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Peacock - Long Analysis

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    Originally posted by october262 View Post

    does copying the URL from your regular browser and pasting it into streamfabs browser not work ??
    Sadly, no. I tried pasting the link to the show page and a link to a specific episode (with a restart in between) and got the same error I was getting before. Thank you for the suggestion, though


      I'm going back to my tried and true - How many devices are showing in your account? Click your avatar, click Account, click Devices, how many are listed there? Ideally I only like to see one. To make things easier to follow, Rename your current device to something other than Web Browser. If offered, because you have 3 or more devices listed, click the button that will clean out the other devices. I forget the exact wording because I only have the one current device at the moment. Log out of Peacock. To be thorough this time, do a Clear History with Browsing History and Cookies and Other Site Data checkmarked and click the Clear Data button. Then shutdown StreamFab. Load up StreamFab again and try running Peacock again. Were you able to get the file(s) you wanted this time? Remember, you'll have to wait and watch the Analysis line travel across the screen 15-16 times before the download begins so be patient. That's the whole point of this thread (which got sidetracked a little) that I started, to get that fixed.
      Your screenshot was too small to read and us mere mortals aren't allowed to read the StreamFab.log and other attachments, so tell me, what video(s) were you trying to download? I'll check to see if I can download them.


        Thank you for the detailed reply and instructions, Cats4U - and apologies for contributing to the sidetracking of this thread.

        Regarding the attached picture, I'm not sure why it's so small - I selected original size and it was snapped on a 4K screen, so it should have been more than large enough. For reference, the text on the image was "We can't play this right now. Looks like there's an issue with your browser."

        I had quite a few devices on my Peacock account, including this machine from before I reinstalled Windows not too long ago. I deauthed everything, logged out, cleared cookies, etc., and closed StreamFab. I restarted StreamFab and selected Peacock, logged in, and tried to download again...and I'm still seeing the same problem. Out of curiosity, I logged into one of my other machines that has SF installed and *was* able to download successfully on that machine, so it seems that something is clearly askew with my main machine since you are able to download using

        For the time being I'm going to grab what I want via my other machine. Tomorrow, time permitting, I'll come back to this and go through your suggested steps again, then uninstall SF, delete all its directories (in Program Files, Documents, & AppData\Roaming) and reinstall fresh. If that doesn't work, I have a brick wall in the back yard I can slam my head against for a while and see if that helps.

        To answer your other question - the show I'm trying to grab is Farscape. If you're so inclined, episode 1x01 would be a fine test case as I currently can't get it on this machine with but I can get it (and any other episode I choose) on my other machine with

        Unless you run into the same problem, I'll do the R&R and post back with the results.

        Thanks, again, for your help - you are truly an asset to this community.


          I'll get back to you later to reply more to your last message but I just want to show you this right now...

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2023-07-30 2.44.16 AM.png
Views:	270
Size:	97.8 KB
ID:	428520

          I have to admit, semi-embarrassingly, that my first 2 attempts at the download failed with the kitty appearing both times saying it didn't like my browser. That is extremely rare for me. So, I simply pretended to download a different show's video and when the time came to queue/download that video I cancelled out. I then went back to Farscape and S01E01 downloaded this time without a single bit of problems.


            I tried using your trick and had no luck I attempted adding items on my watch list and adding items not on my watch list. All resulted in the kitty. I'll wait to hear back from you before I R&R SF. Thanks, again, for your help


              Let me go back to your # 18 message first -

              Don't worry about the sidetracking. It happens. Not your or anyone else's fault in this case. I have full intentions of writing a message to Mona, for when she comes back from the weekend, to key in on my initial message, where my suggestion is, and not necessarily worry about the rest of the thread (unless she finds something that she wants to take to the developers).

              The attached picture - again don't worry about it. It happens. What I try to do is crop my screenshots to the most important thing I want to show and not the whole webpage. I then use the Full setting. Even then, it doesn't always work right for me and I, too, wind up with an unreadable image. Some day when every other problem here has been solved I vow to try to figure out the best way to make it work.

