
No announcement yet. StreamFab locking "explorer" process on windows forcing power cycle

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    With the last two releases and I find that occasionally stream fab locks up. Trying to close it ends up blocking the main explorer process on windows. If you are quick you can open task manager but ending the task does not solve anything. After a few minutes of this being locked the entire machine becomes unresponsive and requires a power cycle to fix.

    It happened first with Paramount and now today with Amazon. So I do not think it is related to the service, as I have had other sessions where I can open/download/close with no issues.

    Having this happen to my machine currently so have to power cycle and then see if there is anything in the logs.

    Here are the logs
    Attached Files


      That sounds more like an OS conflict than a Fab issue. I never experienced it but of course, I am just guessing.
      Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


        Since it only recently started happening and ONLY from streamfab, my guess is it is from it.

        But it is definitely streamfab that is the starting app that causes this lock up and only since the last two releases.
        Last edited by rfryar; 10-22-2022, 05:11 PM.


          Originally posted by rfryar View Post
          With the last two releases and I find that occasionally stream fab locks up. Trying to close it ends up blocking the main explorer process on windows. If you are quick you can open task manager but ending the task does not solve anything. After a few minutes of this being locked the entire machine becomes unresponsive and requires a power cycle to fix.

          It happened first with Paramount and now today with Amazon. So I do not think it is related to the service, as I have had other sessions where I can open/download/close with no issues.

          Having this happen to my machine currently so have to power cycle and then see if there is anything in the logs.
          Have you tried to delete the temp folder and the log folder? Did it help?
          Click image for larger version

Name:	StreamFab-log and temp path.png
Views:	223
Size:	39.1 KB
ID:	416691


            So far so good. It could be related to me moving the files after they are placed in the subdirectories with StreamFab open. I now wait until I close StreamFab before accessing those downloads.

            Based on another topic a user with a similar problem who is accessing the movie files soon after they are downloaded also had StreamFab lock up.

