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Unifab - Serious Problems with the Enlarger: Does not work

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    Unifab - Serious Problems with the Enlarger: Does not work

    Everytime I want to enlarge a video, I allways get an error message "Failed". I am not able to enlarge any video.

    In the logfile I found the following lines:

    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x1064)L: WorkManagerProcessInfo: EventInfoNotify: EVENT_MASK_MSG pszEventID= pszMsg=Conversion: one pass MsgType=0 dwStatusResID=0
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x4fec)L: info: begin render pin
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x4fec)L: info: args: video_size=720x480ix_fmt=0:time_base=1001/30000ixel_aspect=853/720
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x4fec)L: info: video_filter: scale=853:480,pad=854:480:'abs(ow-iw)'/2:'abs(oh-ih)'/2 :black
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x4fec)L: info: ex process path= C:/Users/Hans-Hartwig Hein/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab/UniFab/EnlargeAI/video/EncodeCore.exe
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x4fec)L: info: win wstr_param (C:/Users/Hans-Hartwig Hein/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab/UniFab/EnlargeAI/video/EncodeCore.exe)
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x4fec)L: error: win CreateProcess: wstr_param (C:/Users/Hans-Hartwig Hein/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab/UniFab/EnlargeAI/video/EncodeCore.exe -n c30-000002063180F150-815-comm-fifo 8388608 unifab64.exe 3120 "E:/Hans-Hartwig Hein/Documents/DVDFab/UniFab/Log/" "C:/Program Files/DVDFab/UniFab/") failed
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x4fec)L: error: error: control process (external_process create_process_fail 0)
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.5(0x4fec)L: error: task_convert external_process create_process_fail 0
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.6(0x1064)L: WorkManagerProcessInfo: EventInfoNotify: EVENT_MASK_MSG pszEventID= pszMsg=Work 1 failed, Error = external_process create_process_fail 0 MsgType=2 dwStatusResID=0
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.6(0x4fec)L: error: Work 1 failed, Error = external_process create_process_fail 0
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.6(0x4fec)L: ------------------ convert work failed ------------------
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.6(0x4fec)L: ------------------ all convert work cancelled -------------------
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.6(0x4fec)L: WorkControl: return value is 10, user do not clicked cancel.
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.6(0x4fec)L: WorkControl: end user copy.
    3120 12.10 19:49:02.6(0x4fec)I: work: work_status: ui WorkData status changed to WorkData_Failed​

    What can I do?

    Thank You in advance.

    Here is the complete Logfile:
    Attached Files


      I have solved the problem. Ther was a big fault in my userprofile in Windows 11. After I fixed this, UniFab now works perfectly.


        Originally posted by Bithunter_Hardy View Post
        I have solved the problem. Ther was a big fault in my userprofile in Windows 11. After I fixed this, UniFab now works perfectly.
        Thanks for the update.

        Could you please provide more info on the userprofile's part?
        What did you change and make it work?

        It will be helpful for other members who encounter the same issue. Thanks in advance.

