I know, that the download of DRM material is problematic at the moment and a stream downloader is always work in progress, but I've checked 3 german content providers and none of them is working in StreamFab trial. Are these known problems?
Test 1)
It's open (perhaps geo restricted) and no registration is needed, but the download doesn't even start
Test 2)
Also open, no registration necessary, even the open source software StreamLink can download the file untouched (without the typical pluto ads every 20 mins). Filesize should be 1,4 GB, but StreamFab downloads a 5 GB file to the outputTemp folder and the resulting mp4-File has only 370 MB. Playback for the resulting mp4 file doesn't work, VLC shows it is over 2 hours long (movie should be under 1,5h) and at the typical 20 min advertisement mark, the picture freezes and I can hear only the sound (with ads) after that.
Test 3)
Perhaps this is the only test, where StreamFab fails rightly, but for completeness: it's open, no registration necessary. StreamFab says "reencode necessary", but than a screen recorder is enough.
Test 1)
It's open (perhaps geo restricted) and no registration is needed, but the download doesn't even start
Test 2)
Also open, no registration necessary, even the open source software StreamLink can download the file untouched (without the typical pluto ads every 20 mins). Filesize should be 1,4 GB, but StreamFab downloads a 5 GB file to the outputTemp folder and the resulting mp4-File has only 370 MB. Playback for the resulting mp4 file doesn't work, VLC shows it is over 2 hours long (movie should be under 1,5h) and at the typical 20 min advertisement mark, the picture freezes and I can hear only the sound (with ads) after that.
Test 3)
Perhaps this is the only test, where StreamFab fails rightly, but for completeness: it's open, no registration necessary. StreamFab says "reencode necessary", but than a screen recorder is enough.