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hardware encode not working

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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) hardware encode not working

    I'm trying to rip a bluray disc. When I have hardware encoding (Intellisync) enabled the ripping process starts but doesn't rip anything (0 fps, 0 time left). If I have hardware encoding disabled (use software) then ripping process starts normally. I'm using the latest version

    Hardware configuration?

    Can you provide some details of the hardware configuration and driver versions, also the DVDFab logs need to be included. BTW, I presume you mean QuickSync (Intel), not Intellisync, since the latter has nothing to do with hardware video encoding.


      Yes, I meant Intel QuickSync, it's my typo.

      I did some further testing and found that this also happened to cuda display card as well. As soon as I click Start, the it prompted Process Failed. Here is the log file:

      03:16:00:072 info: main: The Fabcheck 1,0,4,4 - Sat Sep 06 11:16:00 2014

      03:16:00:091 info: DetectAllVideoCardInfos: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
      03:16:00:093 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: Cards = 1, Enables = 1
      03:16:00:095 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
      03:16:00:112 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - - 3.0
      03:16:00:149 info: gpuGetMaxGflopsGLDeviceIdDRV: device_count - 1 - cuda_api_version = 6000 -
      03:16:00:151 info: gpuGetMaxGflopsGLDeviceIdDRV: bTCC - 0 - computeMode = 0 -
      03:16:00:153 info: gpuGetMaxGflopsGLDeviceIdDRV: major = 3, minor = 0, clockRate = 1071500
      03:16:00:155 info: gpuGetMaxGflopsGLDeviceIdDRV: deviceName - GeForce GTX 760 - benchmark divided by 10000 = 123436 -
      03:16:00:159 info: DetectVideoCard_CUDA: bestCudaDetectInfo 1,0,123436,3,0,GeForce GTX 760
      03:16:00:164 info: fab_check::check_cuda: cudaStatus = 0 , modeType = 120 , devCap = 1
      03:16:00:166 info: fab_check::check_cuda: AcquireWriteBlock OK.
      03:16:00:167 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: nProcessorSignature = 306c3
      03:16:00:170 info: IntelCPUInfo::IsIntelMediaSDKSupport: strCPUBrand = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz
      03:16:00:173 info: fab_check::check_intelcodec: modeType = 0 , b_isQuickSyncVideoIntelCpu = 1
      03:16:00:175 info: main: end


        Intel quicksync

        On a Intel HD graphic 4000 pc, it starts but no error message and no progress. Here is the log:

        0m 00.01s:

        DVDFab (2014/09/05 11:39:18)

