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Black Panther and other "in movie subtitles" don't seem to rip correctly?

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    Black Panther and other "in movie subtitles" don't seem to rip correctly?

    Hello, I am having an odd issue. Movies that have subtitles in the movies themselves (not the normal closed captioning subtitles) don't seem to get those ripped. The movie itself rips great, but the tiles don't appear in the movie themselves. One movie to reference is Black Panther. When they travel to different parts of the world, a subtitle appears on the screen to say where they are, but this is absent in the ripped version.

    Any ideas as to why this is happening/what setting I would need to use to ensure this doesn't happen?

    I believe the subtitles you are referring to are either embedded in the video stream itself, or are in what is referred to as "forced subtitles". The embedded subtitles would of course appear in the ripped version and cannot be turned on or off by the viewer. Forced subtitles, if not embedded, are actual separate tracks and are normally supposed to appear without the user needing to select it, assuming the subtitle track was selected when ripping. However, I have not noticed DVDFab ever identify a forced subtitle as such (or maybe I was just not paying attention). When you see the drop down list of subtitles, you have to make sure the right arrow is on for the specific subtitle selection (see screen shot) you want on by default when the movie plays. Since I normally only backup US movies, I always select ALL the English subtitles so I never miss a forced subtitle on the backup. They take up very little room and usually don't increase the compression ratio. Sometimes these are descriptive subtitles in addition to language subtitles. Forced subtitles usually appear (normally automatically) when a foreign language is spoken that the viewer needs to see (even with forced subtitle on, not all phrases are shown in the subtitle if they weren't present in the original disc). You can then manually turn on the forced subtitle (or of course any other subtitle track you may have included in your backup) while playing the movie.

    Maybe someone out there knows how to have DVDFab identify forced subtitle, if one is available on the disc. I usually use a software player like Power DVD17 to see if any forced subtitles are available on the original disc, then I make sure the small arrow is set pointing to a forced subtitle track before ripping and burning.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	subtitles.jpg
Views:	521
Size:	23.1 KB
ID:	355468


      Ah gotcha. I always thought that it would put the regular subtitles (for the whole movie) on the video stream. It doesn’t sound like it would do that? It sounds like it would give me the option if I wanted to see the other subtitles but will automatically display the forced ones?

      thanks so much! Will have to rerip a few titles!


        Hi chrisKna,

        One movie to reference is Black Panther. When they travel to different parts of the world, a subtitle appears on the screen to say where they are, but this is absent in the ripped version.

        You can use DVDFab Player 5, disable subtitle to playback the movie "
        Black Panther" again, if you still get those subtitle displaying on the screen, then they are "forced subtitle". Be sure to select the subtitle stream you need before process starts.

        There are 3 subtitle modes:
        1> "Remux into file": you can disable or enable subtitle during playback;
        2> "Direct render to video": subtitles cannot be disable as they are embedded into the video (you can only choose one subtitle stream);
        3> "Extract to idx/sub file": you can disable or enable subtitle during playback, however some players don't support this kind of subtitle files.

        About the "forced subtitle" problem, please post dvdfab_internal.log file and specify the movie version. Thanks.



          Thanks so much - I think @LaciBacsi's post fixed it for me. I reripped making sure to select EN subtitles and "Display Forced Subtitles" and it seemed to work. I think I must have had "None" for subtitles before.

          Is there a way to set a preference to have the "Display Forced Subtitles" automatically checked? As of now, I am checking it with every new rip.



            Please check image attached, you can go to Common Settings> Conversion>Convert to mark the option "always display only forced subtitle".
            Click image for larger version

Name:	always dispaly forced subtitle.png
Views:	495
Size:	24.6 KB
ID:	355831



              thx so much!

