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StreamFab YouTube Downloader

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    StreamFab YouTube Downloader

    I am getting some corrupt video files that are downloaded from YouTube. It occurs on any 4K UHD HDR video as well as some 1080P videos. This is what it looks like on my PC (both resolutions). My PC has an I7-9700 CPU, 32GB of RAM and an Nvidia RTX 2070 Super video card so the hardware is not an issue. Any ideas would be appreciated

    Click image for larger version

Name:	4K YouTube vidoe corruption.JPG
Views:	887
Size:	22.9 KB
ID:	399061

    Here are log files for 4K ans 1080P videos:

    Please provide the last video link that you have tried and received the playback problem.
    Also, please post the StreamFab log file. Thanks.


      This is a small 4K video but the corruption can occur on some 1080P files as well

      YouTube でお気に入りの動画や音楽を楽しみ、オリジナルのコンテンツをアップロードして友だちや家族、世界中の人たちと共有しましょう。

      Log File:

      4576 2021:08:20-17:02:22 Info: global: app Exit begin
      4576 2021:08:20-17:02:22 Info: global: save Statistics Data
      4576 2021:08:20-17:02:22 Info: global: app Exit end

      -------------------------4576 2 Downloader End 2021-08-20----------------------------
      4576 2021:08:20-17:02:25 Info: Youtube DL Service Stop
      4576 2021:08:20-17:02:25 Warning: QWinEventNotifier: no event dispatcher, application shutting down? Cannot deliver event.
      4576 2021:08:20-17:02:25 Warning: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("C:\\Users\\Marc Lerner\\AppData\\Roaming\\DVDFab\\StreamFab\\Youtu beToMP3\\YoutubeToMP3Service.exe") is still running.

      -------------------------21244 2 Downloader C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe Begin 2021-08-20----------------------------
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:36 Info: app info: compiled time Aug 19 2021 19:07:28, nOpenGLMode
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:36 Log: Start get hd.
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:36 Info: Youtube DL Service Not Exists
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:36 Info: Youtube DL Service Start
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:36 Log: hd1.
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Log: hd2.
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Log: hd3.
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Log: hd4.
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Log: hd: 6c2ece45c168c3f6cdc4e3736726f77b-839daa212d011a8ceb996164763e1c68-c9e7b8a5f364f999d3e58f9d70747da6-051a0f0c5afdb1c20db323cfef70b949-b24d6c106ad54144640494cbf2f4bb67
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Info: Youtube DL Service Status: Starting
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Info: Youtube DL Service Status: Running
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Log: IUtilityServiceAdatper: Initialize IUtilityServiceDataStats.
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal UIControl::signal_deleteCreatePlaylist(SStreamPlay listId &)
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Warning: QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'widgetCreateList')
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal UIControl::signal_deleteSavedPlaylist(SStreamPlayl istId &)
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Warning: QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'widgetSavedList')
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to LoadDateStatusWidget "widgetLoading", which already has a layout
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:37 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_widget_speedButton_clicked()
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_widget_speedButton_clicked()
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Warning: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SynDataWaitWidget "widgetSyn", which already has a layout
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Log: Serial number is: 04-d9-f5-7c-37-4c:a8-5e-45-23-fd-eb
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Log: Connect type is: 0
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Log: AdvertisingInfo: id = 2 get ad info success
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:38 Warning: PlayerBar(0x1be1a8b5b80, name="m_pWidgetPlaybar") does not have a property named "bFullScreenMode"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:39 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5000).
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:39 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:39 Log: error info: d:\workspace\downloader_x64\fablib\fabregister\fab authorizemanager.cpp 600
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:39 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5001).
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:40 Log: Times of connecting server is: 0
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:40 Log: FabAuthorize: CheckOption - success
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:40 Log: AdvertisementEx: Check new ad success (id=5005)
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:40 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5005).
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:42 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 5
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:42 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 5
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:42 Info: streamdata: ServerSyncer load nSyncTimeWithServer= 0
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:42 Info: ServerSyncer: load oplist size= 0 eOpList: ""
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:42 Info: BrowerIOer: listen Ok!
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:42 Warning: QSslSocket::connectToHostEncrypted: TLS initialization failed
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:42 Warning: QIODevice::read (QFile, "C:\Program Files\DVDFab\StreamFab\sslCert\server_cert.pem"): device not open
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:42 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal QCefClient::cefEmbedded()
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:43 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5004).
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:43 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(9000).
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:43 Info: clipboard type: 208 url: ""
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:43 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5003).
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:44 Log: AdvertisementEx: GetAd Info From server success(5002).
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:48 Info: [Web service] update flag: Auto
      21244 2021:08:20-17:03:48 Info: start update: Success
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:03 Info: clipboard type: 208 url: ""
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:03 Warning: StreamMedia: not file "E:\\My Data\\Videos\\StreamFab\\Real 4K HDR 60fps - Sony Food Fizzle in HDR_3840x2160.mp4"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:03 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:03 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:03 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:03 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "3768fe2cf1a7b997ad368222fc098da9" as file name "Real 4K HDR 60fps: Sony Food Fizzle in HDR"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start: "" "" "" vip_speed= true args= "Encrypted_LS1uby1wbGF5bGlzdCAtLW5ld2xpbmUgLS1 kdmR mYWItcHJpbnQtanNvbiAtLXByaW50LWR2ZGZhYi1vdXQgLS1pZ 25vcmUtZXJyb3JzIC0tZHZkZmFiLWlnbm9yZS1lcnJvcnMgLS1 yZXRyaWVzIDIgLS1lbmFibGUtcGFyYWxsZWwgLXYgLS1jb29ra WVzIEU6L015IERhdGEvRG9jdW1lbnRzL0RWREZhYi9TdHJlYW1 GYWIvVGVtcC9jYWNoZS9jb29raWVzLnR4dCAtbyBFOlxNeSBEY XRhXFZpZGVvc1xTdHJlYW1GYWIvLmZhYl9kb3duX3RtcC8zNzY 4ZmUyY2YxYTdiOTk3YWQzNjgyMjJmYzA5OGRhOV8lKHJlc29sd XRpb24pcy4lKGV4dClzIC1mIGJlc3R2aWRlb1toZWlnaHQ8PTQ zMjBdK2Jlc3RhdWRpb1tleHQ9bTRhXS9iZXN0IC0tbWVyZ2Utb 3V0cHV0LWZvcm1hdCBtcDQgLS1lbmNvZGluZyB1dGYtOCAtLWx pbWl0LXJhdGUgMTAwME0gLS1lbWJlZC10aHVtYm5haWwgLS1hZ GQtbWV0YWRhdGEgLS14YXR0cnMgLS1uby1jb250aW51ZSBodHR wczovL3d3dy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbS93YXRjaD92PUZjRVZiVnJOS Xln"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Info: MediaLibraryDownloader: change eDownloaderStatus= 1
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] System config: []
      [debug] User config: []