        0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled.
        0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish.
        0m 00.01s: App info: 2014-9-4
        0m 00.01s: App info: 9166 Official
        0m 00.01s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled.
        0m 00.01s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled.
        0m 00.01s: Init Qt_Log : disabled.
        0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
        0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success
        0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2.
        0m 00.10s: Fabplay load: preload successful.
        0m 00.17s: Fabplay load: Load successful.
        0m 00.17s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
        0m 00.17s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:/temp/DVDFab9/Log/
        0m 00.18s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ...
        0m 00.29s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful
        0m 00.29s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 4
        0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-851973
        0m 00.29s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-851968, 851968
        0m 00.29s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0
        0m 00.29s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
        0m 00.29s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1
        0m 00.29s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 : :
        0m 00.30s: Init process: Load config failed.
        0m 00.30s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8.
        0m 00.30s: Init process: command line in is
        0m 00.36s: Reg check: Option check status-Failed
        0m 00.36s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:0:0 )-( DVD to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:0:0 )-( File to Mobile:0:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:0:0 )-( File to DVD:0:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:0:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:0:0 )-( 2D to 3D:0:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-
        0m 00.36s: App info: language type ENU.
        0m 00.36s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
        0m 00.36s: Reg check: Serial number is: c8-f7-33-27-4a-e9:c8-f7-33-27-4a-ec:c8-f7-33-27-4a-e8:54-53-ed-1d-56-af
        0m 00.36s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
        0m 00.86s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
        0m 01.93s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
        0m 01.93s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 50:8260762964 )( 20:8260762964 )( 21:8260762964 )( 22:8260762964 )( 200:8260762964 )( OV:9166 )( BV:9165 )( S:f87d76296b3fdd6c715057fd3d924af7
        0m 02.43s: Reg check: thread exit normal.
        0m 02.44s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
        0m 02.44s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:1 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:1 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-
        0m 02.44s: Reg check: connect successful and result code is 1.
        0m 02.44s: Reg check: End check info.
        0m 02.44s: Export Blu-ray source information report : disabled
        0m 02.44s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
        0m 02.48s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
        0m 02.48s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal).
        0m 02.56s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
        0m 03.04s: Burn engine: start init.
        0m 03.04s: Burn engine: set log folder.
        0m 03.04s: DVD: init read settings.
        0m 03.04s: DVD: init write settings.
        0m 03.07s: BD: init read settings.
        0m 03.07s: BD: init write settings.
        0m 03.07s: bd set region A
        0m 03.07s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin.
        0m 03.08s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end.
        0m 03.08s: Burn engine: writer count 1.
        0m 03.08s: Burn engine: 0- D:\ [ASUS SBC-06D2X-U D201 (Usb)].
        0m 03.08s: Burn engine: end init.
        0m 03.85s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
        0m 03.85s: QtLog Mode = false
        0m 03.85s: Show UI Step 2
        0m 04.16s: Show UI Step 3
        0m 04.16s: Start show MainUI.
        0m 04.16s: UI manager: switch to Converter mode.
        0m 05.19s: allow_test : false
        0m 05.24s: Init process: init main ui successful.
        0m 05.27s: Init process: show main ui successful.
        0m 05.27s: DriveX msg: Init driveX D with I/O mode: 0
        0m 05.27s: opening drive D
        0m 05.27s: opened i/o
        0m 05.28s: got media type 15
        0m 07.32s: got max lba 11978143
        0m 11.19s: got disc type 20
        0m 11.20s: type Blu-ray BDMV
        0m 11.20s: volume label s 2013
        0m 11.20s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX D.
        0m 11.20s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX D.
        0m 11.20s: opening drive D
        0m 11.21s: opened i/o
        0m 11.21s: got media type 15
        0m 12.13s: got max lba 11978143
        0m 13.10s: got disc type 20
        0m 13.11s: type Blu-ray BDMV
        0m 13.11s: volume label s 2013
        0m 13.11s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1
        0m 13.12s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1
        0m 13.12s: Source manager: add source id 0.
        0m 13.14s: bd set region ?
        0m 13.14s: Source open statusVD Yes, 2231-10-11
        0m 13.14s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2231-10-11
        0m 13.14s: bd set region ?
        0m 13.14s: internal path D:/BDMV/
        0m 13.14s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
        0m 13.51s: got bdmv
        0m 13.56s: movie name: s 2013
        0m 14.44s: got bdmv
        0m 15.19s: got extended bdinfo
        0m 15.19s: opened blu-ray
        0m 15.22s: Source manager: open successful.
        0m 15.81s: Work manager: create Converter work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0( title 2 ).
        0m 22.24s: ========WorkAttr::SetSource=======
        0m 22.24s: Source Video Size Original : 1920 x 1036
        0m 22.24s: Source Video Size Display : 1920 x 1036
        0m 22.24s: Source Video FPS : 24000 / 1001
        0m 22.25s: Source Video Bitrate : 1200
        0m 22.25s: Source Audio Bitrate : 0
        0m 22.25s: Source Audio Channels : 6
        0m 22.25s: Source Audio Volume : 100
        0m 22.25s: Work Profile : MP4.Default
        0m 22.44s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1
        0m 49.61s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
        0m 49.62s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
        0m 49.62s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
        0m 49.62s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
        0m 49.64s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
        0m 49.64s: UILog:Run current Work.
        0m 49.64s: UILog:Begin work Converter.
        0m 49.65s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
        0m 49.65s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status.
        0m 49.65s: End check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status: Enable
        0m 49.65s: UILog:start running at thread.
        0m 49.65s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
        0m 49.68s: OPList at BD Converter : (4113.2),(4353.2),(4609.32),(4610.32)
        0m 49.68s: Blu-ray Converter (3D Plus) check watermark flag: 0
        0m 50.57s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
        0m 50.57s: start fab process
        0m 50.58s: info: create config(bluray2video)
        0m 50.58s: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=22 bottom=22 enable=1 mode=1
        0m 50.58s: info: use profile(MP4.Default)
        0m 50.58s: info: bluray playlist(2),angle(0),chapter(1->14),BDAV(no)
        0m 50.58s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
        0m 50.59s: info: stream input@ Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) duration(7610)sec opcode(compress)]
        0m 50.59s: info: perset file config OK !
        0m 50.59s: info: set output video frame_rate(24000/1001)
        0m 50.59s: info: stream output Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1036) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) bitrate(11923) duration(7610)sec]
        0m 50.60s: info: stream input@ Audio(4353)[codec(dca) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(0) bitdepth(24) opcode(compress)]
        0m 50.60s: info: stream output Audio(4353)[codec(aac) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(512000) bitdepth(16) opcode(compress)]
        0m 50.60s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
        0m 50.60s: info: stream output SubPicture(4609)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
        0m 50.60s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4610)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
        0m 50.60s: info: stream output SubPicture(4610)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
        0m 50.61s: info: SubMode(Remux) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(false)
        0m 50.61s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
        0m 50.61s: Intel GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
        0m 50.61s: info: bitmap index = 1
        0m 50.61s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(1) level(40) bitrate(11923) crf(-1)


