I have seen this a few times on different movies. Here is an example, after DVDFab ripper started ripping a BD movie, the no. of frames it processes shown on screen would decrease from 60 to 50 to 40 until 0 and only time was shown, no frame was being processed. Finally I had to cancel it. Sometimes it happens at the beginning of movie, sometimes at around 2% or so. Below is a sample of log for your troubleshooting. For problem isolation analysis, I had the exacct same source ripped by other Bluray ripper software (not DVDFab ripper) and it's ripped just fine so I knew the source was good.
4m 49.56s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
4m 49.56s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
4m 49.56s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
4m 49.59s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
4m 49.59s: UILog:Run current Work.
4m 49.59s: UILog:Begin work Converter.
4m 49.59s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
4m 49.59s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status.
4m 49.59s: End check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status: Enable
4m 49.59s: UILog:start running at thread.
4m 49.59s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
4m 49.62s: OPList at BD Converter : (4113.2),(4353.2),(4609.32),(4608.32),(4610.32)
4m 49.62s: Blu-ray Converter (3D Plus) check watermark flag: 0
4m 51.12s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
4m 51.12s: start process(1/1)
------ process working ------
0m 00.06s: set folder d:/movie/TAKING_OF_TIGER_MOUNTAIN/BDMV/ with type 2
0m 00.06s: opening folder d:/movie/TAKING_OF_TIGER_MOUNTAIN/BDMV/
0m 00.06s: bd set region ?
0m 00.08s: got bdmv
0m 00.09s: movie name: the taking of tiger mountain||taking_of_tiger_mountain
0m 00.28s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
0m 00.39s: got extended bdinfo
0m 00.40s: info: create config(bluray2video)
0m 00.40s: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
0m 00.40s: info: use profile(MP4)
0m 00.41s: info: bluray playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->17),BDAV(no)
0m 00.41s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
4m 52.69s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
0m 00.42s: info: stream input@ Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1000) interlace(0) duration(14)sec opcode(compress)]
0m 00.42s: info: perset file config OK !
0m 00.42s: info: set output video frame_rate(24/1)
0m 00.42s: info: recommand= 56, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8
0m 00.42s: info: stream output Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24/1) interlace(0) bitrate(4977) duration(14)sec]
0m 00.43s: info: stream input@ Audio(4353)[codec(ac3) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(640000) bitdepth(0) opcode(compress)]
0m 00.43s: info: stream output Audio(4353)[codec(aac) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(160000) bitdepth(16) opcode(compress)]
0m 00.43s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4608)[codec(pgssub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4608)[codec(dvdsub) language(English)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4609)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4610)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4610)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
0m 00.44s: info: SubMode(Remux) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(false)
0m 00.45s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
4m 52.72s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
0m 00.45s: info: ex process path= C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/fabcore.exe
0m 00.47s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(1) level(40) bitrate(4977) crf(-1) interlace(0)
0m 00.49s: info: processing source(00011.m2ts)
0m 00.57s: info: bluray read data end
0m 00.59s: info: processing source(00003.m2ts)
5m 32.39s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop
0m 42.49s: info: filter:filter_video_decode
0m 42.50s: info: fifo:1968-filter_h264_ex-0-1,block:5
0m 42.51s: info: filter:filter_h264_ex
0m 42.52s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-0-1,block:0
0m 42.53s: info: filter:filter_adecode
0m 42.53s: info: fifo:1968-filter_aencode-1-2,block:2
0m 42.54s: info: filter:filter_aencode
0m 42.54s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-1-2,block:0
0m 42.55s: info: filter:native_mux
0m 42.55s: info: filter:filter_inner_subfilter
0m 42.55s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-2-5,block:0
0m 42.57s: info: filter:bd_demux
0m 42.58s: info: fifo:1968-filter_video_decode-0-1,block:83
0m 42.58s: info: fifo:1968-filter_adecode-1-2,block:1
0m 42.59s: info: fifo:1968-filter_inner_subfilter-2-5,block:0
0m 42.60s: info: audio_decode finish job
0m 44.05s:
------ process exit ------
5m 36.90s: ------------------ all convert work cancelled -------------------
5m 37.92s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4
5m 39.68s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 39.68s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 39.69s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 39.69s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.39s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.39s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.40s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.40s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.42s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.42s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.44s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.44s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.45s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.45s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.46s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.46s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.47s: Source manager
pen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
5m 42.90s: Exit process: stop running.