              Now, to the meat and potatoes concerning your messages #18 and 20 - I'm really sorry that my suggestions didn't immediately make it work for you. Like JPP72 mentioned, it's crazy that certain things work for some people and not for others. It just doesn't make sense sometimes, like with the kitty visiting me twice for a download attempt when I literally hadn't seen it in a month or more with having done many Peacock downloads over that period. One thing I want to clarify, you wrote that you added items on your watch list and not on your watch list. Did you do the exact method that I did which was just to try to download Farscape S01E01 by itself (no list) and if that failed, to abandon the Farscape download and choose another show episode and to cancel that out prior to clicking on Add to Queue or Download Now and then going back to try to download Farscape S01E01 again? You probably did do that but I just want to clarify anyway. I'm not saying that that method is my big secret. When I occasionally get a bad download, no matter what streamer it is, I just play around with different things and see what happens. The switching to a different file and cancelling out the download, before I start it, is just one of those things. Sometimes it works, other times not. I don't have a clue why, either way. Unless others have written here specific bug reports about a video I want to download, I always feel optimistic that my playing around will eventually result in successfully downloaded file.

              The only other thing that I can think of to recommend at this point is a complete uninstall and a clean install. Some people don't like me posting these instructions that I have written up but it is a time saver for me in that I don't have to manually type them out new each time and it lowers the risk that I might leave something out by mistake. So, here are my clean install instructions. I, personally, use them with each update of StreamFab.

              How to do a clean install of the latest StreamFab

              1. Totally delete the contents of your StreamFab Log & Temp directories

              2. Use a "professional" uninstall program to completely remove old version of StreamFab
              Make sure the uninstaller removes Registry entries for StreamFab as well as the program
              Do not use the built-in Windows uninstaller as it tends to leave stuff behind
              A good source for currently available free uninstallers is at
              Be sure to choose to remove StreamFab's current configuration when asked

              3. Download the latest offline version of StreamFab
              32bit version:
              64bit version:
              Never use the online pop-up installer as it sometimes produces bad installs

              4. Install the new version of StreamFab
              If the uninstall program you used has a Install component to it, use that to install StreamFab
              Using the Install component will keep a complete log of everything added and make a future uninstall easier next time
              A pop-up will appear when you first start StreamFab asking you to re-authorize your StreamFab, do it
              Run Settings and set up your StreamFab configuration
              After setting up your configuration and saving, it is best to close StreamFab and then restart it
              Do a clean install everytime a new StreamFab version comes out and you will have less problems


                Hey, Cats4U - great stuff - thanks for taking the time to include so much detail.

                To clarify, when I said I was trying to download things on (or not on) my watch list, I meant the Peacock watchlist, not the SF queue - my bad for not being specific about that. Unfortunately, I never get to the point of being able to select 'download now' or 'add to queue' in SF - for all intents and purposes (meaning: as long as I'm willing to let SF sit there and grind its gears, which is well beyond 15 or 16 repeats of the progress indicator shown during the analysis step), SF never gets out of the analyzing stage, whether I'm trying to add something that is on my Peacock watchlist or something that is not. Further, cancelling the analysis stage requires me to close and restart SF or it won't analyze anything else I navigate to in the Peacock tab of SF (simply closing and reopening the Peacock tab doesn't work). So, as much as I could, I did follow your directions to the letter.

                Taking some time to think about this today, I *might* have another avenue or two to explore before going full R&R on SF, but I probably won't get to them until tomorrow or later this week since I have another machine I can use (making this less urgent for me, atm). If I discover anything useful, I will most certainly post what I find for future reference. One more item of note - this seems to only be affecting Peacock as I *can* download from Paramount+, Netflix, and Amazon Prime.

                Oddly enough, I almost always do the online upgrade and can't recall ever having any confounding issues like this (not that I have the best memory). Even more perplexing, I did this upgrade from version using the full 397MB installer. In fact, this is only the second time I can recall using the full installer for an upgrade and I ran into problems last time as well. I'm sure Don McMillan (look him up on YouTube) could create a wonderful piece about that peculiarity alone.