          Try changing AAC sound to ac-3 in advanced settings and retry.
          Attached Files



            Would you please update to the latest version V9167 Beta and try again.

            Please post the new log file if you still get the same issue.
            It should have the details of error code in the log file if converting failed. Please attach the current log file.


            Please post your logs the default location is:
            For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
            For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
            Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
            If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.




              Unfortunately I'm still experiencing problem with 9168. It recognize the Intel card and it started encoding, but no progress. It stays at 0%. Here is the log details:

              0m 00.01s:

              DVDFab (2014/09/13 16:52:49)

              0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled.
              0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish.
              0m 00.01s: App info: 2014-9-13
              0m 00.01s: App info: 9168 Official
              0m 00.01s: Init CrashReportSettings : disabled.
              0m 00.01s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled.
              0m 00.01s: Init Qt_Log : disabled.
              0m 00.09s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
              0m 00.09s: Qt Translator file load success
              0m 00.09s: App info: client type 2.
              0m 00.10s: Fabplay load: preload successful.
              0m 00.18s: Fabplay load: Load successful.
              0m 00.18s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
              0m 00.18s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:/Users/Temp/Log/
              0m 00.18s: info: fab_check_gpu is running ...
              0m 00.30s: info: fab_check_gpu run successful
              0m 00.30s: info: recommand= 851968, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 4
              0m 00.30s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-851973
              0m 00.30s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-851968, 851968
              0m 00.30s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0
              0m 00.30s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
              0m 00.32s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1
              0m 00.32s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 : :
              0m 00.32s: Init process: Load config successful.
              0m 00.32s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 8.
              0m 00.32s: Init process: command line in is
              0m 00.38s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 50:8260762964 )( 20:8260762964 )( 21:8260762964 )( 22:8260762964 )( 200:8260762964 )( OV:9168 )( BV:9167 )( S:d2dcbc6827584ed9a3a4a291ed80603d )
              0m 00.38s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
              0m 00.38s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:1 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:1 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-
              0m 00.38s: App info: language type ENU.
              0m 00.38s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
              0m 00.38s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled
              0m 00.38s: Reg check: Serial number is: c8-f7-33-27-4a-ec:c8-f7-33-27-4a-e9:c8-f7-33-27-4a-e8:54-53-ed-1d-56-af
              0m 00.38s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
              0m 00.38s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
              0m 00.43s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
              0m 00.43s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal).
              0m 00.53s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
              0m 01.09s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
              0m 01.34s: Burn engine: start init.
              0m 01.34s: Burn engine: set log folder.
              0m 01.34s: DVD: init read settings.
              0m 01.34s: DVD: init write settings.
              0m 01.37s: BD: init read settings.
              0m 01.38s: BD: init write settings.
              0m 01.38s: bd set region A
              0m 01.38s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin.
              0m 01.38s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end.
              0m 01.38s: Burn engine: writer count 1.
              0m 01.38s: Burn engine: 0- D:\ [ASUS SBC-06D2X-U D201 (Usb)].
              0m 01.38s: Burn engine: end init.
              0m 02.16s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
              0m 02.16s: QtLog Mode = false
              0m 02.16s: Show ProductsInfo Dlg 3
              0m 02.29s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
              0m 02.29s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:1f4a704ccf882ffdf66e4ebe3b05790a
              0m 02.30s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
              4m 06.83s: Show UI Step 2
              4m 07.29s: Show UI Step 3
              4m 07.29s: Start show MainUI.
              4m 07.29s: UI manager: switch to Converter mode.
              4m 08.28s: allow_test : false
              4m 08.34s: Init process: init main ui successful.
              4m 08.36s: Init process: show main ui successful.
              4m 08.36s: DriveX msg: Init driveX D with I/O mode: 0
              4m 08.37s: opening drive D
              4m 08.37s: opened i/o
              4m 08.37s: got media type 15
              4m 13.11s: got max lba 12024383
              4m 17.09s: got disc type 20
              4m 17.09s: type Blu-ray BDMV
              4m 17.09s: volume label The Next Generation Patlabor E
              4m 17.10s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX D.
              4m 17.10s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX D.
              4m 17.10s: opening drive D
              4m 17.10s: opened i/o
              4m 17.10s: got media type 15
              4m 18.02s: got max lba 12024383
              4m 19.35s: got disc type 20
              4m 19.35s: type Blu-ray BDMV
              4m 19.35s: volume label The Next Generation Patlabor E
              4m 19.35s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1
              4m 19.37s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1
