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BUG REPORT: TV episode list jumps to the left

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    DVD Ripper BUG REPORT: TV episode list jumps to the left

    After editing TV episode titles on the left side of the display, if you click any of the icons to the titles' right (such as Preview), the entire episode list often shifts/jumps to the left . It doesn't affect the program's operation, but it's very distracting.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Title shift.jpg
Views:	455
Size:	33.4 KB
ID:	394872

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    Attached Files

    I could not duplicate the problem.
    What is the complete title name? Please try to shorten the title name and see if it will make a difference.


      I'm ripping TV episodes to be used with Plex using the show name, episode title, and season/episode numbers as the title. The lengthy titles are definitely causing the shift left and right.

      If I were using the full suggested titles presented when I click the "Search Movie TV" button. It would be even worse because much of the info is duplicated. Here's an example suggested by DVDFab: "American Gothic - S01E01 - American Gothic - s01e01 - Pilot"

      To see this shifting, try the following:
      1. Copy/paste this as a TV episode to be ripped: American Gothic Strong Arm of the Law-s01e07.
      2. Click the Preview button to the far right of the entry. Because of the title's length, the entire episode area will shift left. (You don't even have to click Preview. Simply moving the cursor over the four tool icons on the right will immediately cause the shift.)
      3. After dismissing the preview, click in the episode title again (as though you're going to edit it). The entire episode display will shift right to its original position either immediately or when you click out of the title box.
      I assume it's the expansion and collapsing of the episode title boxes that's causing this to occur.

      And, as you suspected, it does not happen with short titles. Unfortunately, TV episode titles for Plex include the series, episode name, and a season/episode string like the one shown above. Most will result in this shifting.
      Last edited by zapt; 05-14-2021, 10:24 PM.


        Note: On further experimentation, this may be related to the width one has set for the DVDFab window. As you can see in my screen shots (above), mine was set to take as little space as possible while still fully showing the tool icons on the right side of the window. If you expand it a lot more, the shifting behavior stops.


          Please expand the window a bit for use.
          I only have this problem when I manually drag the bar.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	bar.png
Views:	237
Size:	110.4 KB
ID:	395141


            I understand there's a workaround because I already pointed it out to you in my prior post. My point, however, is that it's still a bug that can and typically should be corrected in programming. That's why I submitted it.


              Okay, I will pass your feedback to the product designer.


                This issue appears to have been corrected in a recent update. Thank the developers for me!