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:04 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] Custom config: []
      [debug] Command-line args: ['--client-id', 'dvdfab-downloader-win', '--client-version', '4015', '--no-playlist', '--newline', '--dvdfab-print-json', '--print-dvdfab-out', '--ignore-errors', '--dvdfab-ignore-errors', '--retries', '2', '--enable-parallel', '-v', '--cookies', 'E:/My Data/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp/cache/cookies.txt', '-o', 'E:\\My Data\\Videos\\StreamFab/.fab_down_tmp/3768fe2cf1a7b997ad368222fc098da9_%(resolution)s.%( ext)s', '-f', 'bestvideo[height<=4320]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best', '--merge-output-format', 'mp4', '--encoding', 'utf-8', '--limit-rate', '1000M', '--embed-thumbnail', '--add-metadata', '--xattrs', '--no-continue', '']

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:05 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, out cp1252, pref utf-8
      [debug] youtube-dl version 2021.06.06

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:05 Info: "[debug] youtube-dl version 2021.06.06"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:05 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] Python version 3.7.9 (CPython) - Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:05 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 4.1.4, ffprobe 4.1.4
      [debug] Proxy map: {}

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:11 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 0
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:11 Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal WebSitePage::signalLoadFinish( bool )
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:11 Warning: QObject::connect: (sender name: 'WebSitePage')
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:11 Warning: QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'navigateBar')
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:19 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "youtube FcEVbVrNIyg" " 4" ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:19 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "youtube FcEVbVrNIyg" " 4" Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "youtube_dl\", line 2252, in process_info
      File "youtube_dl\", line 2197, in dl
      File "youtube_dl\downloader\", line 388, in download
      File "youtube_dl\downloader\", line 154, in real_download
      File "youtube_dl\", line 2623, in urlopen
      File "urllib\", line 531, in open
      File "urllib\", line 641, in http_response
      File "urllib\", line 569, in error
      File "urllib\", line 503, in _call_chain
      File "urllib\", line 649, in http_error_default
      urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:19 Info: NavigateWidget: showmode 5
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:20 Info: DownloadHelper: sleep 4208
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:20 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result: false "youtube FcEVbVrNIyg" " 4"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:20 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "1 ExitStatus: 0" "youtube FcEVbVrNIyg" " 4"

