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StreamFab - DRM M3U8 Question

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    StreamFab - DRM M3U8 Question

    I see you are now selling somethng called DRM M3U8. Why isn't this part of the StreamFab AIO? If this is the latest update of DRM won't eventually ALL streaming services upgrade to this? And if so that will make the lifetime StreamFab AIO useless.

    If DRM M3U8 is the new standard or version of video DRM how can you offer this as a "Lifetime" add on? Versions change and software gets upgraded. What version of DRM is StreamFab using now? Again this version says "Lifetime" but in a month it may be updated and again, what good is buying a lifetime program that lasts only 1 version?

    What is DRM M3U8? What and where can I download from? I have 5019 and I can't find it in Streamfab, It's not in VIP Services. I looked in License Info and I have a trial of 3 videos. So where is it?


      If you pay for lifetime of updates of the DRM M3U8, then you will also get lifetime updates, just like with lifetime updates of all the other DRM schemes that streaming services are using.
      Looks like a new type of DRM scheme that has shown up and might spread to many streaming services, because even some filedownloaders are able to use M3U8 playlist links for downloading DRM free video.
      Last edited by Per K; 02-12-2022, 02:23 AM.


        That is my point. What version of DRM is StreamFab using now and why isn't it "Lifetime"? This new DRM M3U8 won't last forever till it too gets upgraded so again, "Lifetime" means nothing. Obviously this version will start to be more widely used and accepted to other streaming platforms so what's the use or point of having a "Lifetime" subscription to DRM M3U8 when in 6 months DRM M3U9 could come out and yet again we need to purchase another "Lifetime" module. Notice I use quotes when I say lifetime. That's because I've purchased many "Lifetime" versions of DVDFab software and there is always some else coming out that needs to be re-purchased or added. Not really the definition of AIO "Lifetime".

        I ran into this error today while trying to use StreamFab to download a movie.:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Shudder.DRM.Error.jpg
Views:	1692
Size:	31.5 KB
ID:	406276
        So does this mean that if or when StreamFab comes out with a solution to download this type of DRM that we again have to purchase another "Lifetime" module to an All In One program?


          Videos and streams from M3U8 links is for the most time using Sample-AES encryption.


            Guess so, because you only get lifetime for the tools that currently existed when you did the purchase of StreamFab.
            Its the same deal they also have on DVDFab, there i also lack a lot of tools which showed up after i purchased lifetime several years ago, but these are then tools i can live with out.

            But i am pretty sure though, that there never will be something called "M3U9", because this would suggest that it would be something encoded using UTF-9, which practically no one uses in the whole world.
            M3U8 is encoded using UTF-8, something that is used world wide.
            Last edited by Per K; 02-12-2022, 01:54 PM.


              I used the M3U9 as a new version number, I don't know how they number DRM releases.

              It's obvious that there is no "standard" DRM format and that every platform and website uses something different. My point is that whatever came before DRM M3U8 is now or soon becoming obsolete. So what does that mean for all other DRM out there? Do we have to pay for each new site uses some different type or do we just not get the option to download from there?
              If there does become a standard version of DRM and it gets updated does that mean we have to buy yet another DRM module in the future in order to still use StreamFab?
              It just seems odd when we don't know what version DRM StreamFab uses now and what streaming services and websites now use this new DRM M3U8 that we have to now buy if we want to use it.


                I bought the DVDFab AIO lifetime with a guarantee dat new streaming services will be included without additional purchases and it worked fine for some time, but now I saw dat the DRM M3U8 downloader isn't included neither. So what's 'Lifetime with new streamingservices' worth?
                PS: Didn't receive the Netflix voucher either ...

                Click image for larger version

Name:	DVDFAB-Download-unlimited.jpg
Views:	1514
Size:	48.5 KB
ID:	406316


                  I have to wonder about this one as well.. As an early adopter of AIO, we were indeed promised all future modules. Adult stuff, I could care less about, but when you try to pull this garbage on customers who have already forked over $200+, there's a problem

                  We paid for the modules, and we were informed that all future modules would be included. Yet, once again, conveniently they are being left out.


                    Exactly. Who's to say that DRM won't do what television channels did? First, they used something established like HULU then a little later on they veered off and created their own streaming channel so instead of having one streaming platform you have to now have 4 subscriptions to watch what you used to see on one channel.

                    Just like everyone having their own platform they may use their own DRM encryption so would that mean that future modules would all have to be paid for, again?!


                      Originally posted by jsinfate View Post
                      What version of DRM is StreamFab using now and why isn't it "Lifetime"?
                      StreamFab doesn't "use" DRM, it decrypts it. But there are many types of DRM and StreamFab can't decrypt all forms of DRM.

                      For example, Disney+, Netflix, Amazon use Wildvine but presumably different levels or variations since Disney+ is limited to 720p, Amazon limited to 1080p and HBOMax can download 4K titles that are available.

                      This DRM M3U8 appears to be another.

