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Hanging on "Open Blu Ray Source"

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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) Hanging on "Open Blu Ray Source"

    The past three movies I have attempted to rip have all had this same issue. I try to load them in to DVD Fab and I just get the "Open Blu-Ray Source: D:" screen with the spinning progress bar. I cleared my log files and am attaching the new log files in this post. It has been hung on this screen for more than 10 minutes. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

    P.S. The Blu-Rays have all been Disney, Snow White, Cinderella, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I do have Woookao installed. Thanks again!
    Attached Files

    Try it with the newest Fab 9.19.3 make sure the disks are clean if it still don't work try downloading the woookao program again run it once you may need to restart the computer then try again.
    Their is some errors with the fab check file looking for cuda on your video card someone else can look at those to see if it's a problem but i don't think it is to open the disk protection.

