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Error code 1010 when converting UHD disc to BD50 4K disc

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    Error code 1010 when converting UHD disc to BD50 4K disc

    I previously was successfully using DVDFab x64 with my laptop (with NVIDIA MX150) to convert full UHD discs to BD50 4K discs with good success. The only issue was the slow speed (would take 7 hours). I purchased an external GPU enclosure and an NVIDIA GTX 1080 graphics card to speed the process up. I have the laptop successfully recognizing the card, and I have selected the 1080 as the default graphics card to use with DVDFab. Now when I start the conversion process, it starts the analysis and once conversion starts, the "speed meter" in the upper right goes to max, then the process fails. Is there something obvious that I am doing wrong? I am attaching the DVDFab process log and a screenshot, what else do I need to post to help figure this out?
    Thanks very much for any help.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot (29).png
Views:	136
Size:	19.2 KB
ID:	374435
    Attached Files

    Please be sure that your graphics card is with the latest driver version and try again. If still have same problem, post the latest dvdfab_internal log file and the fabcheck internal log file, thanks.


      Here are the two requested logs, thanks very much. dvdfab_internal.log fabcheck_internal.log


        Originally posted by Ralphie73 View Post
        Here are the two requested logs, thanks very much. [ATTACH]n374465[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]n374466[/ATTACH]
        We have not tested the case like Laptop connects an external graphics card, we will run some tests and see what happens.

        Also, in the log file, there is no sign of the 1080 card, since you have the laptop successfully recognized the card, and have selected 1080 as the default graphics card to use with DVDFab, please also add the fabprocess.exe and fabcheck.exe to use the card.
        You will also need to be sure that the power for the external GPU enclosure and an NVIDIA GTX 1080 graphics card is on and stable.

        And then try again, and post the latest log files. Thank you.


          Thank you so much, adding fabprocess.exe and fabcheck.exe as default users of the 1080 card got it to work correctly. Thanks so much for your help!

