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    Click image for larger version

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Views:	869
Size:	152.3 KB
ID:	431207
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	431208

    2、某些影片反复下载均提示不是最佳质量,Travelers同样如此,从第三季开始下载的都是 EAC 2.0
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	236
Size:	263.2 KB
ID:	431209


    I am confused here... You are saying the TV Show Travelers claims to have Dolby Atmos but StreamFab downloads Dolby 2.0 and you offer proof by showing the results of Supergirl?

    Anyway, i assume it's a mistake...

    What you need to understand is that if a show has 20 seasons and 1 season has Dolby Atmos, they will put that logo there.

    So for Travellers, only Season 3 has Dolby Atmos. But because Netflix scan the 1st episode of Season 1, it doesn't see Dolby Atmos and thus downloads all seasons in Dolby 2.0.

    The proper way to get this show would be to scan Season 1 and queue Seasons 1 & 2 and then scan Season 3 and queue that one.

    Once again, a great example of why we need to be able to scan individual episodes but StreamFab still refuses to give it to us... I am seriously losing patience here and everyday i consider stopping posting here...

    So, if you want Atmos for Season 3, copy this link while StreamFab is running to force it to analyze Season 3. If you don't have the clipboard monitoring turned on, just paste that link in the Netflix module

    As you can see, StreamFab can download the Atmos for Season 3:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	310
Size:	59.5 KB
ID:	431219


      Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
      I am confused here... You are saying the TV Show Travelers claims to have Dolby Atmos but StreamFab downloads Dolby 2.0 and you offer proof by showing the results of Supergirl?

      Anyway, i assume it's a mistake...

      What you need to understand is that if a show has 20 seasons and 1 season has Dolby Atmos, they will put that logo there.

      So for Travellers, only Season 3 has Dolby Atmos. But because Netflix scan the 1st episode of Season 1, it doesn't see Dolby Atmos and thus downloads all seasons in Dolby 2.0.

      The proper way to get this show would be to scan Season 1 and queue Seasons 1 & 2 and then scan Season 3 and queue that one.

      Once again, a great example of why we need to be able to scan individual episodes but StreamFab still refuses to give it to us... I am seriously losing patience here and everyday i consider stopping posting here...

      So, if you want Atmos for Season 3, copy this link while StreamFab is running to force it to analyze Season 3. If you don't have the clipboard monitoring turned on, just paste that link in the Netflix module

      As you can see, StreamFab can download the Atmos for Season 3:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	310
Size:	59.5 KB
ID:	431219
      But the third season I downloaded is still not Atmos. It is on the browser but not on StreamFab.


        Log for Supergirl
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by catalyst View Post
          Log for Supergirl
          I've passed the log file to the developers.
          Just to confirm, did you set the correct audio codec in the Settings?
          Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot-20231007-184549.png
Views:	253
Size:	41.1 KB
ID:	431272


            Originally posted by jpp72 View Post
            So for Travellers, only Season 3 has Dolby Atmos. But because Netflix scan the 1st episode of Season 1, it doesn't see Dolby Atmos and thus downloads all seasons in Dolby 2.0.

            The proper way to get this show would be to scan Season 1 and queue Seasons 1 & 2 and then scan Season 3 and queue that one.

            Once again, a great example of why we need to be able to scan individual episodes but StreamFab still refuses to give it to us... I am seriously losing patience here and everyday i consider stopping posting here...

            So, if you want Atmos for Season 3, copy this link while StreamFab is running to force it to analyze Season 3. If you don't have the clipboard monitoring turned on, just paste that link in the Netflix module
            This part has been updated.
            If the audio codec of Netflix is set to Atmos, all episodes will be downloaded in Atmos if Atmos is available in that episode, and it will not be affected by the analysis result of the current episode.


              Originally posted by Mona View Post

              This part has been updated.
              If the audio codec of Netflix is set to Atmos, all episodes will be downloaded in Atmos if Atmos is available in that episode, and it will not be affected by the analysis result of the current episode.
              In what version of StreamFab? I just tried in v6.1.4.4 and it does not do that. Don't believe everything the developers tell you as they don't seem to test their work.

              Not only that, it does the exact opposite. We know for a fact that season 3 has Atmos as i can download it if i scan season 3 instead of season 1.

              These are my settings:

              Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	24.8 KB ID:	431280

              When scanning season 1, you cannot select Atmos. Just EAC3 5.1:

              Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	122.6 KB ID:	431281

              So the beautifully coded, very functional Netflix module that supposedly will download Atmos when available, gives us this great piece logic:

              Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	101.5 KB ID:	431282

              That image translates to:

              Listen buddy, i know you want Atmos cause you said so in the settings. But you, like the idiot you are, chose 5.1 without Atmos. You should have chosen Atmos if you wanted Atmos! What's that you say? It's not in the list? You would like to be able to inspect individual episodes so you can choose the right download options? Fuck that! We will implement A.I. (Asshole Intelligence) to pick the best audio for you. EAC3 @ 128kbps and 2 Channels is way better than EAC3 @ 640kbps and 6 Channels!

