Yep, when doing other tasks which require swapping windows, the GUI for DVDFab disappears as well as does the task bar icon in Win 7x64, and yet, the program continues to work in the background and finish the conversion flawlessly. A check of the Task Manager shows the DVDFab process so I kill it there, and reopen to being the next process. I can the program without killing the process, and the GUI will disappear again, then leaving two DVDFab processes.. etc.
Is this a known issue/compatibility problem with certain software? This has not occurred prior to version
There are no error messages or anything, the GUI and Task bar Icon just disappear and the program continues to do what it's supposed to do without the front end.
Is this a known issue/compatibility problem with certain software? This has not occurred prior to version
There are no error messages or anything, the GUI and Task bar Icon just disappear and the program continues to do what it's supposed to do without the front end.