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    DVD Ripper ISO to MP4 RIP

    Is there a way to rip all ISO's in 1 directory?
    example d:\iso\*.iso (890 files) to MP4 k:\mp4.
    I have set the default write location, but what I want to do is select the root folder and walk away.
    and use the following settings:

    1) Keep all forced subtitles (example Ninja turtles, when shredder talks for the first time)

    2) Lossless video - this conversion is for TV and not mobile

    3) Double pass (I did find this setting, not sure if double pass is for lossless video though)


    I did come across this in the manual

    under ripping but it seems you can point it at a folder, and if I have to type in every file name it really isn't much of a batch, at that point I might as well click and drag files into the window.

    PS3 /MODE "DVDPS3" /SRC "D:\Source\sample.iso" /DEST "D:\Target\"

    /MODE "DVDPS" /SRC "D:\Source\sample.iso" /DEST "D:\Target\" /PROFILE "PlayStation? 3" /AUDIO "English&Spanish" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/2" /SUBTITLE "English&Spanish" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE

    Given the command, the file says it does select the subtitle tracks, but does that mean they are selected. If it matters I am streaming the content via PLEX to my PS4.


      2 passes would only be used if you were encoding the video.

      You would have to select the title you want ripped in each ISO, so you will probably have to add a bunch of ISOs to your queue and run them all at once


        Batching files

        This seems to pass the correct file names in the folder now, but isn't running the actual conversion, so more digging is needed.

        set mydir=f:\convert\test
        For /F %%x in ('dir /B/D %mydir%') do (dvdfab.exe /MODE "DVDMP4" /SRC f:\convert\test\%%x /DEST "K:\dvdfab" /PROFILE "generic.mp4.h264.aac" /AUDIO "English" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/2" /SUBTITLE "English" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE)[/B]



          This code sample should work with DVDFab version 9.
          @echo off
          SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
          set dvdfabversion=DVDFab 9 Us
          rem dvdfab for 32bit windows os
          if exist "C:\Program Files\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe" set dvdfabexe="C:\Program Files\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe"
          rem dvdfab for 64bit windows os
          if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe" set dvdfabexe="C:\Program Files (x86)\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe"
          set mydir=f:\convert\test
          For /F %%x in ('dir /B/D %mydir%\*.iso') do (
          echo Processing this file: %%x
          set runcmd=%dvdfabexe% /MODE "RIPPER" /SRC f:\convert\test\%%x /DEST "K:\dvdfab" /PROFILE "generic.mp4.h264.aac" /AUDIO "English" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/2" /SUBTITLE "English" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE
          echo Running Command: !runcmd!
          ENDLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion



            I set my environment variable to the fab exe.

            I used this code, but the /SRC file errors as it needs to be passed as a string.

            set mydir=f:\convert\test
            For /F %%x in ('dir /B/D %mydir%') do (dvdfab.exe /MODE "DVDMP4" /SRC %mydir%\%%x /DEST "K:\dvdfab" /PROFILE "mp4.default" /AUDIO "English" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/2" /SUBTITLE "English" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE)

            The other issue is around audio, some of my files don't have that AC-3/2 Audio type is there an auto select like DVD fab uses now, so that selects.

            Lastly, on the write to destination is it possible for the write to treat any '_' in the file name as a space in the MP4 Meta data as well as in the actual file name?


              I use this one liner:

              forfiles /s /m *.mp4 /c "cmd /c mp4box -inter 300 @file

              It runs mp4box which makes the mp4 file stream better on the BluRay player. Something about moving all of the 'atoms' to the beginning of the file.


                The batch reads and populates fine but the source errors as DVDFAB expect to see a string, and not the variable.



                  /SRC value has to be in double quotes.
                  Added delims option for file names with space(s) in them.
                  Removed AUDIOTYPE it is optional.

                  set mydir=f:\convert\test
                  For /F "delims=\" %%x in ('dir /B/D %mydir%') do (dvdfab.exe /MODE "DVDMP4" /SRC "%mydir%\%%x" /DEST "K:\dvdfab" /PROFILE "mp4.default" /AUDIO "English" /SUBTITLE "English" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE)
                  Last edited by k1lv9h; 02-27-2015, 01:36 AM.


                    Updated. Maybe a useful example.
                    /SRC value in double quotes.
                    Added delims option for file names with space(s) in them.