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:20 Info: MediaLibraryDownloader: change eDownloaderStatus= 3
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:20 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:20 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:20 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:20 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:28 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:28 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:28 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:28 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:41 Info: clipboard type: 208 url: ""
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:56 Info: clipboard type: 208 url: ""
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:56 Warning: StreamMedia: local file empty !
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:56 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:56 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:56 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:56 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:57 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch: use "3768fe2cf1a7b997ad368222fc098da9" as file name "Real 4K HDR 60fps: Sony Food Fizzle in HDR"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:57 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch start: "" "" "" vip_speed= true args= "Encrypted_LS1uby1wbGF5bGlzdCAtLW5ld2xpbmUgLS1 kdmR mYWItcHJpbnQtanNvbiAtLXByaW50LWR2ZGZhYi1vdXQgLS1pZ 25vcmUtZXJyb3JzIC0tZHZkZmFiLWlnbm9yZS1lcnJvcnMgLS1 yZXRyaWVzIDIgLS1lbmFibGUtcGFyYWxsZWwgLXYgLS1jb29ra WVzIEU6L015IERhdGEvRG9jdW1lbnRzL0RWREZhYi9TdHJlYW1 GYWIvVGVtcC9jYWNoZS9jb29raWVzLnR4dCAtbyBFOlxNeSBEY XRhXFZpZGVvc1xTdHJlYW1GYWIvLmZhYl9kb3duX3RtcC8zNzY 4ZmUyY2YxYTdiOTk3YWQzNjgyMjJmYzA5OGRhOV8lKHJlc29sd XRpb24pcy4lKGV4dClzIC1mIGJlc3R2aWRlb1toZWlnaHQ8PTI xNjBdK2Jlc3RhdWRpb1tleHQ9bTRhXS9iZXN0IC0tbWVyZ2Utb 3V0cHV0LWZvcm1hdCBtcDQgLS1lbmNvZGluZyB1dGYtOCAtLWx pbWl0LXJhdGUgMTAwME0gLS1lbWJlZC10aHVtYm5haWwgLS1hZ GQtbWV0YWRhdGEgLS14YXR0cnMgLS1uby1jb250aW51ZSBodHR wczovL3d3dy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbS93YXRjaD92PUZjRVZiVnJOS Xln"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Info: MediaLibraryDownloader: change eDownloaderStatus= 1
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] System config: []
      [debug] User config: []

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] Custom config: []
      [debug] Command-line args: ['--client-id', 'dvdfab-downloader-win', '--client-version', '4015', '--no-playlist', '--newline', '--dvdfab-print-json', '--print-dvdfab-out', '--ignore-errors', '--dvdfab-ignore-errors', '--retries', '2', '--enable-parallel', '-v', '--cookies', 'E:/My Data/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp/cache/cookies.txt', '-o', 'E:\\My Data\\Videos\\StreamFab/.fab_down_tmp/3768fe2cf1a7b997ad368222fc098da9_%(resolution)s.%( ext)s', '-f', 'bestvideo[height<=2160]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best', '--merge-output-format', 'mp4', '--encoding', 'utf-8', '--limit-rate', '1000M', '--embed-thumbnail', '--add-metadata', '--xattrs', '--no-continue', '']

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, out cp1252, pref utf-8
      [debug] youtube-dl version 2021.06.06

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Info: "[debug] youtube-dl version 2021.06.06"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] Python version 3.7.9 (CPython) - Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0

      21244 2021:08:20-17:04:58 Warning: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch error out: "" "" [debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 4.1.4, ffprobe 4.1.4
      [debug] Proxy map: {}

      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:01 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:01 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:01 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:01 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:13 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:13 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:13 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:13 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Video but not video net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:13 Info: YouTubeDL: save path modify by youtube_dl
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch again rename: "E:\\My Data\\Videos\\StreamFab/3768fe2cf1a7b997ad368222fc098da9_3840x2160.mp4" -> "E:\\My Data\\Videos\\StreamFab/Real 4K HDR 60fps# Sony Food Fizzle in HDR_3840x2160.mp4" true
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Warning: DownloadingWnd: ProgressInfo no NodeStatusIs_downloading
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Info: DownloadHelper: sleep 11303
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Info: YouTubeDL: Media Fetch result: true "youtube FcEVbVrNIyg" "Real 4K HDR 60fps# Sony Food Fizzle in HDR_3840x2160.mp4"
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Info: "YouTubeDL: Media Fetch Finished ExitCode:" "0 ExitStatus: 0" "youtube FcEVbVrNIyg" "Real 4K HDR 60fps# Sony Food Fizzle in HDR_3840x2160.mp4"

      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Info: MediaLibraryDownloader: change eDownloaderStatus= 3
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not Audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:05:16 Warning: StreamMedia: EStreamSubMediaType_Net_Audio but not audio net stream
      21244 2021:08:20-17:06:37 Info: clipboard type: 208 url: ""


        So any 4K video is corrupted and it's a roll of the dice even with 1080 and some 720 videos. If I could I'd ask foe a refund at this point.



          AV1 video codec is used on YouTube video and StreamFab does not re-encode the video when downloading the video.

          However, not all of the software player can play back the AV1 videos for now.

          You can use MPC-BE to play the downloaded video on your computer.

          Please post your logs the default location is:
          For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
          For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
          Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
          If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.


