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playback problems on newly ripped files (hiccups on audio)

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    DVD Ripper playback problems on newly ripped files (hiccups on audio)

    Details of issue:-

    Playback, I have been using DVDfab since version 8 to rip DVD’s to AVI (XVID) format to play them on a range of devices around the home. Up until the end of Feb 15 I have had very few issues. Now I can’t get any playback to work on any of my devices with files i have ripped since the end of Feb/ beginning of March.

    The issue with playback is; the file starts to play and all looks good with surround sound and the image looking good and then the video and sound makes a small “hiccup” at which stage I get intermittent sound for a few seconds/minutes until the sound finally gives up entirely and I get a silent film from there on.

    I have tried/experimented extensively to change my rip settings, changing Video and Audio Codec’s, sample and frame rates, resolutions, encoding methods, channels and bitrates. What I have discovered is that this appears to be an issue with audiocopy from an AC3 5.1 source. If I do not audiocopy, and do not use AC3 my ripped file will play but I won’t get 5.1 from my ripped file.

    The files I ripped before the end of Feb all still play normally in 5.1, this only affects files I have tried to rip since then. I have even tried going back to re-rip discs that I have ripped before the issue arrived (i.e. using them as a test environment as I know that the settings work on them) and while the original ripped file plays fine the new one’s playback suffers from the same playback issues.

    My options appear to be a ripped file that will play but only in 2.0 sound or a ripped file that won’t play with 5.1 sound. I don’t believe there is anything i have changed within DVDfab to have made these changes, the devices I use all have been happy with the AVI (XVID) format and I have always used a resolution at 1024x576 or 768 x 576 depending on the aspect ratios of the original files (I have tried other resolutions while trying to get to the bottom of this issue but with no joy). Whilst the simple solution would be not to use AC3 the only way I have found to get 5.1 from my ripped files is to use the audiocopy function.

    Any help please could offer would be apresated I am usuing DVDfab so i am up to date on the release vision. I am not hugely tecky so please try and keep it simple with your answers, so that I can follow your instructions.

    Thanks in advance for your help

    A very confused and frustrated DVDfab user

    Screen grabs:

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	319497

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	319498

    Log file record:-
    DVDFab (2015/04/03 15:55:47)

    (Snipped due to the limit on characters)

    6m 10.91s: got dvdinfo
    6m 10.93s: opened dvd
    6m 15.65s: Source manager: open successful.
    6m 16.74s: Work manager: create Converter work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0( title 0 ).
    7m 07.37s: ========WorkAttr::SetSource=======
    7m 07.37s: Source Video Size Original : 720 x 299
    7m 07.37s: Source Video Size Display : 1021 x 424
    7m 07.37s: Source Video FPS : 25 / 1
    7m 07.37s: Source Video Bitrate : 1200
    7m 07.37s: Source Audio Bitrate : 384000
    7m 07.37s: Source Audio Channels : 6
    7m 07.37s: Source Audio Volume : 100
    7m 07.38s: Work Profile : AVI.Default
    7m 07.73s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
    9m 35.48s: Work manager: create Converter work 1 with source 0 and uiinfo 0( title 0 ).
    9m 35.49s: ========WorkAttr::SetSource=======
    9m 35.49s: Source Video Size Original : 720 x 299
    9m 35.49s: Source Video Size Display : 1021 x 424
    9m 35.49s: Source Video FPS : 25 / 1
    9m 35.49s: Source Video Bitrate : 1200
    9m 35.49s: Source Audio Bitrate : 384000
    9m 35.49s: Source Audio Channels : 6
    9m 35.49s: Source Audio Volume : 100
    9m 35.49s: Work Profile : AVI.Default
    12m 15.99s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
    12m 16.01s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
    12m 16.01s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
    12m 16.02s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
    12m 16.11s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
    12m 16.11s: UILog:Run current Work.
    12m 16.11s: UILog:Begin work Converter.
    12m 16.11s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
    12m 16.11s: Start check DVD Ripper register status.
    12m 16.11s: End check DVD Ripper register status: Enable
    12m 16.11s: UILog:start running at thread.
    12m 16.11s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
    12m 16.13s: OPList at DVD Converter : (480.2),(128.1)
    12m 16.13s: DVD Converter check watermark flag: 0
    12m 16.13s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
    12m 16.13s: start process(1/1)
    12m 16.13s: info: create config(dvd2video)
    12m 16.14s: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 2 top=74 bottom=78 enable=1 mode=1
    12m 16.14s: info: use profile(AVI.Default)
    12m 23.73s: info: dvd playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->2)
    12m 23.73s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
    12m 24.68s: info: stream input@ Video(480)[codec(mpeg2video) size(720*576) fps(25000/1000) interlace(1) duration(6515)sec opcode(compress)]
    12m 24.69s: info: perset file config OK !
    12m 24.70s: info: set output video frame_rate(25/1)
    12m 24.70s: info: stream output Video(480)[codec(xvid) size(1024*576) fps(25/1) interlace(1) bitrate(2950) duration(6515)sec]
    12m 24.71s: info: stream input@ Audio(128)[codec(ac3) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(384000) bitdepth(16) opcode(copy)]
    12m 24.71s: info: stream output Audio(128)[codec(ac3) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(384000) bitdepth(16) opcode(copy)]
    12m 24.72s: info: SubMode(Render) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(false)
    12m 24.73s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
    12m 24.88s: info: ex process path= C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/fabcore.exe
    19m 23.24s: info: audio_decode finish job
    19m 34.66s: ------------------ convert work finished ------------------
    19m 35.66s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3
    19m 35.67s: UILog:Run Work to end.
    19m 41.38s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1

    You might try setting the output frame resolution the same as the input, let the device fill out the display. 720 to 1024 is kind of a stretch and really unnecessary usually.
    How to post the internal log

    Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
    Albert Einstein


      Dear 90312

      Thank you for your response, I have run a few more experiments setting the output frame resolution the same as the input, as you suggested.

      Test 1 - Didn’t work - same hiccup on playback with sound
      720*300 used this as this line appears when you load the dvd
      3m 28.84s: Source Video Size Original : 720 x 299

      Test 2 - Didn’t work - same hiccup on playback with sound
      1020*424 Tried this as used this as this line appears when you load the dvd
      2m 10.91s: Source Video Size Display : 1021 x 424

      Test 3 - Didn’t work - same hiccup on playback with sound
      720*576 Tried as when you start to rip this line appears
      17m 43.17s: info: stream input@ Video(480)[codec(mpeg2video) size(720*576) fps(25000/1000) interlace(1) duration(6515)sec opcode(compress)]

      Test 4 - Didn’t work - same hiccup on playback with sound
      1024*576 Tried as when i go to the crop options this is what it says the original size/aspect ratio is and this is the size and aspect ratio that has worked on this disk before.
      I have attached screen grabs and logs for all 4 tests.

      Do you have any other options i could try? I am fairly sure it’s something to do with the audio copy and the AC3 codec.

      Thanks again for any help offered, a still confused DVDfab user

      Click image for larger version

Name:	trying 1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	36.5 KB
ID:	313162
      Click image for larger version

Name:	trying2.jpg
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Size:	36.5 KB
ID:	313163
      Click image for larger version

Name:	trying3.jpg
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ID:	313164
      Click image for larger version

Name:	testing4t.jpg
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Size:	36.6 KB
ID:	313165

