Having no luck saving main movie in 3D with Fab 9 and Fab 8 will not open the disc.
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Man Of Steel 3D
Cloned Man of Steel 3D as iso, then attemped to save main movie in 3D to a folder using Fab Will only produce a 2D copy.
DVDFab (2013/12/05 23:35:59)
0m 00.66s: Start preload dll...
0m 00.66s: Load dll successful.
0m 00.66s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 00.66s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 00.66s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.90s: GPUAccelerate: 4194304
0m 00.90s: GPUAccelerate setting: 0, 0
0m 00.91s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 00.92s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 00.93s: Lighting shrink status: 0, 0
0m 00.94s: Graphics info: : :
0m 00.95s: Load config successful.
0m 01.49s: Mac os type is: Mac OS X 10.7.3.
0m 01.49s: command line in dvdfabapplication is
0m 04.46s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 09.96s: Parse string is: 1020:8260762964
0m 09.96s: Parse string is: OV:9111
0m 09.96s: Parse string is: BV:9107
0m 09.96s: Parse string is: S:0a71b17654e5054f17355c04af3fa857
0m 09.97s: Option check status: Local
0m 09.97s: HD Decrypter-1-0-215811
0m 10.05s: DVD to DVD (Gold)-1-0-215811
0m 10.05s: DVD to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 10.06s: DVD to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 10.06s: Blu-ray to Blu-ray-1-1-22311011
0m 10.07s: Blu-ray to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 10.07s: File to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 10.07s: Blu-ray to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 10.08s: File to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 10.08s: File to Blu-ray-1-0-215811
0m 10.10s: File Mover-1-0-215811
0m 10.11s: Blu-ray to 3D-1-0-215811
0m 10.11s: 2D to 3D-1-0-215811
0m 10.11s: Blu-ray Decrypt-0-0-200011
0m 10.12s: DVD Decrypt-0-0-200011
0m 10.12s: Start get sys number.
0m 10.12s: Get advertising info start
0m 10.12s: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 10.13s: Serial number is: 26BB69B4-E1E4-5D5D-A413-9511253C306C
0m 10.14s: Product type is: 1
0m 10.14s: CommmandLine:
0m 10.15s: Reg URL link is:
0m 10.16s: Advertising id: 1
0m 10.16s: Version is: 9111
0m 10.20s: URL link is:
0m 10.20s: Product is: 1
0m 10.20s: Language type is: ENU
0m 10.20s: Connect type is: 0
0m 10.44s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 11.61s: Init internal engine successful.
0m 11.93s: Burn engine: start init.
0m 11.93s: Burn engine: type-3.
0m 11.99s: Burn engine: 0-PIONEER BD-RWBDR-207D.
0m 11.99s: Burn engine: end init.
0m 12.31s: Init setting page successful.
0m 14.63s: Get advertising info end.
0m 17.21s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 17.21s: Parse string is: 1020:8260762964
0m 17.21s: Parse string is: OV:9111
0m 17.21s: Parse string is: BV:9107
0m 17.21s: Parse string is: S:ca6aa8703285c0a72c5ca22c21e49686
0m 17.22s: Option check status: NewWork
0m 17.22s: HD Decrypter-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: DVD to DVD (Gold)-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: DVD to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: DVD to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: Blu-ray to Blu-ray-1-1-22311011
0m 17.22s: Blu-ray to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: File to Mobile-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: Blu-ray to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: File to DVD-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: File to Blu-ray-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: File Mover-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: Blu-ray to 3D-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: 2D to 3D-1-0-215811
0m 17.22s: Blu-ray Decrypt-0-0-200011
0m 17.22s: DVD Decrypt-0-0-200011
0m 43.28s: opening iso /Volumes/WIP-2/MAN_OF_STEEL.iso
0m 43.30s: got media type 15
0m 43.42s: got max lba 19243487
0m 43.54s: got disc type 20
0m 43.54s: type Blu-ray BDMV
0m 43.57s: volume label MAN_OF_STEEL
0m 43.94s: Open blu-ray disc expired time: 22311011
0m 43.96s: internal path \:/BDMV/
0m 43.99s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
0m 44.00s: got bdmv
0m 44.00s: movie name: man of steel||man_of_steel
0m 44.09s: got bdmv
0m 44.32s: got extended bdinfo
0m 44.32s: opened blu-ray
0m 44.94s: original blongest value: true
0m 44.94s: original blongest value: false
0m 44.95s: original blongest value: false
0m 44.95s: original blongest value: false
0m 44.95s: original blongest value: false
0m 44.95s: original blongest value: false
0m 44.98s: original blongest value: true
0m 44.98s: original blongest value: false
0m 44.98s: original blongest value: false
0m 44.98s: original blongest value: false
0m 45.01s: original blongest value: false
0m 45.04s: original blongest value: false
0m 45.39s: original blongest value: true
0m 45.63s: original blongest value: false
0m 45.71s: original blongest value: false
0m 45.71s: original blongest value: false
0m 45.71s: original blongest value: false
0m 45.71s: original blongest value: false
2m 33.80s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
2m 33.80s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
2m 33.80s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
2m 33.82s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
2m 33.87s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
2m 33.87s: UILog:Run current Work.