5m 42.90s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end
5m 42.92s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end
5m 42.92s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end
5m 42.92s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
5m 42.96s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
5m 42.96s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.
4m 49.56s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
4m 49.56s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
4m 49.56s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
4m 49.59s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
4m 49.59s: UILog:Run current Work.
4m 49.59s: UILog:Begin work Converter.
4m 49.59s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
4m 49.59s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status.
4m 49.59s: End check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status: Enable
4m 49.59s: UILog:start running at thread.
4m 49.59s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
4m 49.62s: OPList at BD Converter : (4113.2),(4353.2),(4609.32),(4608.32),(4610.32)
4m 49.62s: Blu-ray Converter (3D Plus) check watermark flag: 0
4m 51.12s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
4m 51.12s: start process(1/1)
------ process working ------
0m 00.06s: set folder d:/movie/TAKING_OF_TIGER_MOUNTAIN/BDMV/ with type 2
0m 00.06s: opening folder d:/movie/TAKING_OF_TIGER_MOUNTAIN/BDMV/
0m 00.06s: bd set region ?
0m 00.08s: got bdmv
0m 00.09s: movie name: the taking of tiger mountain||taking_of_tiger_mountain
0m 00.28s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
0m 00.39s: got extended bdinfo
0m 00.40s: info: create config(bluray2video)
0m 00.40s: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
0m 00.40s: info: use profile(MP4)
0m 00.41s: info: bluray playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->17),BDAV(no)
0m 00.41s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
4m 52.69s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
0m 00.42s: info: stream input@ Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1000) interlace(0) duration(14)sec opcode(compress)]
0m 00.42s: info: perset file config OK !
0m 00.42s: info: set output video frame_rate(24/1)
0m 00.42s: info: recommand= 56, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8
0m 00.42s: info: stream output Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24/1) interlace(0) bitrate(4977) duration(14)sec]
0m 00.43s: info: stream input@ Audio(4353)[codec(ac3) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(640000) bitdepth(0) opcode(compress)]
0m 00.43s: info: stream output Audio(4353)[codec(aac) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(160000) bitdepth(16) opcode(compress)]
0m 00.43s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4608)[codec(pgssub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4608)[codec(dvdsub) language(English)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4609)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4610)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4610)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
0m 00.44s: info: SubMode(Remux) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(false)
0m 00.45s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
4m 52.72s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
0m 00.45s: info: ex process path= C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/fabcore.exe
0m 00.47s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(1) level(40) bitrate(4977) crf(-1) interlace(0)
0m 00.49s: info: processing source(00011.m2ts)
0m 00.57s: info: bluray read data end
0m 00.59s: info: processing source(00003.m2ts)
5m 32.39s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop
0m 42.49s: info: filter:filter_video_decode
0m 42.50s: info: fifo:1968-filter_h264_ex-0-1,block:5
0m 42.51s: info: filter:filter_h264_ex
0m 42.52s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-0-1,block:0
0m 42.53s: info: filter:filter_adecode
0m 42.53s: info: fifo:1968-filter_aencode-1-2,block:2
0m 42.54s: info: filter:filter_aencode
0m 42.54s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-1-2,block:0
0m 42.55s: info: filter:native_mux
0m 42.55s: info: filter:filter_inner_subfilter
0m 42.55s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-2-5,block:0
0m 42.57s: info: filter:bd_demux
0m 42.58s: info: fifo:1968-filter_video_decode-0-1,block:83
0m 42.58s: info: fifo:1968-filter_adecode-1-2,block:1
0m 42.59s: info: fifo:1968-filter_inner_subfilter-2-5,block:0
0m 42.60s: info: audio_decode finish job
0m 44.05s:
------ process exit ------
5m 36.90s: ------------------ all convert work cancelled -------------------
5m 37.92s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4
5m 39.68s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 39.68s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 39.69s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 39.69s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.39s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.39s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.40s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.40s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.42s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.42s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.44s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.44s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.45s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.45s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.46s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.46s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
5m 40.47s: Source manager

5m 42.90s: Exit process: stop running.
5m 42.90s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end
5m 42.92s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end
5m 42.92s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end
5m 42.92s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
5m 42.96s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
5m 42.96s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.