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Netflix high CPU load despite activated GPU hardware acceleration

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    Netflix high CPU load despite activated GPU hardware acceleration

    i7 9900k 8C/16T , 48GB RAM and nvidia 1070 Ti

    the CPU load is 95-98% when downloading from Netflix, GPU hardware acceleration is enabled

    From developer:
    the log shows driver is ok, it crashed the last job. cause the the browser on memory for gpu. Please just restart the Drm Downloader to try again.


      translate with google, sorry Netflix series The problem appears to be sporadic. It loads 1 or 2 episodes of a series with a low CPU load and suddenly the fan of my wakü turns up and it starts the download with power consumption 150Watt and levels off at 95Watt with a cpu load of 95-98%. and that with the following downloads. restarting the DRM only helps sporadically. Often times, drm has to be restarted so that it simply starts the download. it is strange that the file size turns out differently. E.g. H2O mermaids, the normal downloads are all 900-1000MB in size, if the problem arises the consequences have a size of 4+ GB.


        DRM version