2m 34.18s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
2m 36.88s: UILog:start running at thread.
2m 36.88s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
2m 36.91s: BD MainMovie watermark flag: 0
2m 36.91s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
2m 36.91s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
2m 36.91s: Source: \:/BDMV/
2m 36.91s: Playlist: 98
2m 36.91s: Chapters: 1 -> 16
2m 36.91s: TotalSize: 37238 MB
2m 36.91s: SourceSize: 37238 MB
2m 36.91s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
2m 36.91s: CompressToAC3: 0
2m 36.91s: OutputSize: 46100 MB
2m 36.91s: OutputDisc: BDMV
2m 36.91s: OutputTarget: BD50
2m 36.91s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
2m 36.91s: 3DMode: Blu-ray 3D
2m 36.91s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
2m 36.91s: info: streams(4113.1,4352.1,4608.1)
2m 36.91s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00098.ssif]]])
2m 36.96s: info: processing source(00098.ssif)
35m 30.49s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3
35m 30.52s: UILog:Run Work to end.
Also tried Fab and it failed to open the iso.
DVDFab (2013/12/05 23:32:08)
0m 01.25s: Start check info : multi
0m 01.25s: Start get sys number.
0m 01.25s: Serial number is: 26BB69B4-E1E4-5D5D-A413-9511253C306C
0m 01.88s: GPUAccelerate: 12582912
0m 01.88s: CUDA cap: 0
0m 01.88s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 01.88s: Graphics info: : :
0m 01.92s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 02.58s: Load config successful.
0m 02.63s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
0m 04.09s: Load profiles from "/Applications/DVDFab.app/Contents/MacOS/" successful.
0m 04.25s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
0m 21.79s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 21.80s: End check info.
0m 21.80s: option dvd2dvd 0 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 0 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
0m 21.80s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
0m 22.03s: Config ExBar successful.
0m 22.03s: dvd2dvd have 8 elements.
0m 22.14s: dvd2mobile have 29 elements.
0m 22.65s: blu-ray2blu-ray have 4 elements.
0m 22.68s: blu-ray2mobile have 21 elements.
0m 23.06s: blu-ray23d have 6 elements.
0m 23.15s: blu-ray2dvd have 1 elements.
0m 23.17s: file2mobile have 28 elements.
0m 23.69s: file2dvd have 1 elements.
0m 23.71s: file2bluray have 1 elements.
0m 23.85s: Config work ui controls successful.
0m 29.70s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 30.31s: StartNotify successful.
0m 41.52s: opening iso /Volumes/WIP-2/MAN_OF_STEEL.iso
0m 41.55s: got media type 15
0m 41.63s: got max lba 19243487
0m 41.82s: got disc type 20
0m 41.82s: type Blu-ray BDMV
0m 41.82s: volume label MAN_OF_STEEL
0m 41.87s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
0m 41.93s: got discinfo
0m 41.94s: got bdmv
Fab 8 has worked flawlessly until now
Look in Fab settings under blu ray burner engine you must have it set for Fab burn engine when burning 3d movies to folders or 3d folders to disks.Doe's the 50 gig cloned iso play ok in 3d? I keep my 3d main movies as Iso's not folders try this also.Last edited by glenns; 07-14-2014, 09:19 AM.
It's not a burn issue. When the main movie in 3D is extracted from the saved 3D cloned iso only the m2ts files are written, no ssif files are copied so when burned using the Fab engine i'st 2D. This happen with or without compression or if trying to extract from the original disk. The iso has the ssif 3D files so it will burn and play in 3D.
I have a Mac Mini 2.3 G core i5) using Os 10.7.3 and have never had any problem before installing Fab 9 which I did because Fab 8 would not open Man Of Steel.
Of course I had it set to copy 3D. BTW - I used terminal to to look for hidden files and the were no .ssif files or folder in the steam folder, or anywhere else in the BDMV folder maybe you have a method to cloak them in a manner that absolutly can't be viewed on a Mac. I reinstalled Fab 8 and 9 and it seems that the burn log info is gone. Will try the whole thing again when I get some free time and will burn the 3D folder and post the log.