fabs software settings.
    Download vitural drive from fabs front page

    Second-Take store brought 3d blu-ray make sure its clean no fingerprints,dust dirt or scratches this is a important step so clean disk even if it looks clean.

    Third-Put store brought disk in burner and clone disk to hard drive using blu-ray copy select clone or burn in version 9.This makes a 50 gig exact copy minus the copy protection and is put in Fabs folder named clone.

    Forth-Take this file and load in virtual drive and select Blu-ray copy You can make a 50 or a 25 gig full disk,main movie full 3d or side by side (Data file in 3d).The full disk includes everything on disk, the main movie is just the main movie both can be made in full 3d meaning 1080p in each eye the same as the store brought disk is.

    The side by side is not a blu-ray but 1080 in one eye with the other eye less resolution.They can be put on blu-ray disks(25 gigs) or compressed and put on single or 2 layer regular dvds at 1080p or less resolutions.

    Advantage is you don't need a 3d blu-ray player to play a side by side movie just need a 3d tv or 3d monitor and a regular blu ray player for 25 gig disks or if compressing to less than 25 gig with blu-ray main movie then a regular dvd player can play side by side 3d if it supports the format.Newer one's may.

    I think all blu-ray players will support side by side.Your 3d tv must also support side by side most do..If you make just the main movie you can compress side by side to any size disk or any resolution.The 3d effects are the same.They also look great even compressed to 8.5 gig 2 layer disks on a large screen tv.Your pushing it on 4.5 gig regular dvd's but it can be done it is highly compressed maybe kids won't know the difference.

    Now at the bottom of the page there's a small box that says 50 gig that's the default setting and is a drop down box when clicked here you select 25 gigs if you want a 25 gig disk.This is for full disk full 3d.Hit start and several hours later fab makes and burns a 3d movie for you.

    For main movie full 3d you select this first in blu-ray copy then you can take out sound tracks you don't want and choice which subtitles you want to copy or don't select any if you don't want any then check the 25 gig box on the bottom of page and hit next it brings you to the 3d page their 3d is already selected for you this will make a full 3d disk.Just make sure that little box at the bottom of the page that 25 gig is selected if not you get a 50 gig copy uncompressed.If you want a side by side you select it here instead of the pre checked full 3d copy.

    Now put a blank 25 gig in your burner drive fab will take it from here and compress the movie and do the burn for you if the disk is in the drive.If you don't have the disk in the drive the disk can be burned later by putting the new made 22-24 gig compressed 3d folder (that should be in full disk or main movie folders in the Fab program files)load it in virtual drive and select write data or burn in version 9 and burn the disk always make sure you do this with Fabs burning engine that gets set in software before you even make the 50 gig iso from the store brought disk or you won't get a 3d disk Fabs burning engine burns the 3d files on the disk.

    Img burn can do this only if you made a 25gig iso during the compression stage so only if you made a 25 gig ISO can you use img burn to do the burn.

    It's better to compress and burn in the Fab program all at once.When you start going to other programs to do the burn they may have higher burn speeds that's a bad thing burning the disk too fast Leeds to a lot of problems and reason it won't play in other players.When setting burn speed set to auto or one half disk speed to make a disk that plays well on other players.

    Fabs program files is where the log files are under log, their Fab records each step of the process in case something goes wrong if so you can cut and paste the log file for the movie you just done and put it in a post so staff or user's can look at them to see if their are errors or fab bugs to be fixed it's a great help when something goes wrong.The newest made file is the last one at the bottom all files for all disks made are here unless you delete them.If using img burn to burn a 3d iso they also have a log file should something go wrong post its log file.

    Their is another file called the burn log this file tells a lot about the burner you used we can check to see if your burner software is out of date.

    How to make a side by side 3d movie from a regular 3d blu ray using Fab version 9

    Use blu ray copy to make a iso copy from store brought disk to hard drive.Then open blu ray ripper
    load iso movie in ripper
    click profile box (lower left corner)
    click 3d format (upper bars)
    click m2ts (left side)
    Were going to double click the (3d m2ts audio copy normal profile) last profile on right.
    Now click on advanced settings
    under video (top bar)
    Under video quality make your choice, high quality for bigger more detailed file's, normal file for medium size file's and small for the same.You can also fool around with custom size and adjust the bit rate and file size yourself.

    Now click on 3d (top bar) look to the left side both split screen and left & right side by side should be checked the circle should be green.
    click ok
    click start and your good to go.Their are other ways and choices to make to do this but this should give you a good starting point.

    If you look at the preview the movie should be playing frame by frame and you should see 2 pictures side by side playing in the preview box this is correct and will play in 3d when your done.The TV must then be put in 3d mode side by side to view this file or disk in 3d.

    If you make the file smaller to fit a dvd 9- 8.5 gig disk or dvd 5 disk most newer regular non 3d dvd players will play these data file disks no need for a 3d blu ray player unless you make the file on a blu ray disks.File size is what tells you what size disk to record these on and what kind of player you will need.

    You will always need a 3d TV to view these that can do side by side 3d most can.Viewing on a non 3d tv or a 3d tv until you put it in 3d side by side mode will result in two side by side pictures.The TV put's them together to make a 3d picture.

    Don't make side by sides over and under for most tv's that cuts resolution.
    Last edited by glenns; 07-24-2013, 05:15 AM.


      thankyou for the reply
      I have done that fine.
      The thing is there is SBS and OU but I have 2 files that are neither.
      The tv auto picks them up as 3D
      Its not the old red/blue analgraph type but like a slightly double image
      the 3D effect is much better then SBS
      One title is WRATH OF THE TITANS by warner brothers I think
      I was wondering if its the way 3D was done like this or if a program encoded it this way
      I did rip my prometheus 3D SBS with dvdfab no compression but looked not as good as what someone else done--the rip someone else was 43gb dvdfab did 31gb
      I dont know how the 43gb file was ripped


        Ok I have done some searching and found the other 3D is stereoscopic.
        On WRATH OF THE TITANS the 3D was done post to the film.It wasnt a film shot in 3D. The effects an 3D image is great.
        This is why my tv auto selects the 3D being stereoscopic.
        Avatar was shot in stereoscopic 3D too.
        I am thinking of just ripping 3D bluray as the disc is instead of converting to SBS.
        I will try out different ways to see what is better way of ripping.
        It might be different for different movies how they are done and more importantly how our players will play them.Just seems so many ways 3d is done.