              4m 19.37s: Source manager: add source id 0.
              4m 19.39s: bd set region ?
              4m 19.39s: Source open statusVD Yes, 2231-10-11
              4m 19.39s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2231-10-11
              4m 19.39s: bd set region ?
              4m 19.40s: internal path D:/BDMV/
              4m 19.40s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
              4m 19.86s: got bdmv
              4m 19.92s: movie name: The Next Generation Patlabor E
              4m 21.20s: got bdmv
              4m 24.75s: got extended bdinfo
              4m 24.75s: opened blu-ray
              4m 25.64s: Source manager: open successful.
              4m 26.29s: Work manager: create Converter work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0( title 3 ).
              4m 27.59s: ========WorkAttr::SetSource=======
              4m 27.59s: Source Video Size Original : 1920 x 1080
              4m 27.59s: Source Video Size Display : 1920 x 1080
              4m 27.59s: Source Video FPS : 24000 / 1001
              4m 27.59s: Source Video Bitrate : 1200
              4m 27.59s: Source Audio Bitrate : 0
              4m 27.60s: Source Audio Channels : 6
              4m 27.60s: Source Audio Volume : 100
              4m 27.60s: Work Profile : MP4.Default
              4m 27.77s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 27.77s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 27.78s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 27.78s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 27.79s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 27.79s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 27.81s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1
              4m 48.64s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 48.64s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 48.65s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 48.65s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 48.65s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 48.66s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 48.69s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 48.69s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 58.49s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 58.49s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 58.51s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 58.51s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 59.87s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
              4m 59.88s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 59.88s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 59.90s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
              4m 59.90s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
              4m 59.90s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
              4m 59.90s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
              4m 59.90s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
              4m 59.91s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
              4m 59.91s: UILog:Run current Work.
              4m 59.91s: UILog:Begin work Converter.
              4m 59.91s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
              4m 59.91s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status.
              4m 59.91s: End check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status: Enable
              4m 59.91s: UILog:start running at thread.
              4m 59.91s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
              4m 59.93s: OPList at BD Converter : (4113.2),(4352.2),(4608.32),(4609.32)
              4m 59.93s: Blu-ray Converter (3D Plus) check watermark flag: 0
              5m 00.50s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
              5m 00.50s: start fab process
              5m 00.50s: info: create config(bluray2video)
              5m 00.51s: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
              5m 00.51s: info: use profile(MP4.Default)
              5m 00.51s: info: bluray playlist(3),angle(0),chapter(1->3),BDAV(no)
              5m 00.51s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
              5m 00.52s: info: stream input@ Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) duration(2936)sec opcode(compress)]
              5m 00.52s: info: perset file config OK !
              5m 00.52s: info: set output video frame_rate(24000/1001)
              5m 00.52s: info: stream output Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) bitrate(12430) duration(2936)sec]
              5m 00.52s: info: stream input@ Audio(4352)[codec(truehd) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(640000) bitdepth(24) opcode(compress)]
              5m 00.53s: info: stream output Audio(4352)[codec(aac) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(512000) bitdepth(16) opcode(compress)]
              5m 00.53s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4608)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
              5m 00.53s: info: stream output SubPicture(4608)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
              5m 00.53s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
              5m 00.53s: info: stream output SubPicture(4609)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
              5m 00.53s: info: SubMode(Remux) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(false)
              5m 00.54s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
              5m 00.54s: Intel GPU acceleration for Lightning-Shrink enabled
              5m 00.54s: info: bitmap index = 1
              5m 00.54s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(40) bitrate(12430) crf(-1)
              8m 34.53s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop



                We tried and converting fine with IQS and CUDA GPU.

                Would you please post the whole DVDFab internal log and fab check log files if you still have problem now?

                BTW, did you switch the HD 4000 and GTX 760 with the tool Lucid Virtu MVP?

                Please post your logs the default location is:
                For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
                For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
                Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
                If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.


