I noticed some odd behavior with SF analysis regarding Amazon series. I've been grabbing Seal Team (I have P+ through Amazon) and earlier today grabbed the last episodes of season 3 and the first 5 episodes of season 4 and the bitrate options for the chosen resolution were smaller than when I picked up with season 4 later today. I know a lot of people have pointed out the bitrates provided after analysis are almost always off so it's old hat there.
Just for giggles instead of searching Amazon for season 4 and choosing it I chose season 3 and sure enough the bitrates were lower for the same resolution even though I selected episodes from season 4. This is not a HUGE difference but it is about 100MB give or take per episode different. Some series which I know have a lot of action or detail I go with higher bitrates but less action or detail often lower bitrates. I only notice this as I have absolutely abysmal bandwidth. When the heavens crack open and they finally run fiber here I probably won't give a F. F. about bitrate.
In a nutshell:
Select season 3 on Amazon and allow it to analyze - lower bitrates for a given resolution.
Select season 4 on Amazon and allow it to analyze - higher bitrates for a given resolution.
However if the bitrates are lower than anticipated when choosing a particular season (in my case season 3) choosing another season yielded higher bitrates (in my case season 4). According to MediaInfo there is a difference in bitrates although they never jive with SF exactly as with SF they are more ballpark than anything else.
From now on I think I'll select several seasons to analyze one at a time to determine which season to select for analysis depending on whether I want a higher bitrate or lower.
I guess this odd behavior works in my favor in some ways. If I don't like the bitrate start with a different season.
This is the first I've actually determined why there was a difference. I noticed this before but didn't give it much thought until today, in hindsight I should have taken notes then. I may toy around with it more when I have time. Anyone else notice this?
Just for giggles instead of searching Amazon for season 4 and choosing it I chose season 3 and sure enough the bitrates were lower for the same resolution even though I selected episodes from season 4. This is not a HUGE difference but it is about 100MB give or take per episode different. Some series which I know have a lot of action or detail I go with higher bitrates but less action or detail often lower bitrates. I only notice this as I have absolutely abysmal bandwidth. When the heavens crack open and they finally run fiber here I probably won't give a F. F. about bitrate.
In a nutshell:
Select season 3 on Amazon and allow it to analyze - lower bitrates for a given resolution.
Select season 4 on Amazon and allow it to analyze - higher bitrates for a given resolution.
However if the bitrates are lower than anticipated when choosing a particular season (in my case season 3) choosing another season yielded higher bitrates (in my case season 4). According to MediaInfo there is a difference in bitrates although they never jive with SF exactly as with SF they are more ballpark than anything else.
From now on I think I'll select several seasons to analyze one at a time to determine which season to select for analysis depending on whether I want a higher bitrate or lower.
I guess this odd behavior works in my favor in some ways. If I don't like the bitrate start with a different season.
This is the first I've actually determined why there was a difference. I noticed this before but didn't give it much thought until today, in hindsight I should have taken notes then. I may toy around with it more when I have time. Anyone else notice this?