Using (yes, little old) I ripped my AlwaysSunny years 1 & 2 three disk set. Only 2 of the 17 titles were recognized as legitimate mp4 by MediaPlay 5 or 3. Those titles had the word "theatrical" in the mp4 filename. Both logs indicated a problem. Note that the preview in all cases worked fine, just the MP4 was no good.
From player5
13:19:18 T:15544 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx open file: J:\AlwaysSunny\s1d1.mp4
13:19:18 T:15544 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx pre select audio:-1, subtitle:-1
13:19:18 T:15544 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx m_bAutoDetectBalckBar :0, m_fWideScreenAspect :1.780000
13:19:18 T:15544 error: vidonplayer open file fail
13:19:18 T:15544 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::Process async open file fail
from player3
13:18:10 T:6196 notice: Plcore:: create NetworkShareCheck thread
13:18:10 T:6196 notice: Plcore:: init network share thread (01097A98)
13:18:10 T:6196 notice: VidonPlayer start work[edit time:20170307]
13:18:10 T:6196 notice: VDPlayer::init:
elete old logs
13:18:14 T:18688 notice: Plcore::CRenderSystemDX::SetColorSpace eUseHDR :0
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore::CPlayTool::SetBDRegion ,value :
13:18:14 T:6196 notice: Plcore::construct input stream - file
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore:
VDDemuxFFmpeg - Error, could not open file J:\AlwaysSunny\s1d1.mp4
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore:: - Error creating demuxer
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore::{"errmsg":"xsource parse source failed","errno":11023,"line":2917,"module":"player corexsource","msg":"xsource: ParseMediaFile failed"}
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore::ParserSource fail , file = J:\AlwaysSunny\s1d1.mp4
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore::{"errmsg":"mediatool parsr file fail","errno":12001,"line":101,"module":"Plcore_me diatool","msg":"Parser file fail file = J:\\AlwaysSunny\\s1d1.mp4,use time = 29 ms"}
One of the only 2 that worked, player 3
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: Plcore::Build Verison: 2.0.Unknown
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: Plcore::the plcore mode is 15
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: Plcore:: create NetworkShareCheck thread
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: Plcore:: init network share thread (05DD9AA0)
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: VidonPlayer start work[edit time:20170307]
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: VDPlayer::init:
elete old logs
13:06:17 T:17736 notice: Plcore::CRenderSystemDX::SetColorSpace eUseHDR :0
13:06:18 T:19044 error: Plcore::CPlayTool::SetBDRegion ,value :
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore::construct input stream - file
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore::3d setting - Get3DMode(0), Is3dDeviceEnabled(0)
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore:
arserMvcExtraData -- bIsMVC(0), bPlay3d(0)
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore::3d setting - Get3DMode(0), Is3dDeviceEnabled(0)
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore:
arserMvcExtraData -- bIsMVC(0), bPlay3d(0)
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore::CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
13:06:19 T:19044 error: Plcore::FixDemuxerToStreamDetails failed( not find audio stream)
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CRenderSystemDX::SetColorSpace eUseHDR :0
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFile open mode:local, async:0
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx m_nStartTime: 0.000000
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx select mkuversion -1
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx select playlist -1
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx open file: J:/AlwaysSunny/disk2/Video/ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILADELPHIA_D2/ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILADELPHIA_D2.theatrical.mp4
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx pre select audio:0, subtitle:0
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx m_bAutoDetectBalckBar :0, m_fWideScreenAspect :1.780000
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CCorePlayer::OpenFile
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CorePlayer OpenFile strpath :J:\AlwaysSunny\disk2\Video\ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILAD ELPHIA_D2\ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILADELPHIA_D2.theatric al.mp4, keyPath :
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CorePlayer OpenFile strStandardPath :J:\AlwaysSunny\disk2\Video\ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILAD ELPHIA_D2\ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILADELPHIA_D2.theatric al.mp4
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CorePlayer OpenFile m_options, starttime :0.000000, playlist :-1, bScanExternalSubtitle :1, playmode :-1, bdrmfile :0, mkuversion :-1, bAutoDetectBalckBar :0, fWideScreenAspect :1.780000
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::Create FilePlayer
From player5
13:19:18 T:15544 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx open file: J:\AlwaysSunny\s1d1.mp4
13:19:18 T:15544 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx pre select audio:-1, subtitle:-1
13:19:18 T:15544 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx m_bAutoDetectBalckBar :0, m_fWideScreenAspect :1.780000
13:19:18 T:15544 error: vidonplayer open file fail
13:19:18 T:15544 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::Process async open file fail
from player3
13:18:10 T:6196 notice: Plcore:: create NetworkShareCheck thread
13:18:10 T:6196 notice: Plcore:: init network share thread (01097A98)
13:18:10 T:6196 notice: VidonPlayer start work[edit time:20170307]
13:18:10 T:6196 notice: VDPlayer::init:

