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StreamFab DRM M3U8 Downloader

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    StreamFab DRM M3U8 Downloader

    Is there any combo discount or coupon code being offered for those of us who purchased StreamFab already? I bought it like a year ago and just my opinion, but I think $79 is pretty steep for the lifetime pricing. I'm not quite sure if it's even going to work on the sites I need it to. 3 videos just aren't enough to test on multiple sites.

    Given the vagueness of the plugin, it's safe to say you won't have any luck here, either with getting discounts, or getting clarification as to where it will work
    I agree though that 3 videos isn't enough, and given that this company has already taken a TON of money from those of us who purchased AIO (on the understanding that these modules would be included), $79 is a big ask.


      I still don't understand how is this M3U8 module to be used and on which OTT platform


        Originally posted by corey75 View Post
        Is there any combo discount or coupon code being offered for those of us who purchased StreamFab already? I bought it like a year ago and just my opinion, but I think $79 is pretty steep for the lifetime pricing. I'm not quite sure if it's even going to work on the sites I need it to. 3 videos just aren't enough to test on multiple sites.
        The problem is also that there are people out there on various forums and blogs over the years, who tells that they have run in to streaming sites who use DRM on their M3U8, but they all are at the same time also a bit too dumb as well in not telling which sites it is that they actually have encountered the issue on.
        So that leaves you left not knowing now many sites there actually is out there who use DRM on the M3U8.

