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Converter resolution for command line

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    Converter resolution for command line

    I am trying to automate converting Plex DVR TS files to MKV. The TS files are recorded in 1080 and I want to convert them to 720 MKV. I have created a Profile for MKV, 1280x720, 2Pass, Standard quality. When I use the command line to run the converter the file is converted to MKV but at 1080 and not 720. The command line documentation does not show any switches I can use and trying /? /Help doesn't do anything. Is this possible? Is there a switch to change the resolution? Shouldn't the command line follow my saved profile? Here's an example of my command line, "C:\Program Files\DVDFab 11\DVDFab64.exe" /MODE "CONVERTER" /SRC "C:\Original\Supergirl (2015) - S05E05 - Dangerous Liaisons.ts" /DEST "C:\Converted" /PROFILE "MKV720Standard".

    Hello, command line doesn't support to change resolution, in this case, you can use change related parameters in the Advanced Settings window, and then save the profile for use. See image attached for more information.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	save resolution.jpg
Views:	282
Size:	30.3 KB
ID:	374603


      I figured this out. Everything you have shown in the screenshot is exactly what I did. I saved the profile but every time I would add a new video to convert (either through the GUI or CLI) the video would default to the original resolution 1080. What I didn't realize is that when I save the profile there is an option in the drop down next to the [Save my profile] button called [Save resolution]. I turned that option on and re-saved my profile. Last night's Plex recordings were converted to 720 so this issue can be closed. Thank you for your quick response.

