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Vimeo only downloading trailer

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    Vimeo only downloading trailer

    I'm logged into Vimeo inside Streamfab. I visit this url:
    When Dana moves into her new apartment she falls in love with the building's cat but the cat is actually an adult woman in a costume. Director: Scott Hillman Cast:…

    The webpage loads inside StreamFab and the full movie is shown and plays when I click on the play button. But the analysis only finds the trailer (which isn't even visible on screen).

    Attached a log.
    Attached Files

    I got it working. But it's not easy, and doesn't work by itself. I followed these instructions: Attempting to download rented Vimeo video | ERROR: Cannot download embed-only video without embedding URL. Please call youtube-dl with the URL of the page that embeds this video. · Issue Layer break? · ytdl-org/youtube-dl · GitHub​

    Basically, you have to find the skyfire "avc_url" link. It will be something like*/master.json?*
    Grab that whole string, but replace master.json with master.m3u8. Shove that into Streamfab and it should work. Note that the url will expire after using or after 20 minutes or so. If that's not enough info for you to get it working, than this solution isn't going to work for you. As I can't troubleshoot. But maybe this is enough info for Streamfab to implement a solution.


      Thanks for the info.


        That seems doable solution l. At least for now. I've had this problem for a while and was not sure how to get it to work.

