1547m 46.45s: opening drive E
1547m 46.45s: opened i/o
1547m 46.45s: got media type 15
1547m 46.99s: got max lba 22812511
1547m 49.25s: got disc type 20
1547m 49.25s: type Blu-ray BDMV
1547m 49.25s: volume label CHRONICLES_OF_NARNIA
1547m 51.49s: opening drive E
1547m 51.49s: opened i/o
1547m 51.54s: got max lba 22812511
1547m 52.60s: got disc type 20
1547m 52.60s: internal path E:/BDMV/
1547m 53.48s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
1547m 53.85s: got bdmv
1547m 53.86s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
1547m 53.86s: Product: BD-RE BH10LS30
1547m 53.86s: Revision: 1.01
1547m 53.86s: Vendor specific:
1547m 53.86s: AACS version: 1
1547m 53.86s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
1547m 53.86s: Supports bus encryption: NO
1547m 53.86s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
1547m 53.87s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
1547m 53.87s: got agid 0
1547m 53.88s: sent host cert chal
1547m 53.89s: got drive cert chal
1547m 53.89s: BEC 0
1547m 53.89s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
1547m 53.92s: got drive key
1547m 53.92s: got host key signature
1547m 53.92s: verified drive signature
1547m 53.93s: verified host signature
1547m 53.96s: sent host signature and key point
1547m 53.96s: got bus key
1547m 53.97s: got agid 0
1547m 53.99s: sent host cert chal
1547m 54.00s: got drive cert chal
1547m 54.00s: BEC 0
1547m 54.00s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
1547m 54.04s: got drive key
1547m 54.04s: got host key signature
1547m 54.04s: verified drive signature
1547m 54.04s: verified host signature
1547m 54.08s: sent host signature and key point
1547m 54.08s: got bus key
1547m 54.08s: got volume id
1547m 54.08s: got volume id mac
1547m 54.08s: volume id is correct
1547m 54.08s: got vid
1547m 54.20s: blu-ray 3C7F860EE68C2F5658D89E25373A4E481882BB83
1547m 54.71s: cert BEE=0x80 same
1547m 57.47s: D DCAFD70B
1548m 03.50s: bt R:8
1548m 03.51s: failed to open 0
Thanks for your support
1547m 46.45s: opened i/o
1547m 46.45s: got media type 15
1547m 46.99s: got max lba 22812511
1547m 49.25s: got disc type 20
1547m 49.25s: type Blu-ray BDMV
1547m 49.25s: volume label CHRONICLES_OF_NARNIA
1547m 51.49s: opening drive E
1547m 51.49s: opened i/o
1547m 51.54s: got max lba 22812511
1547m 52.60s: got disc type 20
1547m 52.60s: internal path E:/BDMV/
1547m 53.48s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
1547m 53.85s: got bdmv
1547m 53.86s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
1547m 53.86s: Product: BD-RE BH10LS30
1547m 53.86s: Revision: 1.01
1547m 53.86s: Vendor specific:
1547m 53.86s: AACS version: 1
1547m 53.86s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
1547m 53.86s: Supports bus encryption: NO
1547m 53.86s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
1547m 53.87s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
1547m 53.87s: got agid 0
1547m 53.88s: sent host cert chal
1547m 53.89s: got drive cert chal
1547m 53.89s: BEC 0
1547m 53.89s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
1547m 53.92s: got drive key
1547m 53.92s: got host key signature
1547m 53.92s: verified drive signature
1547m 53.93s: verified host signature
1547m 53.96s: sent host signature and key point
1547m 53.96s: got bus key
1547m 53.97s: got agid 0
1547m 53.99s: sent host cert chal
1547m 54.00s: got drive cert chal
1547m 54.00s: BEC 0
1547m 54.00s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
1547m 54.04s: got drive key
1547m 54.04s: got host key signature
1547m 54.04s: verified drive signature
1547m 54.04s: verified host signature
1547m 54.08s: sent host signature and key point
1547m 54.08s: got bus key
1547m 54.08s: got volume id
1547m 54.08s: got volume id mac
1547m 54.08s: volume id is correct
1547m 54.08s: got vid
1547m 54.20s: blu-ray 3C7F860EE68C2F5658D89E25373A4E481882BB83
1547m 54.71s: cert BEE=0x80 same
1547m 57.47s: D DCAFD70B
1548m 03.50s: bt R:8
1548m 03.51s: failed to open 0
Thanks for your support