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Odd Analysis Behavior - Nuisance or Plus?

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    Amazon Odd Analysis Behavior - Nuisance or Plus?

    I noticed some odd behavior with SF analysis regarding Amazon series. I've been grabbing Seal Team (I have P+ through Amazon) and earlier today grabbed the last episodes of season 3 and the first 5 episodes of season 4 and the bitrate options for the chosen resolution were smaller than when I picked up with season 4 later today. I know a lot of people have pointed out the bitrates provided after analysis are almost always off so it's old hat there.

    Just for giggles instead of searching Amazon for season 4 and choosing it I chose season 3 and sure enough the bitrates were lower for the same resolution even though I selected episodes from season 4. This is not a HUGE difference but it is about 100MB give or take per episode different. Some series which I know have a lot of action or detail I go with higher bitrates but less action or detail often lower bitrates. I only notice this as I have absolutely abysmal bandwidth. When the heavens crack open and they finally run fiber here I probably won't give a F. F. about bitrate.

    In a nutshell:
    Select season 3 on Amazon and allow it to analyze - lower bitrates for a given resolution.
    Select season 4 on Amazon and allow it to analyze - higher bitrates for a given resolution.

    However if the bitrates are lower than anticipated when choosing a particular season (in my case season 3) choosing another season yielded higher bitrates (in my case season 4). According to MediaInfo there is a difference in bitrates although they never jive with SF exactly as with SF they are more ballpark than anything else.

    From now on I think I'll select several seasons to analyze one at a time to determine which season to select for analysis depending on whether I want a higher bitrate or lower.

    I guess this odd behavior works in my favor in some ways. If I don't like the bitrate start with a different season.

    This is the first I've actually determined why there was a difference. I noticed this before but didn't give it much thought until today, in hindsight I should have taken notes then. I may toy around with it more when I have time. Anyone else notice this?
    Win11 Pro 23H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.

    There, for sure, where changes in the Amazon website and SF don't fully like the changes.
    I am just happy I can still download from Amazon, right now.

    Not sure if your issue is same as to what is talked about here >
    Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
    Usual locations for log files.


      I'm not too terribly concerned with this oddity, like you I'm just glad Amazon is working period. I'm still running as none of the updates address any issues I have. If it's not broken don't fix it. Something Microsoft couldn't understand with 27 eight-by-ten color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one​.

      I don't think it's quite the same issue but I'm sure it's related as it analyzes the entire series (well, technically the season you select anyway) rather than a single episode like a few of the other modules. I'm looking at it as a plus. One of the few things I didn't care for with Anystream is the limited bitrate options. This "bug" or whatever it is allows me even more bitrate options than I would normally have any way so I'll take it as an undocumented feature. It may be a couple of extra steps but has it's advantages. At least until they fix it.

      (If anyone gets the "photo" reference above you rock! )
      Win11 Pro 23H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.


        (If anyone gets the "photo" reference above you rock! )​
        And there was all kinds of mean, nasty, ugly-lookin' people on the bench there.‎
        Mother-rapers, father-stabbers, father-rapers!​ Father-rapers right there on the bench next to me!


          Later seasons probably have much lower bitrates. And SF is probably analyzing earlier seasons when you click on it.
          This is all related to the other larger Amazon thread.


            Actually analyzing later seasons resulted in higher bitrates for each resolution and the earlier season resulted in lower yet choosing episodes from the later season after analyzing the earlier still came down at the bitrates given for the previous season. I'm not trying analyze a single episode. It probably is related but again, not trying to analyze a single episode. When I choose the bitrate I want all the episodes come down at that bitrate regardless of the episodes season.
            Win11 Pro 23H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.

