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StreamFab - Paramount+ No subtitles

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    StreamFab - Paramount+ No subtitles

    deleted folders, installed as admin, etc, etc, etc.

    Movie comes down fine, but no subtitles download. Tried several movies...Paramount and Showtime.
    Attached Files

    Originally posted by girdnerg View Post
    deleted folders, installed as admin, etc, etc, etc.

    Movie comes down fine, but no subtitles download. Tried several movies...Paramount and Showtime.
    will subtitles extract to srt files ??


      Originally posted by october262 View Post

      will subtitles extract to srt files ??
      I tried, they don't seem to.

      I am hard of hearing and need the subtitles.
      Hopefully it can be addressed.


        Originally posted by october262 View Post

        will subtitles extract to srt files ??



          Just tested with StreamFab competitor.

          I don't normally uses subtitles (except on really good foreign movies that I want to watch) and have never tried extracting them to .srt files.

          Just to test, did this on a few Paramount+/Showtime titles after changing settings to save .srt files and also to include English subtitles for viewing.

          Resulting movies downloaded with option to turn subtitles on/off while viewing *and* downloaded the .Srt in separate files for these movies also.

          That's one reason why I like having both StreamFab and it's competitor.

          When StreamFab messes up it's programming, many times when fixing something else (like cutting off credits and only downloading part of video, etc. recently on Paramount+/Showtime), I can use the competitor for my most used streaming services.

          Also another reason I love being able to subscribe from within some streaming services for others (like Amazon/and more like Paramount+/Showtime coming) due to having two different programs in case one is quirky at the time.

          If *only* StreamFab worked a lot faster on Roku for me, which would give another way for Roku to be used as a backup with other streaming services being subscribed too from within it.

          But with Roku via StreamFab being *very* slow for me, not really doable.

          We should not *have* to do this, but due to reality of fixes and issues, it's pretty much a given for me.



            That's one reason why I like having both StreamFab and it's competitor.
            Nah, I'm not wasting any more money on streaming. This is ridiculous. The streamer makes a small change and we are without usable episodes for 6 weeks. I am seriously thinking of unsubscribing from all the streamers and going back to torrenting. If the streamers want to keep doing the cat and mouse to preventing their subscribers from downloading the videos that they paid to see, then screw them, they get nothing. Another thing, with torrenting, I can usually get a new episode in my hands in about 15 minutes after it is finished broadcasting somewhere. With streaming, I have to wait until the early hours of the next day to get a copy.


              Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
              I can usually get a new episode in my hands in about 15 minutes after it is finished broadcasting somewhere. With streaming, I have to wait until the early hours of the next day to get a copy.
              I think it depends on the streaming service. Most I can download at midnight my time, sometime as early as 9pm my time the day before it's release, I think because that is midnight eastern time. some like HBO release middle of the day. Like House wasn't available till after 8pm the day it released. But I'm shutting down streaming services for a bit to conserve money as it is. Figure I'll fire them up again after the winter seasons are over to download the whole season of shows I want to watch over the course of a few months.

              But I've actually been using the competition for Netflix, paramount and HBO due to all the issues SF has been having lately and what feels like an inability to fix and make the program stable. I am using it for D+ since SF has the atmos audio available where the competition does not.


                I guess I should have made it clearer. What I meant about the new episode 15 minutes after broadcast was mainly about network shows on ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.
                Here are the shows that my wife wants from last night Monday. It's a little after 2am here on the East Coast (USA). I'll have to wait a minimum of 4 more hours before I can get them from Hulu, and if it wasn't so screwed up, Paramount+. I'll probably get the Fox shows direct from because it is 1080p there and 720p on Hulu. I just checked and all are already available in 1080p via Torrent and have been for several hours.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-10-04 1.51.11 AM.png
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ID:	415810


                  Originally posted by Mike_M View Post
                  If *only* StreamFab worked a lot faster on Roku for me, which would give another way for Roku to be used as a backup with other streaming services being subscribed too from within it.

                  But with Roku via StreamFab being *very* slow for me, not really doable.
                  Did you buy your paramount+ subscription through Roku and thus can see it on your "Roku Channel" that StreamFab sees? Or if not how did you get the Roku channel that StreamFab uses to see your Paramount+ sub?


                    Originally posted by girdnerg View Post
                    deleted folders, installed as admin, etc, etc, etc.

                    Movie comes down fine, but no subtitles download. Tried several movies...Paramount and Showtime.

                    The Paramount subtitle issue is known, sorry about that, we are working on it, please kindly wait, thanks.

