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StreamFab – Amazon

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    StreamFab – Amazon

    This is how the Amazon module works for me every day.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1.jpg
Views:	292
Size:	24.7 KB
ID:	419947

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2.jpg
Views:	229
Size:	20.3 KB
ID:	419948

    Besides crashing it now has a new and increasingly common problem. The download crashes and the software stops working.

    With a nod to KidJoe...

    Problem Reports

    How do I report a problem?
    There are 2 ways.
    First: From the menu in StreamFab, use the Feedback option. Provide as much detail as you can. My understanding is that the Feedback Option will also capture and include your logs.

    Or Second: Create a post/thread in the forum
    NOTE: if a post or thread about the exact same error exists, consider replying to that thread. However you can create a new post.
    • Select the version of StreamFab you’re having the problem with (if its not in the prefix drop down, type it in the title)
    • Provide a clear title.
    • In the body of the post include a clear description of what is happening and include
      • any error message you are seeing (exact text if possible), and such.
      • Which Streaming Service
      • What title you are trying to download, if it’s a series or episode of a series please include the Season and Episode number.
      • Is the error is reproducible or not. If reproducible then include the steps you take to get the error.
    • Most importantly, attach your log files to the post.

    Where are the StreamFab logs kept?
    In Windows, they are kept in [My Documents]\DVDFab\StreamFab\log although you can use the “Open Log Folder” option off the menu in StreamFab which will take you right there.

    Which files do I need from the log folder when posting to report a problem?
    Typically the StreamFab.log file should be enough, however if you can zip and upload the entire folder that would be great.

    I’m trying to attach my logs to a forum post but the forum says the file is too big. What should I do?
    Try to zip the files before attaching. If they are still too big, use the FeedBack option off StreamFab’s menu.

    If you can consistently reproduce the error, you can exit StreamFab, clear out the log folder, restart StreamFab and reproduce the failure, then zip the logs.

    It does not hurt to clear the log folder from time to time.​

