
No announcement yet. Filenames all the same with Video Land.

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new posts Filenames all the same with Video Land.

    purchased the DRM MPD as well, hoping i would see more with
    1. All the titles are the same
    2. Unable to download Subs.
    3. Unable to queue a whole page with episodes. I have to go in 1 by 1.. which is a pain
    4. During Download, it opens another tab, and the audio is playing. so I can listen to anything else
    Attached Files

    Not sure of the other thread is there with the same tittle.


    Thought to be smart, and edit the queue file. and renamed the titles, which is showing in the list, but once the filename is encoded, it has the original name..
    so that ain't working either.

    I really hope that we can give it a name somehow.. cause all the downloads have the same name


      Originally posted by pka4916 View Post
      purchased the DRM MPD as well, hoping i would see more with
      1. All the titles are the same
      2. Unable to download Subs.
      3. Unable to queue a whole page with episodes. I have to go in 1 by 1.. which is a pain
      4. During Download, it opens another tab, and the audio is playing. so I can listen to anything else
      About 3, MPD Downloader can only go in 1 by 1 at the moment, sorry for that.
      To check other problems, please offer the StreamFab log file to better check, thank you.


        here is the log file

        20484 2022:07:03-18:28:34 Info: "Commondl remux strOutFilePath : C:/Users/Perry/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Output/DRM MPD/Ex On The Beach Double Dutch - Videoland.mp4 , length 102)"
        20484 2022:07:03-18:28:34 Info: ActionerForProduct: open suc url: "DRM MPD Downloader" product.bRegistered true
        20484 2022:07:03-18:28:34 Info: remux output file path check : "C:/Users/Perry/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Output/DRM MPD/Ex On The Beach Double Dutch - Videoland.mkv"

        i modify the queue file, so it shows 'Ex On The Beach Double Dutch - 1" but it stills up with the remux output file

        this is what it looks like in the queue file

        {"AMZDownloadFormat":false,"AMZDownloadFormatIn fo" :"","CurrenttimeCount":0,"DataVersion":1,"Total tim eCount":0,"audioMap":["en"],"bIsSeason":false,"metaData":"{995c0e88-e80e-4c1f-8b01-eac21bf9a183}","nAudioChannel":0,"nEndTime":-1,"nStartTime":-1,"strBitrateAdaption":"","strCurrenttime":"00:0 0: 00","strDefaultArrowAudio":"en","strDefaultArrow Su btitle":"","strEndTime":"","strFilePath":"","strHo meUrl":"","strID":"33343035303563 36613537623734326232623931316164336134323465396434 ","strIconUrl":"","strMediaID":"{"encrypt":tru e, "frameurl":"","headermap":"{\\"Accept\\":\\"*/*\\",\\"Accept-Language\\":\\"en-US,en;q=0.9\\",\\"Origin\\":\\"\\",\\"User-Agent\\":\\"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:95.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.0\\",\\"mainframeurl\\":\\"\\",\\"mpdurl\\":\\"\ \"}","streamtype":"DASH"}","strPlayUrl":"htt ps://" ,"strResolution":"3016000","strSeasonID":"","st rSe asonTitle":"","strStartTime":"","strTaskType":"mov ie","strThumbnail":"","strTitle":"Ex On The Beach: Double Dutch - Videoland","strTotaltime":"00:00:00","strType":1," strUuid" :"{0b305309-b762-4cc3-af29-c0026a66bfce}","strVideoType":"","subtitleMap":[]}

        changing the strTitle only change is on the screen.

        fhe filename seems to be ExOnTheBeachDoubleDutch-S002E001-V1
        so why not leaving it like that, or have an option to rename it
        Attached Files
        Last edited by pka4916; 07-04-2022, 01:43 PM.


          Okay, the software designer will look into it.


            thank you


              found in the folder Metadata all the xml files. When i change the last strtitle, it saves it with a filename that i want.. it's just a pain to scan through thouse.
              should be easy to name it the same as a filename.


                Any update on this?

