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    I'm presently downloaning tv show episodes from Amazon that with give me a popup dialog to select between 128 kbps AAC Stereo and 224 kbps EAC-3 Stereo (that's 2.0 channels, not 5.1 channels). My default audio selection is AAC Stereo, as I do not want 5.1 channel audio and want to avoid having to remix 5.1 channels into stereo. With I have been using the popup dialog to override my AAC default choice, since in this case the EAC-3 audio is stereo, not 5.1 multi-channel, and I then use FFMPEG after the download to convert the 224 kbps EAC-3 into 192 kbps AAC (better quality than the 128 kbps AAC audio that can be downloaded from Amazon). After installing, I no longer get a popup dialog and it proceeds to download my default choice of AAC stereo. I've switched back to so I can finish downloading the series with the higher quality audio. I don;t want to change my default setting to EAC-3 as I could end up with 5.1 multi-channel audio when downloading other shows and movies where the EAC-3 audio is 5.1 channels rather than 2.0.

    Sorry, but I am confused.
    You set it to AAC Stereo so that you can get the choice for EAC-3 Stereo?
    Why don‘t you want 5.1 channel audio?


      Originally posted by Mona View Post
      Sorry, but I am confused.
      You set it to AAC Stereo so that you can get the choice for EAC-3 Stereo?
      Why don‘t you want 5.1 channel audio?
      When using the TV's built-in speakers or a receiver that doesn't process multichannel audio, the 5.1 audio can be very low. Even if you pump up the volume very high, the dialogue can be hard to hear.

      If you get 2.0 audio, then the volume levels are much better and you can comfortably hear everything without having to crank the volume up to 100%.

      I have that issue when watching TV in the bedroom. It's just the TV with no soundbar/receiver/speakers because i hide the TV inside a TV Lift Cabinet i built.

      When i watch stuff with 5.1 audio in the bedroom, I have to use Kodi's volume booster feature or I can barely hear anything.

      It may not be the reason he's wanting the stereo audio but if i didn't use Kodi, I might do the same for TV Shows. Movies I watch in the basement on the big screen with a Denon 7.1 receiver so that is not an issue.

