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Outlaw Star Blu-Ray to mkv passthru rip

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    Outlaw Star Blu-Ray to mkv passthru rip

    when ripping the Episodes from the blu-ray to mkv it will rip the first 3 then start the 4th one and it just freezes then says it is done after a while no file no progress

    Attached Files

    Hi stephenhead159
    Please post internal log here,
    User Manual for DVDFab v10 (pdf)

    DVDFab log default location:
    For Windows: C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab10\Log
    For Mac: Finder> Documents> DVDFab10> Log

    DVDFab Player 5:
    For Windows:C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab Player 5\Log


      I have tried using software and amd app setting can only get it to rip to mp4
      Attached Files


        ok I think this is it
        Attached Files


          ------ process working ------
          0m 00.09s: opening drive H
          0m 00.09s: opened i/o
          0m 00.10s: got media type 15
          0m 00.64s: got max lba 24049823
          0m 01.40s: got disc type 20
          0m 01.40s: type Blu-ray BDMV
          0m 01.41s: volume label OUTLAW_STAR_CS_D3
          0m 01.41s: bd set region A
          0m 01.46s: internal path H:/BDMV/
          0m 01.47s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
          0m 01.79s: got bdmv
          0m 01.80s: got agid 0
          0m 01.82s: sent host cert chal
          0m 01.83s: got drive cert chal
          0m 01.83s: BEC 0
          0m 01.83s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
          0m 01.87s: got drive key
          0m 02.51s: got host key signature
          0m 02.51s: verified drive signature
          0m 02.52s: verified host signature
          0m 02.55s: sent host signature and key point
          0m 02.56s: got bus key
          0m 02.57s: got volume id
          0m 02.57s: got volume id mac
          0m 02.57s: volume id is correct
          0m 02.58s: got vid
          0m 02.80s: blu-ray 91D5EB7C4DB27AC3DDABE75CAA87DDD57045E397
          0m 03.29s: cert BEE=0x00 same
          0m 03.94s: D 30A3D1B5
          0m 03.96s: selected region A
          0m 03.96s: bd set region A
          0m 03.97s: got vuk
          0m 03.97s: got unit key 1
          0m 03.98s: blupath: demo/bonus disc
          0m 04.34s: Get BluPathData and RRdata
          0m 04.88s: StealthyClone with BluPath
          0m 06.48s: full disc copy/play is supported
          0m 06.53s: got bdmv
          0m 13.34s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 13.57s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 13.88s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.11s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.33s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.60s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.82s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 15.07s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 19.48s: got extended bdinfo
          0m 19.48s: opened blu-ray
          0m 19.49s: info: create config(bluray2video)
          0m 19.49s: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
          0m 19.50s: info: use profile(MKV Passthrough)
          0m 19.50s: info: bluray playlist(14),angle(0),chapter(1->6),BDAV(no)
          0m 19.50s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
          0m 19.62s: info: stream input@ Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) duration(1514)sec opcode(copy) fmt(0)]
          0m 19.62s: info: stream output Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) bitrate(0) duration(1514)sec fmt(0)]
          0m 19.62s: info: stream input@ Audio(4352)[codec(truehd) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(24) opcode(copy)]
          0m 19.63s: info: stream output Audio(4352)[codec(truehd) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(24) opcode(copy)]
          0m 19.63s: info: stream output Audio(16781568)[codec(truehd) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(24) opcode(remove_hd)]
          0m 19.64s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4608)[codec(pgssub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
          0m 19.64s: info: stream output SubPicture(4608)[codec(pgssub) language(English)]
          0m 19.64s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
          0m 19.64s: info: stream output SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(English)]
          0m 19.65s: info: SubMode(Remux) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(true)
          1473m 10.08s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
          0m 19.66s: info: recommand= 1472, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8
          0m 19.67s: info: processing source(00019.m2ts)
          1503m 34.35s: ------------------ convert work finished ------------------
          1503m 35.35s: UILog: MsgWork:current work finish: 3
          1503m 35.36s: UILog: Run current Work.
          1503m 35.36s: UILog: Begin work Converter.
          1503m 35.37s: UILog: Begin work copy or converter.
          1503m 35.37s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper register status.
          1503m 35.37s: End check Blu-ray Ripper register status: Enable
          1503m 35.38s: UILog: start running at thread.
          1503m 35.38s: opening drive H
          1503m 35.39s: opened i/o
          1503m 35.41s: got media type 15
          1503m 38.14s: got max lba 24049823
          1503m 38.93s: got disc type 20
          1503m 38.94s: type Blu-ray BDMV
          1503m 38.94s: volume label OUTLAW_STAR_CS_D3
          1503m 38.94s: UILog: return flag at start running at thread ok.
          1503m 38.95s: OPList at BD Converter: (4113.1),(16781568.4),(4352.1),(4608.32),(4609.32)
          1503m 38.96s: Blu-ray Converter (3D Plus) check watermark flag: 0
          1503m 38.96s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
          1503m 38.96s: start process(1/1)