                One final thought - if you think looking at the logs might be helpful, I can paste them as plain text in a post. I've already removed any personally identifying information from them, so I'm not worried about accidentally doxing myself.

                Thank you again for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience with me. Other than posting the logs (if you request it), if I don't post back that means I had to follow your instructions for an R&R and I learned nothing new that might be of use in the future (thus I had no reason to post).


                  We've had a wonderful conversation under this title here while you were on your weekend. I hope it was a pleasant one for you. Anyway, now that you are back, could you please read the first message in this thread, written by me, and see if the developers might be interested in trying to flip the DRM key list in order to possibly speed up the Peacock Analysis. Thank you.


                    If you followed my "professional" uninstall/clean install exactly and it still isn't working, I'm out of ideas. You having used the online install previously is all the more reason for a "professional" uninstall to begin with. That should have helped.
                    So, I think the best thing for you to do at this point is to start your own problem thread here on the forum. Explain all that you've done to try to get it to work and provide your StreamFab.log. Hopefully Mona will pass it along to the developers and they'll be able to figure it out and fix whatever it is that is affecting you and not me.


                      Apologies for the lack of clarity on my part. I haven't done the R&R yet. I have only tried your previous suggestion of trying to queue up a show, then cancel it and try to grab the show I actually wanted. I will attempt the full R&R sometime this week and will post the results only if it doesn't work.

                      Thanks, again, for all your help and patience.


                        Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                        I noticed the same on Analyzing... I was trying to get the latest episode of American Ninja Warrior Season 15.. (E05 and E06). It just sits there on analyzing.

                        I'll post my log later. I'm currently downloading some other items from Amazon and Netflix. Once they are done, I'll kill my log folder and download from Peacock and post the logs.

                        Oh, and yes, SF never saves my Peacock login. I have to login every time. SF does keep my Amazon, Netflix, Disney+ log ins.
                        FYI, today I'm not having the stuck on analyzing issue... No changes to my system or setup. (Still having to login every time still happens)


                          Originally posted by KidJoe View Post

                          FYI, today I'm not having the stuck on analyzing issue... No changes to my system or setup. (Still having to login every time still happens)
                          So, you are saying you aren't getting the delay where the line goes across the screen 15-16 times before the download begins? If so, very interesting. I only did one episode download from Peacock earlier today and I still had the delay. I'll have to try another download now.
                          As far as the login problem, that's a whole 'nother issue that I've complained about to Mona numerous times. For reasons unknown, it doesn't seem to be a priority for them to fix.


                            Originally posted by Cats4U View Post
                            I mentioned this in passing in some of my past messages but never with the intent of having it fixed, but now I am. What I am talking about is that when trying to do a Peacock download it takes an excessive amount of time to analyze the download. If you go by the graphic image of the Analysis line going across the screen, it takes 15-16 times for the line to transverse the screen before the download begins. With most other streamers it is completed in 1 or 2. I've never actually timed it but it has to be well over a minute. According to the StreamFab.log it appears that SF is attempting to find an appropriate DRM key (or whatever term you want to use). If I'm not mistaken, these keys are coming from the StreamFab server. Being that the Analysis always lasts 15-16 times now it becomes obvious that the most used keys on the list, found on the server, are the ones found at or near the bottom of the list. In theory, if you flip the order of the list and have the bottom keys at the top and the top ones at the bottom you potentially increase how quickly a download is analyzed. My suggestion is that you try doing that.

                            Attached: [ATTACH]n428427[/ATTACH]
                            Your message has been noticed by the developers.


                              Originally posted by Mona View Post

                              Your message has been noticed by the developers.
                              Thank you so much, Mona.


                                Originally posted by Cats4U View Post

                                So, you are saying you aren't getting the delay where the line goes across the screen 15-16 times before the download begins? If so, very interesting. I only did one episode download from Peacock earlier today and I still had the delay. I'll have to try another download now.
                                That is correct. I queued up S15E06, E07, E08 of American Ninja warrior, started the download and they didn't take extra long to analyze and download like they did when I posted earlier in this thread