13:18:14 T:18688 notice: Plcore::CRenderSystemDX::SetColorSpace eUseHDR :0
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore::CPlayTool::SetBDRegion ,value :
13:18:14 T:6196 notice: Plcore::construct input stream - file
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore:

13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore:: - Error creating demuxer
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore::{"errmsg":"xsource parse source failed","errno":11023,"line":2917,"module":"player corexsource","msg":"xsource: ParseMediaFile failed"}
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore::ParserSource fail , file = J:\AlwaysSunny\s1d1.mp4
13:18:14 T:6196 error: Plcore::{"errmsg":"mediatool parsr file fail","errno":12001,"line":101,"module":"Plcore_me diatool","msg":"Parser file fail file = J:\\AlwaysSunny\\s1d1.mp4,use time = 29 ms"}
One of the only 2 that worked, player 3
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: Plcore::Build Verison: 2.0.Unknown
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: Plcore::the plcore mode is 15
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: Plcore:: create NetworkShareCheck thread
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: Plcore:: init network share thread (05DD9AA0)
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: VidonPlayer start work[edit time:20170307]
13:06:13 T:19044 notice: VDPlayer::init:

13:06:17 T:17736 notice: Plcore::CRenderSystemDX::SetColorSpace eUseHDR :0
13:06:18 T:19044 error: Plcore::CPlayTool::SetBDRegion ,value :
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore::construct input stream - file
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore::3d setting - Get3DMode(0), Is3dDeviceEnabled(0)
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore:

13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore::3d setting - Get3DMode(0), Is3dDeviceEnabled(0)
13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore:

13:06:18 T:19044 notice: Plcore::CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
13:06:19 T:19044 error: Plcore::FixDemuxerToStreamDetails failed( not find audio stream)
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CRenderSystemDX::SetColorSpace eUseHDR :0
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFile open mode:local, async:0
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx m_nStartTime: 0.000000
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx select mkuversion -1
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx select playlist -1
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx open file: J:/AlwaysSunny/disk2/Video/ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILADELPHIA_D2/ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILADELPHIA_D2.theatrical.mp4
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx pre select audio:0, subtitle:0
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: CVDCorePlayerPlcore::OpenFileEx m_bAutoDetectBalckBar :0, m_fWideScreenAspect :1.780000
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CCorePlayer::OpenFile
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CorePlayer OpenFile strpath :J:\AlwaysSunny\disk2\Video\ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILAD ELPHIA_D2\ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILADELPHIA_D2.theatric al.mp4, keyPath :
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CorePlayer OpenFile strStandardPath :J:\AlwaysSunny\disk2\Video\ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILAD ELPHIA_D2\ITSALWAYSSUNNYINPHILADELPHIA_D2.theatric al.mp4
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::CorePlayer OpenFile m_options, starttime :0.000000, playlist :-1, bScanExternalSubtitle :1, playmode :-1, bdrmfile :0, mkuversion :-1, bAutoDetectBalckBar :0, fWideScreenAspect :1.780000
13:06:19 T:11756 notice: Plcore::Create FilePlayer