              Now go back to complaining so we can troll you some more by asking you for credentials to a streamer were we can't download subtitles even after you gave us step by step instructions on how to do it. Newsflash! We never actually intend on fixing it.

              I am honestly nearing the end of my rope here. This no scanning individual episodes or at the very least, individual seasons is leaving a really bad taste in my mouth. The competitor has been doing this SINCE ITS INCEPTION. You can scan individual episodes or individual seasons. Last word was StreamFab may, perhaps, think about, maybe, possibly, entertain the idea, one day in next little while, schedule some time, to see if they want to try and assess the potential benefits of such a feature.

              Mona : Do you want admin access to the Bug Tracker? You guys can keep it on my servers for a while and eventually you can host it yourselves where you host this badly configured VBulletin. I think this was the last straw for me and will go dark on here. Too much wasted energy with valid user concerns and suggestions falling on deaf ears.
              Last edited by jpp72; 10-07-2023, 05:18 PM.


                Originally posted by mona View Post

                i've passed the log file to the developers.
                Just to confirm, did you set the correct audio codec in the settings?
                Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot-20231007-184549.png
Views:	253
Size:	41.1 KB
ID:	431272


                  Originally posted by catalyst View Post

                  It's been passed to the QA team to check.


                    Originally posted by jpp72 View Post

                    In what version of StreamFab? I just tried in v6.1.4.4 and it does not do that. Don't believe everything the developers tell you as they don't seem to test their work.

                    Not only that, it does the exact opposite. We know for a fact that season 3 has Atmos as i can download it if i scan season 3 instead of season 1.

                    These are my settings:

                    Click image for larger version Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	24.8 KB ID:	431280

                    When scanning season 1, you cannot select Atmos. Just EAC3 5.1:

                    Click image for larger version Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	122.6 KB ID:	431281

                    So the beautifully coded, very functional Netflix module that supposedly will download Atmos when available, gives us this great piece logic:

                    Click image for larger version Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	101.5 KB ID:	431282

                    That image translates to:

                    Listen buddy, i know you want Atmos cause you said so in the settings. But you, like the idiot you are, chose 5.1 without Atmos. You should have chosen Atmos if you wanted Atmos! What's that you say? It's not in the list? You would like to be able to inspect individual episodes so you can choose the right download options? Fuck that! We will implement A.I. (Asshole Intelligence) to pick the best audio for you. EAC3 @ 128kbps and 2 Channels is way better than EAC3 @ 640kbps and 6 Channels!

                    Now go back to complaining so we can troll you some more by asking you for credentials to a streamer were we can't download subtitles even after you gave us step by step instructions on how to do it. Newsflash! We never actually intend on fixing it.

                    I am honestly nearing the end of my rope here. This no scanning individual episodes or at the very least, individual seasons is leaving a really bad taste in my mouth. The competitor has been doing this SINCE ITS INCEPTION. You can scan individual episodes or individual seasons. Last word was StreamFab may, perhaps, think about, maybe, possibly, entertain the idea, one day in next little while, schedule some time, to see if they want to try and assess the potential benefits of such a feature.

                    Mona : Do you want admin access to the Bug Tracker? You guys can keep it on my servers for a while and eventually you can host it yourselves where you host this badly configured VBulletin. I think this was the last straw for me and will go dark on here. Too much wasted energy with valid user concerns and suggestions falling on deaf ears.
                    Oh, I have passed your report to the QA team and have them double-checked, will update here if there is news from them.

                    The admin access to the Bug Tracker is not needed, we have a different bug system for internal use. Thanks for saying so.
                    The developers have also arranged time to check the bug tracker and they will try to fix the bugs listed there in time.
                    I am sorry for any unhappy experience you are having here.


                      The admin access to the Bug Tracker is not needed, we have a different bug system for internal use.
                      DVDFab's bug system -
                      Mona: "Thanks for your feedback, I'll pass it to the developer"
                      ​Developer: ***!(English - *** that!)

                      I am sorry for any unhappy experience you are having here.
                      No, you aren't. The only thing you are sorry about is that people are finally catching on to the con game you've been playing. It's all about pulling in more money and ignoring user's requests. You've been lucky over the last 6 months or so in that none of the major streamers have changed their DRM. That's allowed you to string out minor issues and make it look like you are doing something all the while coming out with new modules for minor streamers to make even more money. When the DRMs start changing, the shit is going to hit the fan and more and more users will realize what they've bought into. A fraud scheme run by a few people, working from home, in conjunction with ONE developer (who is in it way over his head) and protected by the bamboo wall that China provides. This, too, shall change.

                      Just a word of advice to Mona (or whatever your real name is) - Any company that will screw their customers will also screw their employees. For all that you appear to do, you could easily be replaced by AI (not that the developer has shown any capability in writing AI code as evidenced by the example that jpp72 has shown in the Download Report posted above). I hope you've made enough money out of this scheme to last the rest of your life before they kick you to the curb.
                      Last edited by Wilson.Wang; 10-09-2023, 09:21 AM.

