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no. of frames gradually decreased during ripping

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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) no. of frames gradually decreased during ripping

    I have seen this a few times on different movies. Here is an example, after DVDFab ripper started ripping a BD movie, the no. of frames it processes shown on screen would decrease from 60 to 50 to 40 until 0 and only time was shown, no frame was being processed. Finally I had to cancel it. Sometimes it happens at the beginning of movie, sometimes at around 2% or so. Below is a sample of log for your troubleshooting. For problem isolation analysis, I had the exacct same source ripped by other Bluray ripper software (not DVDFab ripper) and it's ripped just fine so I knew the source was good.

    4m 49.56s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
    4m 49.56s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
    4m 49.56s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
    4m 49.59s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
    4m 49.59s: UILog:Run current Work.
    4m 49.59s: UILog:Begin work Converter.
    4m 49.59s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
    4m 49.59s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status.
    4m 49.59s: End check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status: Enable
    4m 49.59s: UILog:start running at thread.
    4m 49.59s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
    4m 49.62s: OPList at BD Converter : (4113.2),(4353.2),(4609.32),(4608.32),(4610.32)
    4m 49.62s: Blu-ray Converter (3D Plus) check watermark flag: 0
    4m 51.12s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
    4m 51.12s: start process(1/1)

    ------ process working ------
    0m 00.06s: set folder d:/movie/TAKING_OF_TIGER_MOUNTAIN/BDMV/ with type 2
    0m 00.06s: opening folder d:/movie/TAKING_OF_TIGER_MOUNTAIN/BDMV/
    0m 00.06s: bd set region ?
    0m 00.08s: got bdmv
    0m 00.09s: movie name: the taking of tiger mountain||taking_of_tiger_mountain
    0m 00.28s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
    0m 00.39s: got extended bdinfo
    0m 00.40s: info: create config(bluray2video)
    0m 00.40s: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
    0m 00.40s: info: use profile(MP4)
    0m 00.41s: info: bluray playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->17),BDAV(no)
    0m 00.41s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
    4m 52.69s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
    0m 00.42s: info: stream input@ Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1000) interlace(0) duration(14)sec opcode(compress)]
    0m 00.42s: info: perset file config OK !
    0m 00.42s: info: set output video frame_rate(24/1)
    0m 00.42s: info: recommand= 56, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8
    0m 00.42s: info: stream output Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24/1) interlace(0) bitrate(4977) duration(14)sec]
    0m 00.43s: info: stream input@ Audio(4353)[codec(ac3) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(640000) bitdepth(0) opcode(compress)]
    0m 00.43s: info: stream output Audio(4353)[codec(aac) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(160000) bitdepth(16) opcode(compress)]
    0m 00.43s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4608)[codec(pgssub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
    0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4608)[codec(dvdsub) language(English)]
    0m 00.44s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
    0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4609)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
    0m 00.44s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4610)[codec(pgssub) language(Chinese) opcode(remux)]
    0m 00.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4610)[codec(dvdsub) language(Chinese)]
    0m 00.44s: info: SubMode(Remux) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(false)
    0m 00.45s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
    4m 52.72s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
    0m 00.45s: info: ex process path= C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/fabcore.exe
    0m 00.47s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(1) level(40) bitrate(4977) crf(-1) interlace(0)
    0m 00.49s: info: processing source(00011.m2ts)
    0m 00.57s: info: bluray read data end
    0m 00.59s: info: processing source(00003.m2ts)
    5m 32.39s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Stop
    0m 42.49s: info: filter:filter_video_decode
    0m 42.50s: info: fifo:1968-filter_h264_ex-0-1,block:5
    0m 42.51s: info: filter:filter_h264_ex
    0m 42.52s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-0-1,block:0
    0m 42.53s: info: filter:filter_adecode
    0m 42.53s: info: fifo:1968-filter_aencode-1-2,block:2
    0m 42.54s: info: filter:filter_aencode
    0m 42.54s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-1-2,block:0
    0m 42.55s: info: filter:native_mux
    0m 42.55s: info: filter:filter_inner_subfilter
    0m 42.55s: info: fifo:1968-native_mux-2-5,block:0
    0m 42.57s: info: filter:bd_demux
    0m 42.58s: info: fifo:1968-filter_video_decode-0-1,block:83
    0m 42.58s: info: fifo:1968-filter_adecode-1-2,block:1
    0m 42.59s: info: fifo:1968-filter_inner_subfilter-2-5,block:0
    0m 42.60s: info: audio_decode finish job
    0m 44.05s:
    ------ process exit ------
    5m 36.90s: ------------------ all convert work cancelled -------------------
    5m 37.92s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 4
    5m 39.68s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 39.68s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 39.69s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 39.69s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.39s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.39s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.40s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.40s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.41s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.42s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.42s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.43s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.44s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.44s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.45s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.45s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.46s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.46s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] min=120.
    5m 40.47s: DataDriven:GetBitPixelConfig[h264] max=200.
    5m 40.47s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
    5m 42.90s: Exit process: stop running.
    5m 42.90s: Exit process: preview pfn_releaseplayer end
    5m 42.92s: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end
    5m 42.92s: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end
    5m 42.92s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
    5m 42.96s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
    5m 42.96s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.

    Looking further I found that the main movie was a single m2ts file under stream folder, so instead of using ripper, I tested it with converter of the m2ts file and it worked. fab converter successfully converted the movie into .mp4 file. So, it looks like it's the ripper issue or how it interpreted the structure.

