I can do the same movie in Unifab and Fab v12. In Unifab it just goes to 60% usage for the GPU and stays there like you say. The same movie in v12 shows between 6% and 8% GPU usage and it actually fluctuates throughout the process. Based on third-party monitoring software v12 is correct. GPU usage never gets anywhere near 60%.
Dear Knighter, I'm not mentioning any problem with the software "UNIFAB". I'm only saying that the GPU charge indicator is always showing 60% even before you start any process. Please read my 1st post and look at the image. Therefore, there is no need of sending you a log for check. Simply, show to the developer that the GPU charge indicator always showS 60% and NEVER varies. I hope you now understand the matter. Thanks.
There is no unifab log to be sent for this. I'm talking about the Unifab. graphic interface showing always at the top "60% GPU Load" and the 60% never changes. So, the question is: what is the utility of having an indicator that never changes and why? The image I sent shows you where you have to look at.
Please, can someone explain me why the GPU indicator shows always 60% and never changes? This also happens with other DVDFAB programs.
Enclosed a print screen of what I mean.
Many thanks,
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