                    @echo off
                    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
                    set dvdfabversion=DVDFab 9 Us
                    rem dvdfab for 32bit windows os
                    if exist "C:\Program Files\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe" set dvdfabexe="C:\Program Files\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe"
                    rem dvdfab for 64bit windows os
                    if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe" set dvdfabexe="C:\Program Files (x86)\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe"
                    set mydir=f:\convert\test
                    For /F "delims=\" %%x in ('dir /B/D %mydir%\*.iso') do (
                    echo Processing this file: %%x
                    set runcmd=%dvdfabexe% /MODE "RIPPER" /SRC "f:\convert\test\%%x" /DEST "K:\dvdfab" /PROFILE "generic.mp4.h264.aac" /AUDIO "English" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/2" /SUBTITLE "English" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE
                    echo Running Command: !runcmd!


                      It works!!

                      I had to make the following changes to account for other audio tracks

                      PROFILE "mp4.default" /AUDIO "English" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/5.1&AC-3/2"
                      So the final script is
                      @echo off
                      SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
                      set dvdfabversion=DVDFab 9 Us
                      rem dvdfab for 32bit windows os
                      if exist "C:\Program Files\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe" set dvdfabexe="C:\Program Files\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe"
                      rem dvdfab for 64bit windows os
                      if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe" set dvdfabexe="C:\Program Files (x86)\%dvdfabversion%\DVDFab.exe"
                      set mydir=f:\convert\test
                      For /F "delims=\" %%x in ('dir /B/D %mydir%\*.iso') do (
                      echo Processing this file: %%x
                      set runcmd=%dvdfabexe% /MODE "RIPPER" /SRC "f:\convert\test\%%x" /DEST "K:\dvdfab" /PROFILE "mp4.default" /AUDIO "English" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/5.1&AC-3/2" /SUBTITLE "English" /DISPLAYFORCEDSUB "Yes" /CLOSE
                      echo Running Command: !runcmd!
                      ENDLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion


                        I will try running the test on another file without the audio to see how it runs.

                        Thanks for the help!!!


                          File and Folder naming issues

                          PROFILE "mp4.default" /AUDIO "English" /AUDIOTYPE "AC-3/5.1&AC-3/2"
                          It looks like it also works using this string
                          PROFILE "mp4.default" /AUDIO "English"
                          Notice the audio type was removed

                          However when I set the destination path as shown below the system crashes and reboot my computer. I believe it is because the foldername ends up being filename.iso\movie\volumename, my preference would be \dvdfab\filename.

                          /DEST "K:\dvdfab\%%x"

                          A couple of questions..
                          1. Is there any easy way to get the file name minus file extension as the output path when using batch.

                          2. Is there a way in the batch process to rename the Title Name, so it is the same as the file name. I.E. when the MP4 plays it shows name_morename.iso

                          3. In the batchmode is there a way to set the actual filename preference. I know in the program you can got to general settings - but my values set there don't seem to hold. Example I changed the format from Wall_E to Wall E, notice the underscore is removed. Also, I removed the ".title1" tag but that seems to show up too. Long story short I want to use "<Filename>" but the DVDFAB documents don't seem to reference what are viable options.


                            Originally posted by dcatcha View Post

                            A couple of questions..
                            1. Is there any easy way to get the file name minus file extension as the output path when using batch.
                            Change it to
                            /DEST "%mp4dest%\%%~nx"
                            Originally posted by dcatcha View Post
                            2. Is there a way in the batch process to rename the Title Name, so it is the same as the file name. I.E. when the MP4 plays it shows name_morename.iso
                            Not that I know of. I sent you a Private message with the free program I use. Using the program I created a user defined action to remove ".Title1" from filename and title field. I have not doubt it can replace the underscore with a space.
                            Originally posted by dcatcha View Post
                            3. In the batchmode is there a way to set the actual filename preference. I know in the program you can got to general settings - but my values set there don't seem to hold. Example I changed the format from Wall_E to Wall E, notice the underscore is removed. Also, I removed the ".title1" tag but that seems to show up too. Long story short I want to use "<Filename>" but the DVDFAB documents don't seem to reference what are viable options.
                            If you are intent on doing this. Run DVDFab with "Run as administrator" make changes then exit.

                            If it still fails Filenames and Mp4 Titles can be changed after using the free program with a user defined action. I mentioned in the private message.


