I am no longer able to use this product. I bought the DVDFab Platinum, which I thought bought me a lifetime of all options. I was trying to use file to mobile and dvdfab quit, telling me all my options had expired. Out of confusion / desperation I repurchased the mobile to dvd otpion (fab was still telling me my dvd to dvd was available in the registraiton splash page). I uninstalled fab, reinstalled it and activated it with my new key.
I've seen several other threads describing the same issue. Is there a bug out there with daylight savings? Can I get my money back if my original license does in fact never expire?
I love the product, I just want it to work. Thanks!
I've seen several other threads describing the same issue. Is there a bug out there with daylight savings? Can I get my money back if my original license does in fact never expire?
I love the product, I just want it to work. Thanks!