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Roku Downloader

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    Roku Roku Downloader

    When I select the Roku Channel from the VIP Services, a Roku Downloader window pops up sayin "Failure analyzing this video, please make sure you can access and play back the video." I have not selected any videos to be analyzed. When I click on “OK” the same widow pops back up. It is stuck in an endless loop. I uninstalled and re-installed Streamfab and the problem still exists.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	430984

    I have been getting the Roku homepage endless loop for a couple of days.

    However, I can still download what I have previously saved in my list. I just can't access the Roku site to add more.


      Originally posted by Mr.X View Post
      I have been getting the Roku homepage endless loop for a couple of days.

      However, I can still download what I have previously saved in my list. I just can't access the Roku site to add more.
      downloading from the roku channel works if you copy the URL from the movie you want from your regular browser
      and paste it into streamfabs browser, when the "failure analyzing video" box shows up just click the X button in the upper right hand corner.
      and the video will download.


        You didn't mention if the homepage loop is happening to you as well.

        Also, copy/pasting the URL isn't working for me on Roku. It goes into the loop and never analyzes.

        Besides, copy/pasting isn't the way it's supposed to work.


          Originally posted by Mr.X View Post
          You didn't mention if the homepage loop is happening to you as well.

          Also, copy/pasting the URL isn't working for me on Roku. It goes into the loop and never analyzes.

          Besides, copy/pasting isn't the way it's supposed to work.
          yes, the homepage loop is happening to me as well, however the copy the URL from your regular
          browser and paste it into streamfabs browser does work for me. just don't start roku channel on streamfab
          just copy the URL from your regular browser, you should see a box pop up that says "it seems that you have just copied a video URL of ROKU, would
          you like to download the video with streamfab ?" just click download - hit X to dismiss the analyzing failure box and the video will download.


            Please provide the StreamFab.log file to us to look into it, thanks.


              Streamfab.log attached
              Attached Files


                Originally posted by october262 View Post
                downloading from the roku channel works if you copy the URL from the movie you want from your regular browser
                and paste it into streamfabs browser, when the "failure analyzing video" box shows up just click the X button
                in the upper right hand corner and the video will download.
                First..... I am also receiving the same erratic window behavior as is being described by others regarding the StreamFab ROKU download module.....

                Second..... I concur with everything october262 has stated regarding his suggested workaround.....

                Paste the URL and once you begin the process..... respond to what you normally would..... and close anything that pops up which shouldn't.
                Last edited by weavermovies; 09-26-2023, 09:44 PM.

                (1) ​"Not only to say the right thing..... at the right place..... but far more difficult to leave unsaid..... the wrong thing..... at the tempting moment!"
                (2) "Just because you can..... doesn't mean you should!"
                (3) "The only thing worse than the devil that you know..... is the devil that you don't!"


                  On my end, it will anylize the pasted URL, but the anylizing process never ends. Maybe it does, but after trying twice for 5 minutes each time, I cancelled the process. That is a ridiculous amount of time to wait if you are adding a lot of content. Luckily, for now, I have everything I want from Roku.


                    We could duplicate the analysis problem, the developers said it could be that the site has made some changes, and they will look into it as soon as possible.




                        Originally posted by mike327 View Post
                        Please give this version a try and feedback, thanks: u_1f871ba3.exe


                          It works! Problem fixed. Thank you.


                            I tried the workaround and the updated exe file: did not work.


                              For me..... has not fixed the problem.....

                              The "Failure analyzing this video" window keeps popping up as fast as you can close it.....

                              although october262's above suggestion is still effective as a workaround.

                              (1) ​"Not only to say the right thing..... at the right place..... but far more difficult to leave unsaid..... the wrong thing..... at the tempting moment!"
                              (2) "Just because you can..... doesn't mean you should!"
                              (3) "The only thing worse than the devil that you know..... is the devil that you don't!"

