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Win10/64bit shutdown (twice) when finishing a download file

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    Win10/64bit shutdown (twice) when finishing a download file

    Win 10/64bit, StreamFab

    This has never happened before, just happened twice about 3 hours ago.

    I was watching the TV and not doing other things on the computer with StreamFab running and downloading two files from Amazon Prime.

    It finished one file, made the ding on finishing the first file, then shutdown (not a reboot) the computer?!

    This was odd so I repowered on the computer and logged back into Windows 10/64bit.

    When I logged back into Windows, StreamFab automatically loaded and came up from where it had stopped, displaying the next file to download.

    I don't have StreamFab set to automatically run when I start the computer.

    I went ahead and did the next file and at the end of it, after the ding, StreamFab shutdown the computer again?!

    Again, after powering the computer back on, it automatically loaded StreamFab.

    The files were both from Amazon Prime - Revelation Trail and Cold Skin, and both of them downloaded and played ok.

    I ran a Chkdsk /f and a SFC /scannow and everything is clean.

    Attached are the logs during this occurrence.

    I've now deleted all the StreamFab queue temp & log files just to clear them out.

    Wonder if this has ever happened to anyone else here?

    I'm gonna do the exact two files from Amazon Prime again, just to test, but I bet it was some quirk and will not repeat.

    Attached file should be named "" not "" because it did a complete computer shutdown.


    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mike_M; 05-16-2022, 11:24 PM.

    Just did a 3rd test and the computer shutdown again after the 2nd file was finished this time.

    Win 10/64bit, StreamFab

    Downloading 2 files from Amazon Prime -

    1. Revelation Trail
    2. Cold Skin

    This is really odd.

    Attached clean log that only contains this Amazon test as reply to this message.

    Was attached in this message, but Forum deleted it.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mike_M; 05-16-2022, 11:42 PM.


      Here's the logfile again, since StreamFab/Forum deleted it (doesn't like zip with other files sometimes?)
      Attached Files


        go to power & sleep settings in your
        computer and see if you have something set to shut down the computer.


          Originally posted by october262 View Post
          go to power & sleep settings in your
          computer and see if you have something set to shut down the computer.
          Nope, they're set to never - no hibernation.

          This occurred at the same point three times now after StreamFab had saved the file to disk.

          No updates either, Win 10/64bit is current on updates - checked there afterwards too.


            What is your Task Completion setting in StreamFab set to? Bottom left of the screen.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-05-17 145340.jpg
Views:	419
Size:	16.8 KB
ID:	409940


              It's not unusual now for Windows to restart a program after restarting from a crash or update. I've had it happen several times.
              I know you said you don't have it set to start up automatically, but double check your Task Manager and make sure it's not doing it.
              Check your Event Viewer to see if you can match an event at about the time of the shutdown.


                Originally posted by ronmaz View Post
                What is your Task Completion setting in StreamFab set to? Bottom left of the screen.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-05-17 145340.jpg
Views:	419
Size:	16.8 KB
ID:	409940
                It's set to "Exit the Program"


                  Originally posted by jimc115 View Post
                  It's not unusual now for Windows to restart a program after restarting from a crash or update. I've had it happen several times.
                  I know you said you don't have it set to start up automatically, but double check your Task Manager and make sure it's not doing it.
                  Check your Event Viewer to see if you can match an event at about the time of the shutdown.
                  Yeah, but it didn't "reboot" it did a complete "shutdown" - didn't even try to reboot.

                  Nothing in Task Manager for StreamFab when I do a startup without manually launching StreamFab.

                  I didn't see anything odd in the Event Viewer around the two times that this happened.

                  I've had enough problems with weird reboots/quirks in Windows (not since updating to Win10/64bit though) throughout the years to know that some of these events can never be pinned down as to what caused it.

                  I don't know that it is a StreamFab issue, it might well be a Windows issue - I did the last cumulative & network updates on 5/11 for Windows 10/64bit and all updates are current.

                  I have downloaded a lot of files from different services since then without issue - just this one quirk when downloading those two files from Amazon Prime.

                  It is just so weird that it happened 3 times immediately after the chime/ding in StreamFab that the file was finished or the second time when it finished the second file (then ding) and no more files were set to be processed in StreamFab.

                  Maybe the two different log files I provided can reveal something, but I'm not holding my breath...


                    Windows 10/64bit, StreamFab, Windows updates current (last 5/11 cumulative/network updates).

                    This just happened again 4:52am CST when downloading 1 file (Night Train) from

                    StreamFab was only doing one file from Amazon Prime, it chimed/dinged & then Shutdown computer

                    I'm also found an interesting item in Event Viewer at the same time that *seems* to point to StreamFab, will reply to this, discuss and include screen shots.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Mike_M; 05-17-2022, 10:14 AM.


                      I cleared out *all* the event logs (saved them to file) this A.M. , just in case to have clean logs if this happened again - it did.

                      Was downloading one file from Amazon Prime (Night Train) it finished, chimed/dinged then did a system shutdown.

                      But I seem to have found something this time that may point to StreamFab in the Event Viewer.

                      There is an item in Event Viewer under System - Information Event right before it shutdown.

                      User-mode process attempted to change the system state by calling SetSuspendState or SetSystemPowerState APIs.

                      Under "details" of the System/Event it says the app doing this is:

                      ApiCallerName\Device\harddiskvolume2\Program files\DVDfab\StreamFab\StreamFab64.exe

                      To me this means that something StreamFab is doing?

                      I'm going to do a complete uninstall of StreamFab now with delete user settings, deleting logs, temp & queue and then install from a full download of StreamFab from DVDFab/StreamFab.

                      I previously only deleted logs/temp/queue files, but will see if a clean reinstall still does this.

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Mike_M; 05-17-2022, 10:18 AM.


                        In doing a complete uninstall of I noticed it now works different in new version.

                        Got StreamFab popup when uninstalling asking me why I wanted to uninstall - this is new.

                        I choose "other" and put detail in of "Testing Error"

                        Thank you for using Uninstall.

                        It didn't ask me if I wanted to save my user settings during this uninstall now.

                        It completely deleted everything under \DVDFab for StreamFab:

                        C:\User"My user name"\Downloads\DVDFab

                        After doing a reinstall from downloaded offline full version, I went in and reset all the values (Best quality, download directory, etc...).

                        This time instead changing what to do after the task completes to "Exit the Program" I let it stay at "Do Nothing" - thinking maybe StreamFab is confused about what to do when it finishes the task and maybe after the uninstall/clean install from offline full this may address this issue.


                          In Settings > General (all the way down the bottom), do you have "Disable screensaver/standby/hibernation when downloading videos?" checked or not? If I had to guess that should be checked to prevent it trying to hit the API for a system state change.


                            But wait a minute, if you have hibernation etc. turned off on your computer already and you have the "Disable..." checked, maybe SF is trying mistakenly to turn ON hibernation etc. after the download is finished and that is where the error is coming from. Try unchecking that.


                              Full uninstall of StreamFab & reinstall from full offline install seems to have fixed it.

                              Did 4 tests of same files from Amazon Prime with no problems now.

