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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) Doesn't show whole Title

    Star Trek - The Original Series in Blu-Ray has two copies of each episode on the disks. Prior versions listed them as xxxx.Title3(1) and xxxx.Title3(2). One copy is a graphically enhanced version and the other copy is the original version. only lists Title3 twice with no way to distinguish which is which, and since there are ten episode per disk, that make s them hard to sort out. A meesage popped up the first time saying they were multi-angle disks, which they are not. Is this the expected behavior?

    Originally posted by 1611kjb View Post
    Star Trek - The Original Series in Blu-Ray has two copies of each episode on the disks. Prior versions listed them as xxxx.Title3(1) and xxxx.Title3(2). One copy is a graphically enhanced version and the other copy is the original version. only lists Title3 twice with no way to distinguish which is which, and since there are ten episode per disk, that make s them hard to sort out. A meesage popped up the first time saying they were multi-angle disks, which they are not. Is this the expected behavior?
    As an added note, there is no longer a checkbox that lets you "Select All", you have to select each one individually and, if you do select each one, xxx.Title3(2) automatically overwrites xxx.Title(1) [because the (1) and (2) are not captured] and thus you cannot get both titles or even figure out which one it is you want until after ripping and viewing.


      Originally posted by 1611kjb View Post
      As an added note, there is no longer a checkbox that lets you "Select All", you have to select each one individually and, if you do select each one, xxx.Title3(2) automatically overwrites xxx.Title(1) [because the (1) and (2) are not captured] and thus you cannot get both titles or even figure out which one it is you want until after ripping and viewing.
      Right click on one of the titles and you see a pop up menu with "Select all".



        Noticed the issue and check it ASAP.

        Please post your logs the default location is:
        For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
        For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
        Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
        If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.