                      I also got that DASH MPD format message recently when trying to download from National Geographic's web site. So that is apparently a different DRM.

                      ​​​​​​iTunes uses something different (since even Fab's separate DRM remover for iOS product doesn't work any longer).

                      The developers need to keep trying to break these various decryption types, so different modules as they break something more.

                      The All in One Lifetime is doing a one time purchase a "lifetime" license for all of the modules they have available that day you purchase, rather than paying yearly or monthly for continued use.

                      As they crack new encryptions used on other services, new modules come out and you'd need to purchase them *if* you want to use them, usually at a discount. It the new module came out soon after you purchased, contact support and see what their policy is. (Note: if you purchased DVDFab Downloaded or StreamFab before a certain date, March 2021 was it? You continue to get all new non-adult ones...)


                        Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                        The developers need to keep trying to break these various decryption types, so different modules as they break something more.
                        That's their job, that's what we paid them a rather hefty sum to do. This is irrelevant to the discussion at hand

                        Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                        The All in One Lifetime is doing a one time purchase a "lifetime" license for all of the modules they have available that day you purchase
                        This is true, now, but this was not always true. Those of us that were early adopters (I'm talking late 2020/first quarter of last year) were promised all future modules for the AIO price. While they've delivered on that (somewhat, again, sans adult) until now, they have pulled a fast one with the new encryption module.

                        So basically, they lied. What else are they lying about here?


                          I've been using DVDFab since around version 3 when it looked like old Windows XP media player.
                          My point is that when it comes to DRM there are so many versions and everyone seems to use something differently. Why is this version different and who is using it? Why the need to purchase it? Does Netflix use it, Amazon why is THIS version more important than the one used by Shudder or the one used by National Geographic reported by KidJoe?

                          In total I have purchased 3 DVDFab "Lifetime" licenses and 1 StreamFab licenses as well as a module or two I believe.
                          You come out with this new DRM and charge for it but there are still tons of specific streaming services that have been requested that remain ignored and use something either different or something that is not supported yet, but you focus on this version for some reason.


                            Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
                            That's their job, that's what we paid them a rather hefty sum to do. This is irrelevant to the discussion at hand
                            Actually it is relevant if Service A and Service B both use different encryption/DRM, and because not all sites are formatted the same way, use the same HTML Code, etc. So there is work being done to add support for each site and the DRM method they use, including if they are added "later".

                            Are you saying that StreamFab (formerly DVDFab Downloader) was sold to you as "you are buying the ability to download from any and every site on the internet, no matter how they are formatted or work or what they use for DRM"? IF so, Sorry, I never saw it that way.

                            Starting with the March 2021 change, they did start clearly selling StreamFab saying that if you want to download Service A you buy Module A, if you want to download from Site B you buy Module B, etc. or you buy All-in-One to get all services offered at that time (for a lower price than buying all individually). And they were clear when they made that change, and on their web site, that after that date, when you buy All-In-One license you get usage of only those sites/modules available (and listed on their web site) at the time you purchased your license. IF support was added for new sites/services it would be over and above your license and if you wanted those new modules you'd have to buy a license for them.

                            As DVDFab team does the work to make StreamFab capable of downloading from additional DRM sites/services, they bring it out as a new module then based on when you purchased your license you either get it for free, or have to pay (usually if you have to pay, its at a discount).

                            When existing services "broke" due to DRM changes on the Streaming provider's sites in Spring 2021, did they sell you a NEW modules for those services if you already paid for them? NO.

                            Originally posted by twhiting9275 View Post
                            This is true, now, but this was not always true. Those of us that were early adopters (I'm talking late 2020/first quarter of last year) were promised all future modules for the AIO price. While they've delivered on that (somewhat, again, sans adult) until now, they have pulled a fast one with the new encryption module.

                            So basically, they lied. What else are they lying about here?
                            I guess you missed in my post
                            (Note: if you purchased DVDFab Downloaded or StreamFab before a certain date, March 2021 was it? You continue to get all new non-adult ones...)
                            I too am an early adopter. (earliest installer I have on my hard drive is DVDDownloader x86 1.0.20)

                            I have NOT had to pay for any new modules, other than Adult ones which I don't need/want anyway.

                            There was one exception where Fab had a back end issue that impacted multiple people such that the new module (I forget which one) wasn't immediately added for free. There was a thread about it and support corrected it.

                            As for DASH MPD format, it was confirmed in another thread by Mona that it isn't supported by StreamFab.

                            EDIT: I stand corrected. While I was able to download using M3u8 Downloader it appears looking at my LICENSE SCREEN it shows 3 videos left.

                            So now I wonder... Is this an issue on their back end like happened once before?

                            I'm contacting support.

                            Last edited by KidJoe; 02-14-2022, 03:51 PM.


                              While I wait for support... Mona should the DRM M3U8 downloader be included for those who purchased StreamFab before the March 2021 cut off?

