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Issue downloading videos from Hulu

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    Issue downloading videos from Hulu

    Has anyone had any issues adding videos from Hulu? The majority of the time, I get an error message "Failure to analyze video. Make sure you can access and play back the video"

    Sometimes it goes away when I restart StreamFab or when I clean out the cookies on my computer, but it doesn't always work. Only seems to happen on Hulu.

    Are you by any chance trying to stream a video that is scheduled to stream sometime in the future? Hulu, as far as I know, is the only streaming service that lists the next episode to be streamed after the current release for the series. StreamFab mistakenly picks up on that and adds the extra episode to the download checkbox and makes it look like you can download it. But you can't. If you try, you will get the error message you got.


      I have been having the same issue with HULU and only HULU, Using SF I can watch the videos fine but getting same error. these are all current videos.


        Originally posted by corwin46 View Post
        I have been having the same issue with HULU and only HULU, Using SF I can watch the videos fine but getting same error. these are all current videos.
        Be specific. Name show and episode. Anything else we should know? such as VPN, how did you update to Pop-up updater or download from DVDFab?


          This started even before but I figured it would be fixed when the update came out. Got when SF said there was an update. No VPN. As for movies last night, Big, Maverick, Van Helsing, Bad Girls, Sincity Unrated Version, Mission Impossible 3 and Snow White and the Huntsman. Anything elase?


            I will get back to you by later tonight. I'm in the middle of something else and don't want you to think I'm ignoring you.

            In the meantime, when you wrote
            Got when SF said there was an update
            did you get it from the pop-up updater that appears when you start up SF or did you go to the or website and download it from there and install it manually? It seems to make a difference because the pop-up updater does not seem as reliable and has caused problems in the past. Always download and install manually.


              Got it from pop-up but as I aid this was happening with the previous version also


                Originally posted by corwin46 View Post
                Got it from pop-up but as I aid this was happening with the previous version also
                try clearing both your cookies & site data and your browsing history from streamfab
                restart streamfab and retry your failed shows again and see if they'll download,
                if they still fail, then you might want to post your streamfab log files.


                  Well, here's scoop ... I had zero problems downloading 5 of the movies you tried to get. The other two they wanted me to pay for as they called them a HBO Max add-on (Sin City) and a Showtime add-on (Mission Impossible 3).
                  Please do yourself a favor and download from and continue to use download versions (and not from the pop-up updater) in the future. You will always find the latest download version listed in the so-called sticky section at the top of these forums.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-09-05 7.42.12 PM.png
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ID:	414814


                    I reported a similar problem some time ago. The issue I was having (which resulted in the Hulu module showing the "failure to analyze video" error message) was trying to add movies to the queue. It would be good for two, maybe three titles, but then after that the error message kept popping up when trying to add more.

                    I tried the fix suggested above but at the time it did not work for me, and I have not tried it in several versions (new job took priority).

                    But last night I tried this and so far it seems to work. It's just going to take patience:

                    Only do one movie/series at a time.

                    Pick a movie, add it to the queue, go to the queue and download that movie, and after it finishes go back to the Hulu module and repeat.

                    As mentioned I started this last night and so far (knock on wood) it has been working. I will try the fix again sometime this weekend to see if it helps.


                      Possible Hulu Fix:

                      Please delete the two folders and then run StreamFab to try again.

                      Unfortunately this fix did not work for me. I started adding Hulu items to the queue, and after the 3rd title I started getting that error message. I cleared both the Browsing History and Cookies and other site data from SF, closed it, deleted the following folders:
                      Then restarted SF but when I went to add to the queue again, the error message came up immediately.

                      I then logged out of Hulu (in SF browser), logged back into Hulu, and was able to add 3 more titles to the queue before the error message came up. Note: The 4th title added, which triggered the error message, was not able to be added to the queue; I had to move on to a different title.

                      I once again logged out of Hulu (in SF browser), logged back into Hulu, tried to add to the queue again and the error message came up immediately.

                      So it looks like there are additional steps to take for this fix:
                      1) Log out of Hulu
                      2) Clear browsing history in SF
                      3) Clear Cookies and other site data in SF
                      4) Close SF
                      5) Delete %HOMEPATH%/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/Temp
                      6) Delete %HOMEPATH%/Documents/DVDFab/StreamFab/log
                      7) Open SF
                      8) Log back into Hulu
                      9) Add 3 titles to the queue
                      10 Repeat

                      That's an awful lot of steps to take to only be able to add 3 titles at a time to the queue.


                        Originally posted by stitchfan85 View Post
                        Has anyone had any issues adding videos from Hulu? The majority of the time, I get an error message "Failure to analyze video. Make sure you can access and play back the video"

                        Sometimes it goes away when I restart StreamFab or when I clean out the cookies on my computer, but it doesn't always work. Only seems to happen on Hulu.
                        I have no problem with TV series, but I have to download movies one at a time, when I try more than 2, I get the same message on the 2nd one, the first fails to download and gets, "Failure accessing video information"


                          The only issues I have is with some shows on FX on HULU. I had no issues with the series The Old Man and Mr In Between, but I get an error downloading the last 2 episodes of What we do in the Shadows and I can't get past "Analyzing audio & subtitles" when I try to download Archer

