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Error 87 The Parameter Is Incorrect

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    Blu-ray Error 87 The Parameter Is Incorrect

    Hey all, recently i've been plagued with these issues with DVD Fab 13. I have a samsung Bluray drive and never seemed to have these problems until after updating to the latest version of DVDFab Bluray Creator.

    Source - Windows 11 Desktop PC.

    Version - DVD Fab

    When I burn a Bluray to disc, it loads but then upon writing the software just stalls and gives up. It gets stuck at 0% or some point in the burn then the Bluray drive disconnects or shuts off. It seems to be a specific problem with this one movie i'm burning, i've been through about 10 discs and wasted them because of these errors.nothing is running in the background that is taking up so much CPU space.
    I have tried clearing temp files which worked once but then this problem came back again today and it's driving me mad. Would love to see if someone can help me fix it.

    "Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter is incorrect"

    Here is the log file for my recent attempt, thank you
    Attached Files

    Could you please submit the entire log folder via the Feedback feature in DVDFab 13? We need other log files to look into it. Thank you.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot-20241119-180551.png
Views:	60
Size:	18.9 KB
ID:	454302

