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new posts Netflix asking me to log out and back in to make it work?

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Name:	netflix.png
Views:	501
Size:	18.0 KB
ID:	409304

    I tried to get a movie or tv show but a popup tells me to log off then re-login to get some update to work? But when i click ok it logs me off but when i go back in and try to get a movie or tv show it does it again.

    Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did you fix it? I did exactly as it asked and still not working.
    Last edited by greekguy80; 04-30-2022, 04:20 AM.

    Originally posted by greekguy80 View Post
    Click image for larger version

Name:	netflix.png
Views:	501
Size:	18.0 KB
ID:	409304

    I tried to get a movie or tv show but a popup tells me to log off then re-login to get some update to work? But when i click ok it logs me off but when i go back in and try to get a movie or tv show it does it again.

    Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did you fix it? I did exactly as it asked and still not working.
    try this - on the home page, scroll down to the very bottom and click clear history, the box that pops up click clear
    browsing history and cookies and other site data, restart streamfab and retry Netflix again and see if that box pops up again.


      Originally posted by october262 View Post

      try this - on the home page, scroll down to the very bottom and click clear history, the box that pops up click clear
      browsing history and cookies and other site data, restart streamfab and retry Netflix again and see if that box pops up again.
      Yes its working now and i noticed i used windscribe VPN and i chose a few different cities in the USA and noticed how it would analyze and then just sit at 0 for the download. I thought this was odd since sometimes you need to use a VPN and i have another one that I haven't tried yet but i will once this non VPN download for netflix is finished. Odd how Netflix wants to download without a VPN attached but when i put the windscribe vpn it didn't want to download.

      I'll report back once this download is fully done. Might need to see if i get the other VPN on if thats the issue.


        Originally posted by october262 View Post

        try this - on the home page, scroll down to the very bottom and click clear history, the box that pops up click clear
        browsing history and cookies and other site data, restart streamfab and retry Netflix again and see if that box pops up again.
        Well i tried 2 different VPNS and still not able to get a download to happen and that error shows up again.

        Also when i tried one VPN it doesn't show that popup but it just goes to analyzing then stays at 0 and doesn't move at all.

        Something to do with VPNs not wanting to work with netflix.
        Last edited by greekguy80; 05-01-2022, 07:11 AM.


          I did a Google search on "Windscribe Netflix" because I knew Windscribe had dedicated Netflix locations but I couldn't remember the details. I came up with the following link. Now a lot of these "review" sites are just paid-for advertisements for the products/services listed so I would take it with a grain of salt. You should run the Google search yourself as there were many articles there that I did not explore and might be helpful to you.

          Windscribe not working with Netflix? Try these simple fixes and you'll be able to watch Netflix anywhere in the world again!

