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Bugs report and suggestions (comprehensive)

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    Bugs report and suggestions (comprehensive)

    Hi there!

    Below are the problems I have encountered during a first few weeks of using StreamFab ( at first).

    The ones for SkyShowtime are extremely limiting (so bugs 5, 6 and 7 below), as they affect audio quality and subtitles availability with no workaround at all.

    Others are major annoyances so I am reporting them all, for posterity.

    For reference: I have my program configured for
    - downloading of English, German and Polish audio tracks and subtitles
    - MP4, H265, AAC, stereo, with 'Extract Original Format' and no forced subtitles


    [StreamFab general]
    (BUG 1) the program often crashes when removing tasks from the task queue (via the 'x' icon)
    (BUG 2) the program often hangs if trying to pause the currently downloading track
    (BUG 3) reordering the list does not trigger saving of the task queue, so re-opening the program immediately after reordering means losing such changes
    (BUG 4) the program has some memory leaks, so over time it is blowing up because of occupying too much memory; using the option to autostart with a system and to work 24h a day is not working really

    [StreamFab SkyShowtime]
    (BUG 5) although there is an option to seleect between 'AAC (Stereo)' and 'EAC3 (Stereo)', the resulting tracks are both always 96kbps, which is not enough (for AAC stereo it should be at least 128kbps and for EAC3 stereo even more)
    (BUG 6) sometimes forced subtitles are downloaded instead of regular ones; for the titles affected it does not matter which subtitles are selected and also an option 'VIP Services -> Always download the forced subtitle' has no effect on this (Polish subtitles for 'Forrest Gump', 'Sin City', many episodes of 'Elementary', from series 6: episodes 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16)
    (BUG 7) only stereo audio tracks are available, not 5.1 as advertised

    [StreamFab Amazon]
    (BUG 8) problem with "Tick"
    - strange message about 10808p not available (and then downloading 1080p anyway), but also no audio apart from English, no subtitles
    (BUG 9) problem with "Tudors, The"
    - there are both Polish audio tracks and Polish subtitles - but these are not pre-selected
    - this also resulted in some missing subs for PL: s01e03, s03e01, s03e04, s03e06
    - retrying with direct links to these episodes resulted in correctly downloading PL subs for these (in 'Subtitles only' mode)
    (BUG 10) when, for a particular episode in a series, an audio language chosen does not exist, a random audio track gets downloaded in its place (tagged correctly in mp4) ('Chicago Med' season 5 episodes, instead of German audio track: s05e02 (Spanish), s05e03 (Portugese), s05e06 (Italian), s05e12 (French) and others)
    (BUG 11) sometimes (rarely) the resulting .mp4 file is empty (0 bytes long) with no error message given

    [StreamFab Disney+]
    (BUG 12) for some movies the 'Korean' audio track gets pre-selected ('Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937)')
    (BUG 13) for some movies the 'Italiano' audio track gets pre-selected ('Waking Sleeping Beauty (2009)')
    (BUG 14) for some movies the 'Deutsch [Audiodeskription]' audio track gets pre-selected ('Maleficient_ Mistress of Evil (2019)')
    (BUG 15) sometimes the option for 'Stereo (AAC)' gets lost and 'Multichannel (EAC3)' is pre-selected instead
    (BUG 16) often on the 'Downloading' and 'Downloaded' tabs 'AAC 5.1' orange tag gets displayed, despite that the audio tracks are correctly downloaded as AAC stereo (125kbps)

    [StreamFab HBOMax]
    (BUG 17) only one audio track can be selected, need to download everything twice and mux manually for two audio tracks
    (BUG 18) some subtitles are often skipped (different each time), so it is worthwile to compare both copies and copy the subtitles between

    [StreamFab Netflix]
    (BUG 19) despite 'Stereo' tracks being selected everywhere in the options, the tracks for 5.1 are always selected as default, so I need to 'inverse' the audio tracks selection every time


    (SUGGESTION 1) because of the problems with task queue (bugs 1, 2), it would be extremely useful to have the button to 'Pause all with the exception of the currently downloading'
    (SUGGESTION 2) the ability to select and move / delete multiple items at a time
    (SUGGESTION 3) the ability to view the (previously selected) properties of an item in a task queue

    I hope that the above list would help in the development of this.

    Unfortunately, I don't have much time for helping with diagnosing these. I can respond there but that is all (for now).

    I tried to be as descriptive as I can, so that most of the bugs should be reproducible on your end.

    Good luck!