          ------ process working ------
          0m 00.09s: opening drive H
          0m 00.09s: opened i/o
          0m 00.10s: got media type 15
          0m 00.64s: got max lba 24049823
          0m 01.38s: got disc type 20
          0m 01.38s: type Blu-ray BDMV
          0m 01.38s: volume label OUTLAW_STAR_CS_D3
          0m 01.39s: bd set region A
          0m 01.45s: internal path H:/BDMV/
          0m 01.45s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
          0m 01.80s: got bdmv
          0m 01.81s: got agid 0
          0m 01.83s: sent host cert chal
          0m 01.83s: got drive cert chal
          0m 01.84s: BEC 0
          0m 01.84s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
          0m 01.87s: got drive key
          0m 02.54s: got host key signature
          0m 02.54s: verified drive signature
          0m 02.55s: verified host signature
          0m 02.58s: sent host signature and key point
          0m 02.59s: got bus key
          0m 02.59s: got volume id
          0m 02.60s: got volume id mac
          0m 02.60s: volume id is correct
          0m 02.60s: got vid
          0m 02.84s: blu-ray 91D5EB7C4DB27AC3DDABE75CAA87DDD57045E397
          0m 03.33s: cert BEE=0x00 same
          0m 03.98s: D 30A3D1B5
          0m 04.00s: selected region A
          0m 04.00s: bd set region A
          0m 04.01s: got vuk
          0m 04.02s: got unit key 1
          0m 04.03s: blupath: demo/bonus disc
          0m 04.40s: Get BluPathData and RRdata
          0m 04.98s: StealthyClone with BluPath
          0m 06.55s: full disc copy/play is supported
          0m 06.60s: got bdmv
          0m 13.31s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 13.54s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 13.81s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.04s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.26s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.52s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.73s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 14.98s: stream(27,3,6)/clip(27,3,4) infos are not the same, using clip info to regulate it.
          0m 19.26s: got extended bdinfo
          0m 19.26s: opened blu-ray
          0m 19.27s: info: create config(bluray2video)
          0m 19.27s: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
          0m 19.28s: info: use profile(MKV Passthrough)
          0m 19.28s: info: bluray playlist(10),angle(0),chapter(1->6),BDAV(no)
          0m 19.29s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
          0m 19.41s: info: stream input@ Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) duration(1512)sec opcode(copy) fmt(0)]
          0m 19.42s: info: stream output Video(4113)[codec(h264) size(1920*1080) fps(24000/1001) interlace(0) bitrate(0) duration(1512)sec fmt(0)]
          0m 19.42s: info: stream input@ Audio(4352)[codec(truehd) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(24) opcode(copy)]
          0m 19.43s: info: stream output Audio(4352)[codec(truehd) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(24) opcode(copy)]
          0m 19.43s: info: stream output Audio(16781568)[codec(truehd) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(24) opcode(remove_hd)]
          0m 19.43s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4608)[codec(pgssub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
          0m 19.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4608)[codec(pgssub) language(English)]
          0m 19.44s: info: stream input@ SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(English) opcode(remux)]
          0m 19.44s: info: stream output SubPicture(4609)[codec(pgssub) language(English)]
          0m 19.45s: info: SubMode(Remux) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(true)
          1503m 59.90s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
          0m 19.46s: info: recommand= 1472, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8
          0m 19.47s: info: processing source(00015.m2ts)
          1509m 55.64s: UILog: OnMsgToolbar_Stop
          6m 15.73s: info: filter:filter_mux_mkvmerge
          6m 15.73s: info: filter:filter_inner_subfilter
          6m 15.73s: info: fifo:3104-filter_mux_mkvmerge-3-5,block:2
          6m 15.74s: info: filter:bd_demux
          6m 15.74s: info: fifo:3104-filter_mux_mkvmerge-0-1,block:172
          6m 15.74s: info: fifo:3104-filter_mux_mkvmerge-1-2,block:4
          6m 15.75s: info: fifo:3104-filter_mux_mkvmerge-2-7,block:0
          6m 15.75s: info: fifo:3104-filter_inner_subfilter-3-5,block:0
          6m 16.23s:
          ------ process exit ------
          1509m 59.13s: ------------------ convert work finished ------------------
          1510m 00.15s: UILog: MsgWork:current work finish: 4
          1510m 00.16s: Source manager: open source flag:1,1,1,1,1
          1510m 03.53s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1


            am I posting something wrong my posts keep getting deleted?

