
No announcement yet. - jerky, pixelated video from Zune wmv profile

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    DVD Ripper - jerky, pixelated video from Zune wmv profile

    I'm trying to use the DVD Ripper to go to a Zune profile - 2 pass encoding to WMV. The resulting playback is dropping frames and showing pixelization - this doesn't start immediately but once it starts (maybe 5-10 minutes into the video) never corrects.

    I've tried playback on multiple machines, encoded different videos all with the same result.

    My A/V codec is set to software for everything (that's all my video card supports).

    This same profile used to work fine in previous versions though it's been a while since I've used it so I don't know if it was v.7 or v.6

    Using xxxxx to encode the same DVD works just fine, only DVD Fab seems to have this problem with WMVs.

    Any ideas?
    Last edited by AGJ; 11-16-2010, 03:00 AM. Reason: General Policies

    Try using one pass instead of 2 pass and post the most recent internal and process logs located in document-dvdfab-log


      I tried both and they are pixellated and jerky and it is with most apps tried avi same tried wmv same as well


        I tried 1-pass WMV and the video wasn't jerky - but audio/video were not in sync.

        Attached is a log from 2-pass.
        Attached Files


          Can you list your setting about 'zune.default' ?
          Thanks a lot.


            Here you go:

            Encoding: 2-pass
            Fixed Bit Rate: 600kbps
            Split: No
            Framerate: 29.97 fps (this will match the source)
            Deinterlacing: checked

            Resoultion: 320x340 (depending on the source)

            Audio Bit Rate: 96kbps
            Channel: Stereo
            Volume: 100%

            Subpicture: Direct Render (displaying forced captions only)


              Same Issue

              This sounds exactly like the problem I have run into. I noticed it with the release of version 8. As version 7 is not removed when version 8 is installed, I have tried going back to 7, and 2 pass conversion to zune (wmv) works fine. When I try the same conversion in version 8, the video skips and freezes. I started a thread here: .



                Thanks Stark - I'll keep an eye on both threads... unfortunately I uninstalled v.7...


                  Hi bjm051593
                  Thanks for your information,We'll fixed it ASAP.
                  Add:The max frame Resoultion of Zune is '320*240',why you set '320*340'?
                  Good luck.


                    the 340 was a typo - should have been 240


                      Originally posted by View Post
                      Hi bjm051593
                      Thanks for your information,We'll fixed it ASAP.
                      Add:The max frame Resoultion of Zune is '320*240',why you set '320*340'?
                      Good luck.
                      Frame resoultion depends on the model of Zune being used. Older models use upto a maximum of 320*240 i.e. 8, 30GB models. The ZuneHD can handle 1280*720 frame resolution .


                        I am still having problems with pixelattion it only appears to happen in wmv zune xbox etc. I really want to use zune, wmv as this files are very common files.

                        ------ begin mobile work(1/1) ------

                        1m 13.07s: create config(0)
                        1m 13.08s: convert profile(zune.wmv.wma)
                        1m 13.08s: dvd title(1) angle(0) chapter(1->21)
                        1m 13.08s: stream(480,2,1) stream(130,86019,1)
                        1m 13.10s: info: set output video frame_rate(25/1)
                        32m 50.02s:

                        ------ finish mobile work ------

                        DVDFab (2011/03/10 14:32:41)

                        0m 00.98s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 0 bd2mobile 0 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 0 filemover 0

                        2011-03-10 14:26:14 ---- ******************** Log session stop 10-Mar 14:26:14.144 PID 3888********************
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info Current Drive selected : 2:1:0 - PIONEER BD-RW BDR-205 1.09 [D] (Ide)
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info Using Advanced SPTI interface
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info System default language : English (Australia)
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info User default language : English (Australia)
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info DLL Version :
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info DLL : C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 8\vso_hwe.dll
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info Version : 8, 0, 7, 8
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info ExeName : C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 8\DVDFab.exe
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 Info OS : Microsoft Windows XP MCE (Build 2600: Service Pack 3)
                        2011-03-10 13:51:16 ---- ******************** Log session start 10-Mar 13:51:16.992 PID 3888********************

                        Movie jumanji
                        Attached Files


                          Hi Justin,

                          I just convert a DVD iso to wmv file using V8078beta-DVD Ripper-"zune.wmv" profile, the result is i can play the output file in window media player with no pixelattion. Which player software did you use to play the output wmv file on your computer? Have you tried to manually change the video framerate in Common Settings window?


                            I used VLC media player by far the best player out their and i don't think i changed the framerate. My dvd is pal 25 000 fps


                              Hi Justin,

                              I have reset video frame rate to 23.976fps in conversion settings, please try this mannually change to see if you can get output file playing well.

