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Not detecting DVD's corectly

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      I just saw that there was a newer version.
      Was this issue resolved?

      Thank you


        I'm not having a problem with these discs using the licensed version of Fab:
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        Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
        Albert Einstein


          Originally posted by 90312 View Post
          I'm not having a problem with these discs using the licensed version of Fab:
          Looks like the problem is still there..
          since it's 6 episodes, and only showing 3.

          If you look at my screens in the beginning, you see the differences.


            Are you counting deleted scenes as episodes? There are three 43 minute episodes on the disc and some deleted scenes.
            How to post the internal log

            Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
            Albert Einstein


              You got me there Never noticed that....

              But still in the 1st post.. it shows how D1 was reading with DVD fab
              and with another program... and segment 36/37 (or 37/38) was not showing
              in the list. I don't see the 43 min. episodes there in dvd fab.
              That's why I provided all the log files and gave them some other files private, so they could see the difference.


                That's why I mentioned that I'm using a licensed version of DVDFab since you are in trial mode? They pop right up on mine.
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                Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
                Albert Einstein


                  ok, it was my understanding, that there was an issue with it, and that they we're looking into it.


                    There may be an issue with the season you're trying, mine is season one. I don't have the one you're working on. They could be authored differently?
                    How to post the internal log

                    Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
                    Albert Einstein


                      Yes, Season 1 is fine.
                      Season 2,3 and 4 are the ones I have issues with.
                      it shows only 6-8 items instead of 30+ items.
                      so they did have more episodes on a dvd, but only the 1st 3 are showing.
                      the other half we're at the end of the video_ts I guess (Track 36/38)
                      And those we're skipped.


                        I just ordered season 3 from Amazon, be here in a few days. I'll get back to you.
                        How to post the internal log

                        Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
                        Albert Einstein


                          Originally posted by 90312 View Post
                          I just ordered season 3 from Amazon, be here in a few days. I'll get back to you.
                          Sounds good too me.
                          The images I posted are from Season 3 and the other screenshot was with Xilosoft. which showed all of them.


                            I live in the boonies and the Prime free shipping is by covered wagon so...
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                            How to post the internal log

                            Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
                            Albert Einstein


                              LOL Wow...
                              You live on this planet?


                                I received the 3 disc set and my advice is enjoy the originals and forget it! These are the most convoluted mess I've ever seen and I've been at this a while. I can see the titles and copy them but they might start in the middle of an episode or an analysis before the investigation. In most cases there is one large title (file) that contains all the episodes. I've made an iso of the main title but every player I have starts it differently? My guess is the menu specifies the correct chapters for a given episode? I'm going to try a full disc copy to protect my originals and see how that goes.
                                How to post the internal log

                                Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
                                Albert Einstein

