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No sound on some downloads from Amazon

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    No sound on some downloads from Amazon

    At least the following two titles, when downloaded, carry no soundtrack.
    "The Grand Tour presents .... Seamen (S4 Ep1)" and "Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan S3 Ep8"

    For Jack Ryan, all other 7 episodes of season 3 contain sound.
    For The Grand Tour, episode 2 contains sound, but not episode 1.

    Can the team look into the problem?

    Further to my request above, i have included logs for the two downloads.

    For the Grand Tour S4 E1, I discovered that I has previously downloaded the file back on the 13th of January using v3.0.0.6, and that download has sound.
    I deleted that file a few days ago and decided to try again (to make a Blu-ray copy) so I downloaded the file again, but this time it has no sound.
    See log zipped below.
    Grand Tour S4

    I have also attached the log for Jack Ryan S2 E8 that also downloads without sound. (the Jack Ryan season listed about should be S2, not S3)
    See below.
    Jack Ryan S2

    I hope these help.
    Attached Files


      I also had some issues with a video downloading without the audio...and there didn't seem to be an audio file in the temp folder for the video, either. Additionally, I downloaded anothervideo that looked like it completed, but it never advanced to the parsing phase. I've attached the log files.
      Attached Files


        Sorry for the trouble, we will check.


          I have the same issue no sound on any downloads that I have tried so far. Picture quality is perfect though


            Même problème sur amazon ...vidéo parfaite mais pas de son


              Now, this is not a sure thing, but I have found that the problem with no sound is less likely to appear on items that are not the first item in the queue of the batch when downloading from Amazon.

              For me, it is usually episode 1 of a season that has no sound.

              So I tried adding something that I wasnt really interested in as the first item in the queue, and then the episode that previously had no sound and that seems to make it much more likely that the episode that previously had no sound, now actually had sound.

              Again, this is not a sure thing, just makes it more likely to work, which can be used as a workaround until a fix arrives.


                While this may be a workaround for you it does not work that way with the German localized version of Amazon Prime. I have tested this throughout the day and noticed at least 90% of all downloads being mute (though with working subtitles), about 5 percent who did not download at all for some reason or did not process and only around 5% that worked out right. The failed downloads ruin the temp files folder as well, so that I have to manually delete them and restart the whole thing every 5 minutes. At this point this is beta software at best.


                  Bemwen, I tried your tip and so far it has worked. Thanks for the great tip.


                    Hi all, sorry for the trouble, we will release a new version soon to fix the no sound issue. Please kindly wait for an update, thank you.