    It might have been helpful to take some time (perhaps your first few weeks) reading previous message threads here to familiarize yourself with prior problems and how things work here before making a "comprehensive" bug report.

    Unfortunately, I don't have much time for helping with diagnosing these. I can respond there but that is all (for now).

    I tried to be as descriptive as I can, so that most of the bugs should be reproducible on your end.​
    That is not exactly how it works. Each problem should be reported in a separate message thread. You'll need to research recent prior message threads to see if anyone has reported the exact same problem as you to which you would add to that thread rather than start a duplicate new one. Important: You need to provide a StreamFab.log for each one of your supposed bugs. Also, you'll probably will be asked by staff whether you have performed such basic steps as clearing your cache and log files, as well as other specific questions to your problem.


      Well, obviously it would be nice if I had time for all that, but I don't. So, I did the next best thing I could and wrote down all my problems, so that it would be helpful for developers.


        They dont rly care about those.. Im using this program for some time and I rarelly see some bug fixes that actually matters... they almost axed hbomax.. it would be great if we can get 4k DV support for hbomax, cause other cheaper apps can do it.. this company just cares about milking money and adding new sites to make even more from it.. its a shame, cause overall its a good piece of software with very bad support.. they are rly bad with it and they dont even listen to their customers.


          ms-dfav Welcome, but as Cats4U suggested, you should post your StreamFab log including each of these bugs.

          I would also consider using the offline installer from (Or the post announcing a new version) and install over top of what you have.

          When in StreamFab, use the 3 bar menu in the upper right to make note of the location for your StreamFab LOG folder and TEMP folder. Exit StreamFab, clear out those folders, and try again. ZIP the log folder and paste it along with the issues you encountered that should be captured in that log.


            Updating the modules to analyze individual tv show episodes is my biggest push right now. And naturally with said analysis, let the customer select what options they want to download. The downloaded Forced Subtitle does not work, even if you force the program to analyze the individual episode that has forced subs.

            On the "Home" screen I have crashed the program by clicking one of the X's to close a tab in an attempt to restart the module.


              Originally posted by Sparhawk View Post
              They dont rly care about those.. [...]
              Unfortunately, it looks like you're right. I've reported 19 bugs and not a single developer answered... just the community. Judging from the quality of this forum software (registering on this forum was not exactly easy - had to be done by the support, also having to wait for hours just to have a post 'approved', which simply hampers communication), and from what I've read there, too... this is rather a rule than an exception.

              The whole mentality of us having these problems (so we should do everything in our power to solve these) is just sick: actually, these should be the developers' problems. This would be right for an open source / free software, done by the volunteers - but this is the polar opposite of that, as we've paid good money for this to work properly. They should be the ones asking questions, actively trying to reproduce the bugs and explaining to us why the software doesn't work and when will it start working as advertised. I'm a software developer / architect so I know how these things should work for real.

              Also, the 'surprise' with download limits (which are not advertised anywhere on the website, only on the forum), and lying about the '5 licenses' (while actually, the limit is shared among them) is not honest at all, not to mention - limiting downloads in a downloader is like trying to make a water dry.

              Fortunately, I am still on my 30 days grace period - and I'm leaning towards the refund.


                [StreamFab Netflix]

                (BUG 19) despite 'Stereo' tracks being selected everywhere in the options, the tracks for 5.1 are always selected as default, so I need to 'inverse' the audio tracks selection every time​
                The QA team updated that they could not duplicate it, when in the Settings panel, it is set as AAC, the default audio track is 2.0 in the test.

                More info is needed. An example link to the video in the problem, and the related log file.

                [StreamFab Disney+]
                (BUG 12) for some movies the 'Korean' audio track gets pre-selected ('Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937)')​
                (BUG 15) sometimes the option for 'Stereo (AAC)' gets lost and 'Multichannel (EAC3)' is pre-selected instead​
                These two are duplicated.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot-20230731-182741.png
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ID:	428567


                  (BUG 19) occurs for literally everything for me, here's an example screenshot from, with AAC 5.1 instead of AAC 2.0 selected; maybe this specific to Netflix from Poland?:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	213
Size:	85.2 KB
ID:	428766
                  Unfortunately I don't have time for logs this time, maybe later.


                    I don't know how (BUG 12) and (BUG 15) are 'duplicated' as they are about two different things - it just happens that they sometimes occur simultaneously.


                      (BUG 19) still occurs for me after switching the Netflix profile language from Polish to English:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	237
Size:	83.1 KB
ID:	428769

